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Montsuki Student Council


Level 59

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?: Nope!

What is your timezone?: CST

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?: DrainingFeeling#2236

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):


Yasuno's Korean Application | SchoolRP [DENIED]

Hayden's Italian Lang Application | SchoolRP [ACCEPTED]

Hayden's Height Application | SchoolRP [ACCEPTED]


Dallas's Spanish Application | SchoolRP [ACCEPTED]

Kasper's History Teacher Application | SchoolRP [DENIED]

Fukui's Dutch Application | SchoolRP [ACCEPTED]

Fukui's Hospital Staff Application | SchoolRP [DENIED]

Marceline's JSL App | SchoolRP [ACCEPTED]

Bö JSL Language | SchoolRP [DENIED]

Describe your activity on the server?: I’m on every day when i’m not busy which is after school on weekdays then after / before work on fridays and saturdays! So a good 7/10!

List your accounts and roles on this server?:
DrainingFeeling : [22] [College] [M]
SuitKink 18 [Grade-12]
luvndrain [1] [Bird]

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?: I am fully aware and acknowledge that if I am inactive for more than 15 days then I'll be removed from the council.


What is student council and what do they do?
Student Council is a group of students who are elected by their own peers who review the current issues of concerns and organize a way to go about it. Not only that but they provide event and activity ideas to keep the school’s students active and involved with their school! They make things more interesting during the school year.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, ect.): I’ve been wanting to apply for a while actually! And now i’m finally doing it! Alongside a friend of mine is applying later on and I thought might as well and they had encouraged me to do so! I have a friend who used to be in the council and they seemed to love it when they were apart of it so might as well give it a shot! Trying something new!

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and team work ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events): I am fully aware that I will need to use my own creativity to contribute to the team! I’ve got a mind full of creative ideas as I am myself oocly a creative person and would love to share it with others.

Can you list the roles in council along with others roles that might be important to council?:

Advisors: The position held by the school faculty to watch over the student council to make sure they are doing their job and alongside that they help ease students into their fitting roles within the council!

President: The president is basically the lead of the student council. They are elected by students within the school! Their job is to keep things flowing within the council. I’m sure they do more which I will find out on if I get accepted

Vice President: The Vice President is chosen by the student council president and has authority when the president is not available at said time.

Treasurer: The Treasurer manages the financial aspects of the student council which includes any following deposits and expenditures made from possible events!

Committee: The Committee are representatives that are responsible for reporting any information collected about particular aspects of the school and it’s students.

Historian: Sometimes I've heard that Student Councils will have historians which keep track of any information related to the student council throughout its years.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

I’d take myself closer to make myself more clear. Place a gentle hand on the shoulder and respectfully ask for attention. If they continue to ignore me after tons of tries, I'll have to pull along an adult that isn’t busy within the school. I refuse to raise my voice as it won't be necessary.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
I follow the student and tell them the reasons to why we can't have masks on in the school grounds as it covers ones identity and the school must know who each and every student are. If they continue to do this act of running away from his problems i'd let an adult who works within the school know about the situation and I go ahead and follow them until I can catch up to them to wait for the adult to arrive. If there is nothing I can do in my power then a higher school staff member can surely do something about it.

There seems to be a councilor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?
I step in between the two and stare at the fellow councilor, pointing out their actions and how it goes against our policy and acceptions. I’ll apologize to the poor student who has been a victim in the situation before going back to the other council member. Once I finish with discussing the poor choices the member has made, I'll let the lead be aware of what had happened and from then on they can decide what to do about it and if a punishment will be necessary.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information? I would confront a student council member if they would be willing to help and share the information and run it over with me sometime when they're free so I could gather the information and be informed on anything that is needed.

A teacher/receptionist has told you or done something that goes against what you were trained by your higher ups. How would you react to this? I would simply let them know that it isn't in my training so I wouldn't be able to help out and apologize. I'd then recommend asking a faculty member about the subject instead of me.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):

An Event idea that has been brewing in my mind has been an ethnicity / cultural event! Basically, we take some shrine members along with students who have all sorts of different religions and cultures to set up stands that follow the religion that they believe in! Along with the culture that follows! We could also add stations that show the cultures different types of norms like foods they eat, clothing statements, etc! They will present their own experiences within the religion or/and culture along with education of the religion or/and culture for those who are interested. Along with that, they can each have a donation bank that goes to a charity that follows along with the religion or/and culture! I think that this would be beneficial for the school and its students to give the students a chance to share their beliefs and experiences along with meeting those who are also included within its topic! The placing for this would be the gym or the baseball field depending on how many stands we'll be given! I really do think this is an idea that could go into action and show that we are welcoming to everyone and what they believe in especially for those new students as I've noticed that we've been getting a lot of new students from all over the world! it's pretty cool! So providing this event can show that security and safety others have within their religions and cultures. What brought this idea along was that my friend had an idea of wanting to start up an Ethnicity club! I fully support him on it and would love to see it grow! So having an event like this could really help the idea of the club to get started. So not only will this event be beneficial to the school and its students, it could also help out that club idea my friend has!


Character Name:
Montsuki Chiba

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 22

Character phone-number: (030)-116-3061

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:
Montsuki is a straightforward kinda guy. When in serious conversations he’ll get to the point and prefers people to get to the point instead of dragging the conversation on for ages. He makes sure to get things done when they need to be done and is always kept busy doing something. It’s usually his college homework that he gains. He is a pretty friendly lad as well and can get along very easily with others managing to create great bonds with one another.

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

(the male on the left)

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?: I personally am very active within school and think that helps raise my activity within the council. I don’t see many student council members around so I could help to decrease that chance! I’m pretty much found roaming around the school helping whenever I can with whatever it is that's needed on help from friends or teachers if they ask.

Why do you want this position?: I’ve always wanted to help out within the school and found out about the school council which only urged me to look into the group! I’ve learned more and more about the group and found it only suitable to apply to join in! I would love to experience something new while helping out the school and it’s students. I am usually found roaming around the school with nothing better to do and have an itch to keep myself busy so I have come to the conclusion that the Student Council will help me with that need.

What interests you the most about student council?: Event planning! I honestly can say that I think helping out on planning events for the school is pretty fun! When planning an event, you’ve gotta put many aspects into it! Things like, how it will be beneficial for the school, how it will be beneficial for the students, what additional fun can spice things up to make it something students will want to be a part of, etc!.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?: I would Routinely include strategies and activities when required too and any updates on what's been happening around the school. I can provide a handy helping hand to help for any tasks that need to be done.
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Level 35
Thank you for applying, however, unfortunately, we do not accept GangRP in our faction and, due to you being in a verified gang at the moment, you are being denied. You are welcome to apply again in the future!

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