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More ways to Get Minor perms


Level 16
What's your Minecraft Username?: CriminalRP
What's the title of your suggestion?: More ways to Get Minor perms

What's your suggestion?:
Suggestions for Minors

I love combat role play but it just seems limited to gain minor perms. So I'm making a suggestion to add more ways to get minors. Minors is essential to get into a fight with someone but Sometimes Its really hard to throw hands with other people because theres only 5 reasons to start a fight which is unprofessional and unrealistic for only 5 reasons in the entire world to start a fight which is why I'm requesting more ways to get minors.

Physically Bullied
Such as swirlies shoving in lockers.
You only need motive to physically bully someone such as

a. character snitching to a teacher.
b. Others telling you what to do in a class room setting
c. having a consented perms and motive on why character a thinks character b is weird.
e.If someone physically bullied you, you can do the same to them.

such as fighting over gambling racing or sports when stakes are high.

If someone actually betrayed or did something wrong to you such as.

a.Cheating with a girl or dude
b.Unfriending someone in a aggressive manor and a consented reason for perms.
c. Insults are mentioned in the rules i am requesting but this one is made so characters can insult so if a character a insults someone and the character b that is insulted requests for perms and is accepted by character a then they can fight.
b. any consented reason for revenge

if character a gets insulted and character a requests perms with character b and they accept then they should get perms. This is how it will work.

Character a: Ummm teacher this dude brought alchohal to school.

Teacher: detention mother fucker

Character B: you are such a teachers pet little bitch

(ooc) character a do you agree to fight i got a motive against you

(ooc) character B: hell yeah

And they fight.
there are exceptions

anything that is not that deep such as

minor verbal bullying
It basicly has to be at the point where things get personal.

This way perm baiters will not use it intentionally as they did back in 2019 and 2020.


Cheating on a romantic a partner should be a reason to throw hands. unconsented for the other romantic partner b

They also get perms on the one who they cheated with if consented

If characters are consented personal rivals then they can throw hands for as long as the party wishes.
aka they can fight as many times as they want over a period of time when it comes to minors

Note they can still get majors or any higher perms from this rule if used.

This is different than consented perms.

Debt Collection:
If debts are owed by a organization or any indivisual if they don't hand over the money when asked after 3 ooc days or more they get minors until they pay.

Wrongfully suspended or punished
If someone was wrongfully suspended or punished by you the person that is suspended or punished gets perms.

Cyber bullying
if they are being bullied on ikigai, onrain or any school rp approved role play social media app should be a reason to gain perms if perms are consented they can fight.

I could go over more reasons but I think I should go over more later.
I think this is very good to add to the minors list

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will add a diversity of reasons to start a fight with someone. Some rules won't even need consent however others will due to the fact that some things might not be personally that deep to me or some other people.
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Level 117
Ngl most if not all of the stuff you mentioned is already encompassed under current rules. for example, bullying is harrasment, and if someone has physically bullied your character (aka they have permissions to do so) then you gain permissions back. a lot of these things can also just be agreed upon by the parties (rivalry, cheating, debt collection) especially since a lot of these are subjective and specific. Also like I understand where this is coming from but some of these I don't think anyone would realistically start a combat session over. If I was wrongfully punished or suspended I'm probably not going to go verbally harass and kick someone's ass I'm going to talk to higher-ups in the school faction. "Revenge" as a motive for minor perms seems far too vague to warrant perms. I don't think that we need to integrate every roleplay thing into the perms system. Just talk with someone about if you can attack their character or if what happened fits under current perms rules, act on them.

So basically, TLDR we already have a lot of these encompassed in giving permissions, and I think others aren't necessary to add as reasons since they don't seem like a real motive for someone to attack another person. (If you want to attack someone for something you can just setup a fight, you don't need to verify your perms for so and so thing)

sorry if this was incoherent I'm tired​


Level 72
3D Modelling Team

I personally disagree only for the fact it'll only make people perm hungry more than they are right now. The rules were changed for a reason, this would likely lead to more perm baiting to get activity done. I'll simply explain my personal opinions on each said thing..

Swirlies and shoving into lockers are simple jock things- they don't need to be taken so seriously to where you are minoring someone because of a simple- push shove.. Especially with using blunt weaponry too right after something so small. It's simply not needed to take too much action on as it's all small misdemeanors between characters.

Why would this need into resorting to minor permissions? It's simply all fun and games, just winning and losing. Why go all out to knock someone out after losing? What win do you get out of it besides assault on your arrest log..

Sure, it's heartbreaking and what not for drama to occur but full on bluntly knocking someone out for unfriending you is a bit much. It seems too much for something so small, if anything just do a detailRP scenario of like... Drama than physical violence. No need to knock someone out for all that!

There used to be the 3 insult rule; but it has changed due to one of the reasons as perm baitingggg... It's self explanatory, people would do it constantly to gain a motive to swing and use minors on someone.

Rivalry is between teams, it's simply harmless jock things. JockRP is completely a different aspect from GangRP, in this situation- you're intending for JockRP matters to be used as a way to do activity.

You were suspended for a reason.

It really doesn't need to be that deep for minor permissions to occur, people will do anything for any sort of perms and honestly will do everything to get to act on them. These reasons would really just cause perm baiting and misdemeanors to happen.


Level 117
There used to be the 3 insult rule; but it has changed due to one of the reasons as perm baitingggg... It's self explanatory, people would do it constantly to gain a motive to swing and use minors on someone.
Oh maybe I was wrong about this, I thought that verbal harrasment was grounds for minors (maybe it is, just not in this way)


Level 72
3D Modelling Team
Oh maybe I was wrong about this, I thought that verbal harrasment was grounds for minors (maybe it is, just not in this way)
It's now a motive thing, you're able to start a fight but cannot get any KO points out of it. You can push them, or shove them, which will lead them in having minors on you


Level 16
Thread starter
resorting to minor permissions? It's simply all fun and games, just winning and losing. Why go all out to knock someone out after losing?
dude the rule mentions gambling.
Swirlies and shoving into lockers are simple jock things- they don't need to be taken so seriously to where you are minoring someone because of a simple- push shove..
Its basicly the same thing as assault but done in a different way my guy its just not in the minors rule book which is why its mistaken.
Sure, it's heartbreaking and what not for drama to occur but full on bluntly knocking someone out for unfriending you is a bit much. It seems too much for something so small, if anything just do a detailRP scenario of like... Drama than physical violence. No need to knock someone out for all that!
don't you think you would be angry if someone cheated on you in real life you would probably think that chick is a hoe. People in real life kill over girls in the hood and it doesnt even have to happen there. It could happen anywhere.

Note I'm not promoting illegal content but im just stating facts.

I'm not saying unfriending someone in a friendly manner it has to be aggressive. like "FUCK U BITCH YOU NOT MY FRIEND ANYMORE U MY ENEMY."
Rivalry is between teams, it's simply harmless jock things. JockRP is completely a different aspect from GangRP, in this situation- you're intending for JockRP matters to be used as a way to do activity.
I ment in gang or combat rp tense dude.
There used to be the 3 insult rule; but it has changed due to one of the reasons as perm baitingggg... It's self explanatory, people would do it constantly to gain a motive to swing and use minors on someone.
It has to get personal and both parties have to consent. You cant just say fuck you 3 times and the other person swings like the rule used to.
You were suspended for a reason.
Depends on the reason if someone was falsely reported then it could be used for minors or they could go report it to the school.

Note its your opinion and other opinions matter I'm just expressing what i typed in simple terms so you could understand it more.
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Level 27
dude the rule mentions gambling cant you read

Its basicly the same thing as assault but done in a different way my guy its just not in the minors rule book which is why its mistaken. do you think being shoved isn't assault then you my friend need to go to law school.

don't you think you would be angry if someone cheated on you in real life you would probably think that chick is a hoe. People in real life kill over girls in the hood and it doesnt even have to happen there. It could happen anywhere.

I'm not saying unfriending someone in a friendly manner it has to be aggressive. like "FUCK U BITCH YOU NOT MY FRIEND ANYMORE U MY ENEMY."

I ment in gang or combat rp tense dude.

It has to get personal and both parties have to consent. You cant just say fuck you 3 times and the other person swings like the rule used to.

Depends on the reason if someone was falsely reported then it could be used for minors or they could go report it to the school.

let's try to be friendly in this debate, if you didn't want opinions on the matter then you shouldn't have posted a suggestion.

bheom was simply pointing out why and how the rules were changed. a lot of the stuff you mentioned was removed already and there was very good reasoning behind it.

it might be helpful to read over the rules about perms before making a post that suggests reversing a lot of the work that staff has done to make things fairer & more playable. it's not meant to be realistic. people on the streets of Karakura were removing each other's limbs left and right before proper rules were put into place. now ask yourself, is that fair?

at the end of the day it's just a block game my friend, it's really not that big of a deal. if you don't like the rules, then don't participate.


Level 16
Thread starter
let's try to be friendly in this debate, if you didn't want opinions on the matter then you shouldn't have posted a suggestion.

bheom was simply pointing out why and how the rules were changed. a lot of the stuff you mentioned was removed already and there was very good reasoning behind it.

it might be helpful to read over the rules about perms before making a post that suggests reversing a lot of the work that staff has done to make things fairer & more playable. it's not meant to be realistic. people on the streets of Karakura were removing each other's limbs left and right before proper rules were put into place. now ask yourself, is that fair?

at the end of the day it's just a block game my friend, it's really not that big of a deal. if you don't like the rules, then don't participate.


Level 331
Since I know that a lot of people are gonna try to gaslight you into thinking certain actions don't result in perms, here's an explanation for each of the things you mentioned.

Physically Bullied
Such as swirlies shoving in lockers.
This is already a thing as stated in rule 9.2b
9.2b Minor Assault: If someone physically attacks your character, you may retaliate with minor assault.​

Any attack, be it grab, push, tackle, etc. results in minor assault permissions (lesser actions require a stronger motive, but that's specific to each situation)

such as fighting over gambling racing or sports when stakes are high.
This is applicable if you gamble and one of the parties doesn't follow through
9.2c Scamming/Theft: If someone attempts to scam/mug any sum of money or item from you, you may minorly assault them.​

However, losing a bet shouldn't cause you to get mad at your opponent if they won fair and square. Of course, you'd have motive to try and run off, and if the other party tries to physically attack you to prevent you from leaving, you'd get minor assault permissions according to 9.2b

If someone actually betrayed or did something wrong to you such as.
DOESN'T EXIST - Unnecessary, as IC Motive/OOC consent already exists
This shouldn't result in minor assault permissions. I feel like if you've developed roleplay enough to have actual developed revenge, you should be able to OOCly consent to P2L or knock each other out. If not, you always have IC motive to start a fight with them (but not knock them out until/if they retaliate)

if character a gets insulted and character a requests perms with character b and they accept then they should get perms. This is how it will work.
DOESN'T EXIST - Unnecessary, as IC Motive/OOC consent already exists
This was removed months ago, as it resulted in poorly developed situations. Again, if you wish to start a fight with them, go on, but you shouldn't go straight for someone's head if they just said "fuck you, you're ugly".


Cheating on a romantic a partner should be a reason to throw hands. unconsented for the other romantic partner b
DOESN'T EXIST - Unnecessary, as IC Motive/OOC consent already exists
If you've had enough roleplay to witness your IC partner cheating on your character, you shouldn't be afraid of asking for OOC consent to assault the character that your IC partner cheated on you with.

If characters are consented personal rivals then they can throw hands for as long as the party wishes.
aka they can fight as many times as they want over a period of time when it comes to minors
ALREADY EXISTS / IC Motive/OOC consent already exists
Official teams automatically have minor assault permissions on each other, so if you're interested in that kind of rivalry, you can try out! As for more personal rivalries such as gang interactions, you should rely on IC motive or OOCly consented agreements among gangs to make sure roleplay develops smoothly

Debt Collection:
If debts are owed by a organization or any indivisual if they don't hand over the money when asked after 3 ooc days or more they get minors until they pay.
This is already a thing as stated in rule 9.2c
9.2c Scamming/Theft: If someone attempts to scam/mug any sum of money or item from you, you may minorly assault them.​

Wrongfully suspended or punished
If someone was wrongfully suspended or punished by you the person that is suspended or punished gets perms.
DOESN'T EXIST - Unnecessary, as IC Motive/OOC consent already exists
You shouldn't try to assault teachers, as they'd ICly report it to SLT and get your character suspended (not to mention the role itself isn't supposed to engage in non-consented CombatRP as a whole). As for the person that reported you, you can attack them on the basis of IC motive. Remember that school interactions shouldn't escalate into full-blown GangRP interactions.

Cyber bullying
if they are being bullied on ikigai, onrain or any school rp approved role play social media app should be a reason to gain perms if perms are consented they can fight.
DOESN'T EXIST - Unnecessary, as IC Motive/OOC consent already exists
This shouldn't exist because of the same reason as normal harassment. If your character is being stalked or harassed, you shouldn't resort to /me hits their head until you K.O them based on the result of a roll-off. Harassment is something that takes a lot of time and effort, believe it or not, so you should respond appropriately by either reporting it to police, filing a lawsuit against them, or OOCly consent an interaction between you and them (or using IC motive, as stated before)

All of these seem very specific and not really necessary, as the rulebook is already long enough. I recommend trying to OOCly consent situations more, as permissions were "nerfed" (if you wanna call it that way) to encourage a more cooperative and healthy attitude.


Level 73
The server would be in a better place if we removed permissions completely guys.


Level 89
-1 there are already many ways to get minors perms, yonio explained it very well. In the end in certain situations both parties are expected to collaborate.


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
OOC Consent, if you think something makes sense to happen in roleplay, you can always try asking the other party in LOOC if they'd consent to you doing x to their character


Level 199
The increase of minor perms will just cause absolute chaos as if we don’t have enough combat around the server anyway. Better yet, just don’t get into fights and everyone will be happy. :D

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