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Mu Caito | A Biography


Level 6


[Art by Ko_Hoshi18 <3]

[♡] First Name: Mu - meaning ‘Admired’
“Like the sound a kitten makes, mew mew”

[♡] Surname: Caito (formerly Tsao)

[♡] Gender: Female

[♡] Pronouns: She/Her

[♡] Age: 19

[♡] Occupation: College-Student
✧ former unemployed college-drop out
"I told you- I DON'T want to talk about it!"

[♡] Height: 167 cm | 5’5” with her shoes on, she refuses to acknowledge her height without them.

[♡] Weight: 115 lbs | 52 kg

[♡] Build: A slender, and delicately pear shaped build. She has strong thighs and long legs, that are often put on display with her outfits. Her thin waist could be accentuated with her tightly fit clothes and belts - why cover what you’re proud of.

[♡] Skin Color: Pale Ivory, smooth with little to no imperfections

[♡] Eye Color: Gray - Brown

[♡] Hair Style: Long, yet slightly wavy brown hair going down to her waist, occasionally half-tied back with a bow. Her blonde bangs and fringe styled to the left of her face.

[♡] Hair Color: Cappuccino brown, with her bangs and front hair strands a bleached platinum blonde color

[♡] Fashion: A dark, and slightly goth, style of dressing. She opts for darker-toned colors, generally browns and blacks. Her favorite item of clothing being her short plaid skirt matched with her dark fishnet leggings, a belt cinching her waist. She completes the look with a tall pair of black boots, a warm and cozy cardigan, and a tight-fitted top.

[♡] Abnormalities: N/A

[♡] Date of Birth: September 23rd

[♡] Place of Birth: Born in the outskirts of the capital Hangzhou in the Zhejiang province of China.

[♡] Nationality: Chinese

[♡] Spoken Languages: Chinese, Russian

[♡] Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, with a big question mark.

[♡] Religious Beliefs: Grew up with Taoism being the main religion at home, due to her deeply religious grandmother. Mu herself isn’t practicing or a firm believer, but she keeps the religious roots in the back of her mind.

[♡] Political Beliefs: Never showed an interest in politics.

[♡] Appearance: A darkly dressed young woman, standing at around 167 cm in height, including her high-heeled boots. She has a cold-faced look, giving off the “looks like she can kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll” vibe. Her brown eyes seem gray and dull, but her numerous soft freckles soften her seemingly mean appearance. She has wavy cinnamon brown hair, paired with bleached platinum blonde bangs and fringe. Her ears are heavily pierced and adorned with many earrings and jewelry, the most striking being her industrial piercing. She has a dark tattoo on her sternum, of a twisted snake entangled in thorns.

[♡] Personality: Has quite the two-faced personality, capable of being rude, mean, and ‘bitchy’ towards certain people, but still presenting her best and kindest self to authority figures and strangers. She finds that insults and snarky comments come naturally to her, and usually she doesn’t hold back to saying them. Regardless, she has a soft side to certain people, perhaps even a bit romantic or at least- longing for something of the sort.

[♡] Diseases/Illness: N/A

[♡] Character Voice:
Beidou of Genshin Impact (Chinese DUB)

[♡] Equipment:
✧ Always carries around a pack of lollipops, eating and playing around with them in moments of boredom, or simply due to the fact that it became a habit for her to have something in her mouth.
✧ Additionally, she’d carry around a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in her right boot, ready to be pulled out dramatically when the time comes.

[♡] Hobbies:
✧ Bullying and teasing Kotaro Hamasaki.
✧ Literature and writing - she is intrigued with the poems and plays of William Shakespeare, and aspires to learn from his techniques (but couldn’t actually handle a Literature major in college, hence the ‘dropped out’).
✧ She is a ‘plant mother’ who prides herself in the ‘family’ of various plants growing on her windowsill.

[♡] Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Suffers from emotional dysregulation, which results in her struggle to manage her emotional responses and stress. Although she has found aid in managing most of her symptoms, and handles them internally, some unexpected situations may cause this to surface more visibly.

[♡] Skills:
✧ Very skilled at getting on Kotaro Hamasaki’s nerves.
✧ Is told that she is a ‘natural’ at photography and taking various photos of people and natural scenes.

[♡] Family: Was born into a family consisting of single mother, Li Hua Tsao, grandmother Nai Nai and nearby relatives, such as cousins, aunts, and uncles. Her biological father was absent since before Mu's birth, and she has received little to no information about him- besides the fact that he was a "bad man" from his grandmother. After she was aged around 7, Mu's mother decided to remarry a foreigner, an Italian man named Andrea Caito, from whom Mu received her new and current last name.

[♡] Backstory:

✧ Age 0 - 7

Mu Tsao was born in a small household in the outskirts of Hangzhou, the capital city of the Zhejiang Province in Eastern China. She was born to a single mother, who had ceased contact with Mu’s biological father since before she was born. Luckily for both Mu and her mother, they were able to live with Mu’s maternal grandmother, where they shared a roof with several aunts and cousins. Mu’s childhood was surrounded by family and children her age, so she grew up sheltered and well cared for, despite their cramped and lower class living standards. Mu’s mother worked long hours as a librarian and night shifts as a nursing home assistant to help support Mu as well as the immediate family living together. This resulted in young Mu being raised mostly by her Nai Nai (grandma) who taught Mu how to be independent and hard-working since before she could properly talk. During this time, Mu learned a lot from her grandmother, including aspects of Taoism. Nai Nai would spend much of her time talking about and preaching her beliefs of living simply and in harmony with nature, bringing them up even in tasks that seemed completely unrelated to the subject. Therefore, overtime, certain morals and beliefs became embedded in Mu’s fundamental view of the world, despite the fact that she never fully practiced it the same way. Additionally, Mu’s grandmother was a horticulturist, who also passed down her love and passion for growing various ornamental plants to Mu. It was an activity that they did together in their free time, as Mu would help bring soil, decorative rocks, and would assist in trimming, even as a young child. At the age of 6, Mu started primary school, walking herself to the nearby school since the first day. Her school life was focused mainly around having fun and getting into trouble, which was a troubling sign for her mother, and marked the beginning of Mu’s school struggled. Nevertheless, Mu somehow handled the first year of her primary school experience, passing with decent grades earned with the blood, sweat, and tears of the family members who did their best to push her along.

✧ Age 8-15
During Mu’s first year of primary school, Mu’s mother met a foreign man, an Italian man by the name of Andrea Caito, who she quickly fell in love with.. (for better or worse reasons) and decided to remarry impulsively (which is where Mu got her current surname from). For Mu’s mother, this was an opportunity to have a better life, having the chance to move outside of her motherland and provide a better life for her daughter. Mu wasn’t necessarily happy about this decision, as she’d have to leave behind her Nai Nai and family, but kept it to herself (after being lectured the first time around, she deemed it better to stay quiet). Andrea Caito became Mu’s step-father quite early on in her mother’s relationship with him, but he was always sweet, accepting, and caring to her, making sure she had anything she needed.. material or emotional. Mu, on the other hand, wasn’t always so open and kind to her step-father, being slightly frustrated at the fact she had to move because of him, but over time she grew to appreciate him (though in retrospect, she definitely could have been nicer…). As mentioned before, Mu moved with her mother and new step-father to Cosenza, Italy where Andrea Caito worked at a business firm, holding a decently high executive position. The family’s life in Italy was calm and relaxed, definitely more luxurious and well-off than it was before for Mu and her mother. During this time, Mu attended the continuation of primary school and the first couple years of high school. Mu wasn’t a top student, but neither was she the worst, despite her struggles to focus on studies, she maintained her status as an average student. She indulged herself in Italian culture and ancient arts as well, intrigued in the history, culture and literature of ancient empires and territories. In addition to her literature passion, where she read and wrote her own poems and short stories, she also worked in a flower shop during her free time, applying the skills her grandmother taught her.

✧ Age 16-19
At around the age of 16, Mu’s step-father Andrea had received a business offer in Sendai, Japan, with the option to move there. Mu’s mother and step-father reached the agreement that moving there would be the best for them, a change of pace, as well as an ambitious business plan that would put them in a financially beneficial situation. Of course, Mu wasn’t asked her thoughts on the move, and was simply told to pack her things and go with them. The constant moving and lack of stability was difficult on Mu, and she often felt isolated and unheard. Nevertheless, she moved to Sendai, Japan attending an International School there, where she could study in English and learn Japanese over time. During this time, she cultivated her rebellious spirit, an outlet for her pent-up frustrations and isolation. Skipping school or simply missing classes became a daily thing for her. She’d sneak out in the middle of the night to meet up with friends, drink and smoke, or to hang out with guys. Mu’s mother would get heart attacks each time Mu would come home, because she would return each time with a new tattoo or a new piercing. Her style changed as well, straying from her mother’s preferred bright colors and dresses, to dark attire, skirts, leather, and fishnet tights. A classic rebellious phase, that happened to stick with Mu for much longer- it felt liberating for her. In the end, Mu barely passed high school, but she still gave in to her parents please to apply to a University. She chose to apply to Karakura College, as this gave her the possibility to get away from home for studies. However, consistent with Mu’s previous grades and effort in high school, Mu’s college career did not start off very well either. Despite studying literature like she felt was best for her, she decided that college studies and rigor were not meant for her, and she decided to drop out. There were days where she regret her decision, and hoped to return to her major, to complete a degree and start a career, but ultimately it was her friend who managed to convince her to reapply... and she got accepted as a college student again!

Her story is still in the making- <3
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