What is your Minecraft username?: MushyRP
What is your time zone?: My timezone is GMT+3.
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
My discord username is @redsinsanity2
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general: I've been on SRP for a while now, a few years to be exact, maybe 4-5. I've also played on the old server that was once within RPH, FantasyRP and that server taught me a lot about roleplay. I've been constantly roleplaying and have been improving ever since I got back to SRP.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP: Grade-12 only.
What is the subject you want to teach?: I would like to teach History.

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?: For a while now, I've thought of trying to apply for a teacher or a professor role. It has sat in my mind for at least half a year. I almost applied once, but decided against it eventually. I started GangRP and was in some really good roleplays, but that was a while ago. Lately, I've been very bored on SRP, and I think applying to become a professor on a subject that I in real life, really really like and excel at.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. The class will have their attention to the board, as I will be writing a lot. The class will be all about the history of Samurai, the legendary protectors of Japan and the surroundings. The students will have a one time chance to come up and try and play as samurai and bandits. It will be alongside a performing arts teacher, as it'll have to have key stuff that only a performing arts teacher would know how to teach. They will act as I speak, as they will do what they hear, as part of their special lesson. This will be a much more fun way to interact and help the students learn.
2. Napoleon's trial - The students will be "The People" vs. Napoleon. The trial will be set in the classroom, and will be a debate like lesson. They will try to recreate something that happened, like Napoleon's trial. It will be a recreation of any sort of famous trial, but the defendant will be a college student, and the students will have to make up things, to make the entire thing funny. There are also going to be a few of these classes.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted: The students will go to the shrine, organized with the volunteers there. The shrine volunteers will show the students around the shrine, and even access some places you wouldn't usually. The students will be able to ask anything, and will be given a lot of information about the shrine. Eventually, the class will be shown how to do duties of some of the volunteers, if they wish. They will learn so they can start thinking about their future already.

Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do? Chén's first instinct is to separate between the jocks. He'd call for backup, in case anyone tries to turn on him. As he waits, he asks the jocks questions of what happened, who, where, why. According to that information he's given, he'll act with detention or not.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do? Chén would ask the student to keep their mouth shut respectfully, and tell them that they shouldn't talk or disturb unless they want further punishment. If they keep going, Chén would have nothing to do but report them to SLT for further punishment.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do? Chén would ask the cheerleaders to stop, threatening with detention. If they keep going, they will be handed out detention. If they don't care and keep going, Chén would have to threaten with SLT. If they again, keep going, they will be sent to SLT.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do? Chén would first threaten them all with detention, and would call for backup. He'd give them all detention, even if his colleagues can't help him. Eventually, if they kept going, they would be sent to SLT.

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

This is Chén. He's 5'10. He's a Heteorchromic person, meaning he has different colored eyes. He's a nice man, but harsh when needed. Chén likes doing interactive classes, which makes him a special professor. He lets his students ask questions, and get interested in the topics he's teaching. He might even take suggestions for future classes, who knows?! He's a nice person, and an overall great professor. He likes his students, even though they can be... hard.. at times, yet he comes out and still teaches them.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Chén Yao was born to small uprisings, in a village called Huangyao. He was a special child, one that was born with Heterochromia, or the feature when your eyes are two different colors. He came to Karakura when he was 16. He quickly drifted into crime, yet he was never caught doing anything suspicious. He was a good kid, but who was in trouble a lot. He eventually left the crime life, with a new girlfriend and a scar. His life finally turned around, and then he moved to Mainland Japan. He started learning History as a degree, continuing it until he finally had a PhD. Chén moved back to Karakura, to pursue his dream of teaching there.

Full Name:
"My name's Chén Yao."
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
"It's Mr, please."
Given Name(s):
"No nicknames."
Preferred Name:
"I am 33."
Gender & pronouns
: "Male, He/Him."
Religious Denomination:
"I do not know what my religious denomination is for now, as I am exploring a few things."
Marital Status:
"I am currently single."
Current Location:
"What a question... Of course, Karakura!"

Teaching Experience (# of years):
"I've taught for 4 years, so far. All in mainland Japan, as a Teaching assistant for a history professor. The first 2 years were as an assistant, and the other two are from being a professor..."
Working Experience (# of years):
"6 Years that I've worked in schools, and I love it. "
Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree in History
Master's Degree in Economics
PhD in History
"I've learnt a lot, and only recently received my PhD."
Year of Graduation:
2015 - Bachelor's Degree in History (Tsukaba University, Mainland Japan.)
2019 - Master's Degree in Economics (Tsukaba University, Mainland Japan.)
2023 - PhD in History (Tsukaba University, Mainland Japan.)
Native Languages:
"My native language is Chinese."
Other Languages:
"Japanese, Greek."
Preferred Teaching Subject:
"History, I love it."
Additional notes about your application (if any):
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