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⌈ UPDATED ⌋ My Introduction <3


Level 7
Hello! I'm Urufu!!

I joined SRP in June of 2023, however I didn't stick around for too long, that was until I came back this year at the beginning of July!! I'm a very extroverted person, and my main goal really is to just be a recognisable and likable face on the server! As of writing this updated version, I've just applied to be a teacher, so let's pray for that hahahah. Little bit more info about myself and then I'll yap about my character a bit :3 , I am British, and a college student! IRL, I study photography, videography, and film. It's basically just camera stuff. My aspiration IRL used to be teaching PE but I wasn't blessed with the ability to study so I fumbled my finals hard. (Still passed almost everything though slayy!!). At the moment, my aspiration is to work in the background stuff in Media! I want my name in the credits. <3

Yay my favourite part, talking about my character!! (The main reason I chose to update this.) My character is Charlotte Shimura, previously called Charlotte Ottome but we do a cheeky bit of retcon <33. I'm not going to talk about my characters' backstory because quite frankly the backstory questions on the two applications I made traumatised me, however she's a pacifist, and very open to talking!! Please do come and say hello, I'll be more than happy to reply!

On the topic of communication, I do have a Discord (Urrufu), if you want to chat, ping me in either the Town, Academics, or SchoolRP server!! Don't DM me, I don't see them :( . As for comms, I can VC but I prefer not to, and if I am do join I don't talk. Sorry!! I don't like calls, and even if I did, I've not got a mic and am making the conscious decision not to get one. Text chat is the way to go for me! <3

Oh oh, another thing - I LIVE UNDER A ROCK!! Sorry if you want to yap about something and I haven't a clue what you're on about.. It may happen a lot ahhahahah.

Ok I am done with my yap, hope we get to meet up and be friends, love you all lots, thanks for reading!!
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Level 3
Haiyo! I love your goofy introduction.
I'm down to talk or meet up in character! Just add me on Discord, scr1bble.f0x :)


Level 1

I am Urufu, I am a photography student in England and I really enjoy roleplay, despite not being that great at it yet. I really love games and animes, but I am also a big fan of slightly less generic things such as DND. That's my only example because I'm really generic :(

I joined SRP in the early-middle of 2023, however I didn't log on all that much unfortunately. I have a few aspirations on the server at the moment, I'd love to get involved in the Student Council at some point, and I'm considering applying to be a Miko in the near future. But my main goal is to be a really recognisable name that everybody is friends with. If you ever see me anywhere, please say hello!! I will always respond (Especially on the server itself because I need friends ASAP !!).

My character in SRP is called Charlotte Ottome, she is inspired by my character in the first ever DND game I played, however I modernised the idea to match the whole modern city aesthetic. I was considering changing the last name though since Ottome translates to female protagonist and I am in no way a protagonist . If you ever see me, again, please say hello! I (OOC) am very bad at starting convosations, but if you speak first I will absolutely reply!! (This applies for OOC aswell as in IC, I just kinda suck at talking to new people :( )

Even though I've been on SRP for a while now, I have very limited knowledge of things, so please be patient with me if we meet!

Thanks for reading my goofy introduction, if you need anything, I will always be available, my discord is Urrufu so get in touch or find me on the server (I will always be at either Showa dorms or the school itself) and I will gladly help or meet up! I really want friends I don't know if you can tell. Hope to see you soon!
Yo it’s Kai Warner from the server never realized it was you haha love the rp we have fr


Level 7
Thread starter
Haiyo! I love your goofy introduction.
I'm down to talk or meet up in character! Just add me on Discord, scr1bble.f0x :)
That'd be great! I think I've seen you around a little bit so if I see you I'll let you know! :)

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