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My Old SRP Screenshots from 2017-2018


Level 29
As I reminisce my old days on the server, I tend to find myself searching every chat with people I knew back then in hopes I can find a screenshot or two from that time. Luckily, I did! I wish I had more, however my computer from back then broke which is actually what caused my leave of absence on the server. If I end up finding more I’ll post them here, and maybe even some from current times! So with that being said; here’s some screenshots and old memories of my endeavors on the server!

We’ll begin with these two iconic screenshots from two perspectives of my character burning in the incinerator in the front of the campus, surrounded by a good amount of the faculty back then. In the back you’ll see oInfi pictured.
Next you’ll see another iconic photo of some of the players I found myself around the most, enjoying a nice relaxing bath together after a long day of handling our classrooms and attending faculty meetings!

Some screenshots in the old Performing Arts classroom, where I taught as various characters, including Yosaki Mikahma, Kimi Wasa, and Morghan Anne. This room is where I had some of the most fun on the server! You’ll see Ryanark, Kas, and others pictured here.

A faculty meeting held between a lot of the old teachers back in 2018. There were others attending this meeting as well, however unfortunately they are not pictured.

Enjoy these photos with one of my old favorite teachers Mity! He is actually one of the people who convinced me to apply for being a teacher back then, so thank you Mity for pushing me to do it and have as much fun as I did! You’ll also see our ICONIC stacker hats that I actually still have!! As well as the redesign of the classroom!


The last one I was able to dig up was this photo with myself and MikeShotz, playing on the old VR sets which actually had mini games on them!! It was so much fun; I remember spending hours with other players on there.

If you made it this far, thank you! These screenshots are from a very fun point of time on the server, and I wanted to post and share them with others who may be interested in seeing other players and characters that have slowly faded away from memories due to time.
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