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Accepted NachoRP's Spanish Teacher Application


Level 331

-- Out-Of-Character Information --

What is your Minecraft username?

How old are you?
I am currently 17, but I'm turning 18 in some days

Do you have any previous bans?
So far, I haven’t had any previous ban whatsoever.

What Country are you from?
I am currently living in Spain.

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?)
I indeed have discord. My username is YonioTheNacho#5112

Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?:
Yes. I do understand this

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do know that, due to unjustified inactivity, one can be removed from the school team. Thus, I will try my best to be as active as possible as well as get online whenever I can

Do you understand that all classroom activity must be documented on the "Teacher Roster" thread?:
I acknowledge that all the logs must be set in the logs channel as well as the assignments or exams grades in the bulletins, once given.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums:
I would describe my activity on the server as “pretty active”. This is due to the fact that I always try to connect from morning to late night (BST hour), even if I don’t have anything to do. However, this will change due to this new job, which will motivate me to stay longer on the server. Although there may be some days in which, due to my school assignments, I won’t be able to get online for as long.
Moving onto my forums activity, I have had this account for several months. For some time, I haven’t been very active, other than to apply for languages, jobs, etc. Nonetheless, I have always been taking a look at the roleplay rules, procedures, permissions, etc. as well as important posts that are announced in the #announcements channel. In addition, some weeks ago, I’ve tried to be as active as possible, posting on other people’s profiles and commenting on player’s BIOs.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

I have written multiple applications on both of my accounts:

YonioTheNacho's applications
- Spanish language application ACCEPTED
- German language application ACCEPTED
- Private Tutor application ACCEPTED
- Second Private Tutor Application ACCEPTED
- Karakura Police Department Application ACCEPTED

NachoRP's applications
- French language application ACCEPTED
- German Language Application ACCEPTED
- College application ACCEPTED
- Office Secretary Application ACCEPTED

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?
My motivation for applying for this job is the fact that, having experienced the feeling of knowing how to teach people, I’d like to become part of the KHS, once again, not only to earn money, but to also be able to experience the feeling of being a Karakura High School worker, from another perspective, allowing me to create new possibilities with more situations, roleplayers, and events that would allow me to engage in what SRP truly focuses on : High School.
Besides this, I would also like to see how the life of a teacher works since, although I do have previous experience being a Private Tutor, I don't quite know how it exactly works, which, from my point of view, makes me want to apply to see how it exactly works.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?
I do have a lot of experience, if I say so myself, so I will divide it in multiple sections :
- 2016 - 2017 : Here is when I started my first roleplay experience. I was introduced with a minecraft roleplay server that, although was nowhere near the capabilities that SRP offers, helped me understand the meaning of Roleplay, and the basic terms that I now am proficient in. Furthermore, I also did roleplay in Skype and, although the seriousness here was almost none, I was indeed able to get better at speaking English, since my native language in real life is Spanish.
- 2017 - 2019 : In this stage, I came across Discord, the platform I currently use daily. Here is where I was introduced with situations belonging to a more serious roleplay, with long actions, deep lore, rolls, capabilities, and even more terms that I slowly became more aware of.

- 2019 - Early 2020 : Here is when I was introduced to SchoolRP. At first I was a bit confused as to how the server itself worked, not knowing how channels, rolls, concepts, and pretty much most of the things that every roleplayer must know worked. However, as I progressed, I became familiarized with each one of the server’s basics, allowing me to start getting a huge boost in roleplay knowledge. Even if I still lacked the English knowledge I needed to form detailed /me actions, I did indeed learn a lot at this stage. Hare I’d like to mention that I became more familiarized with KHS, since I applied for Private Tutoring twice. This allowed me to know how FearRP itself worked, which is one of the things that most, if not all employees should know.

- Mid-2020 - Present : With the introduction of my character to the field of character applications, I started learning more and more information regarding how the server worked. I started learning about rules that many players were unaware of, I kept learning more and more English to complement my actions, etc. Note that one of the main things that allowed me to understand a big chunk of how SchoolRP CombatRP functions. Even if this may not help me in my way to become a teacher, it has indeed helped me understand certain roleplayers’ mentalities.

Have you read the Faculty Handbook?
I have indeed read over the whole KHS Faculty Handbook, and I promise sticking up to it, and not breaking any kind of rules that are stated in there, provided that not doing so would make me have the risk of getting fired, which is a situation that I, under no circumstances, want to live. Therefore, I promise to follow every single step to become a professional and efficient teacher in KHS.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?
Classroom Logs are a method to log in the classrooms that a teacher has hosted. The way they work is by following a certain format, and by sending two screenshots, one with the beginning, and one with the end of the class. This, therefore, is a way for SLT members to check that the worker has been working often enough to receive their paycheck at the end of the month. Their importance relies on the fact that this is the only way for them to be paid, and for SLT members to know that the employee is active and doing their job properly

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?
In order to organize school trips, I would have to send a letter to the Principal’s office, following the required format (which states the dates, the destinations, personal data, number of attending students, and the main purpose of the trip, as well as any possible extra equipment). There are, however, some rules :
All trips must at least have 4 teachers / assistants supervising
All trips must fit the budget capabilities
Students need a permission slip if they’re leaving high school grounds
Behave properly
Teachers ought to write a report of how the trip goes, overall
My main tasks would then rely on making the final decisions, supervise the trip, complete the form for the trip, collect any fees, and gain each students’ parental permission

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?
When being in class, one must follow these simple, yet crucial rules :
Rules stated in the ruleboard, at the entrance of school grounds
No masks or hats
No delinquency
No underage gambling
No disrespect

Japanese Laws
No possession of illegal weaponry
No harassment/assault
No death threatening

Keeping professionalism
This implies speaking in a formal way towards the students, and never refer to them with phrases such as “Oi, you, c’mere”, or something alike to it. This also implies not speaking in a flirty manner with them, as it would get said teacher punished once spotted, and probably suspended from their job

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP)
In addition to the previous question, I will add the experience I’ve obtained from the jobs I’ve applied for in my SchoolRP experience.

Private Tutor : While working as a tutor, I learnt how teaching works, on a smaller scale. Even if this may not be exactly the way a Teacher would work, it is possibly the non-teacher job that resembles the most to a teacher. This allowed me to know how to talk to students, how to give them assignments, how to make my lessons more interactive and dynamic, and how to deal with problematic students who fail to comply with what I tell them to do

Office Worker : While working as an Office Worker, I applied the knowledge I previously had as a Private Tutor. However, I did notice that I learnt which are the main questions that most students have, such as when classes are liable to start, or where certain areas are located.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD: Head of department. If a teacher has this role, it means that they have been working in KHS for a really long time, and has proven enough skills and proficiency in their work, that they’ve been granted with the possibility of being able to make decisions related to their own department (whose subject is usually the one they teach to students)

- QTLS: Qualified Teacher of Learning Skills. This is the role that’s given to teachers that have shown a certain capability to teach their subjects efficiently to students. They have been trusted by the KHS team, and they’re able to freely teach their lessons without the need of anyone else

- NQT: Newly Qualified Teacher. This is the role that’s given to new teachers. it’s the first rank, so this means that teachers are still not trusted enough to be allowed to make big decisions. They should usually be aided by other teachers in their tasks, but they ought to be able to control the class’ methodology

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general
My knowledge about teachers is quite wide, so I will proceed to divide it in various categories :
The main task of a teacher is to let students know about the the subject that the teacher is proficient on, as well as how the basics of each point works, and the methodologies that learning said topic requires. This adds up to the task of never leaving a student behind, and under no circumstances should any student be treated with less attention due to their mental health. Besides this, a teacher must always make sure that what they're learning is as dynamic as possible, instead of just lecturing a big chunk of text for students to memorize. This, then, allows teachers to be open-minded with how they will organize their lessons. Besides this, they must ALWAYS behave professionally, as any kind of behaviour that goes under the rule of unprofessionalism will be punished

The salary each teacher earns will change depending on how many classes they have logged in the classroom logs discord channel. The base income is 250,000 yen, although, if a teacher logs more lessons that the base ones, they'll receive more money. The way this works is that, once they've logged the minimum shifts, they may do 5 more, and get 50,000 yen more (this process can be repeated as much as the teacher wants)

As I stated before, teachers should always make their lessons interactive and dynamic. They are free to teach their lesson with as many techniques as they are allowed to use, in order to make the lesson as enjoyable as possible. This means that a teacher could make interactive games for students to learn about the subject that's being treated. In addition to this, a teacher shall always teach the subject that they've stated in their application, thus preventing them from being able to give lessons of a subject they're not ICly proficient on, since it would be unrealistic for them to do so.
Regarding the spare time they're given, they are expected to stay in the teacher's lounge, or to patrol around the halls in school grounds. Even if they are on their break, they should ALWAYS remain professional, and never act out of order. However, teachers may talk with each other in a not-so-formal register, in order to talk about the day, the methodology of a future class, etc.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Due to obvious reasons, SchoolRP’s main point is High School, and the first players that are introduced to the server are students. This means that Teachers play an essential role in trying to make them understand about the basics of how the server works. Leaving this task aside, they’ll be the ones that will allow students to engage in roleplay situations that will mark them for their future, allowing them to experience the most basic form of roleplay in SRP, which is being taught about stuff that most people can easily learn in real life

What lesson planning system does the school work on?
The way the lesson planning system works on relies on one simple phrase
"Must have, Must work"

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?
My character, Yonio Schwarz, is a tall male standing at 6’3 ft. He’d have gray eyes, which would match with his usual way of dressing. His hair would be short, yet somewhat curly, reaching the middle of his nape. Regarding his body-build, it’d be mainly slim, away from a muscular one.
Regarding his way of behaving, he would generally have a sensible way of talking to people, usually referring to them, and trying to comprehend their point of view. That’s why he usually talks for long in order to try to let the other person know about how they feel about the topic that’s being dealt with. This would help him in getting along with students, given the fact that he’ll try his best to understand their point of view, and try and see in which way they’d find his lessons appealing and interesting.
Moving onto his point of view towards students, he believes that most of them are misguided people that must be led through the right way. He thinks that education and counselling are two essential pillars that will help a person grow as a good and respectful person that will thrive in their future, which is why he usually tends to try his best at trying to comprehend them.
As for his point of view towards life, he does not quite think that Karakura is the ideal place to live. In fact, he believes that saving someone who they don’t know, if it implies putting his life at risk, he won’t do anything about it, other than what will keep him safe, and will benefit said person. However, this won’t happen with students, since he deems them “saveable”. What this means is that they can still be led through the right path to become a better person, allowing him to educate them with not only spanish knowledge, but also with values that will prevent students from damaging their life forever
On the other hand, he doesn't really have any future plans. He believes that whatever has to happen, will happen, and that if he thinks that applying for another job is worthy enough, he will do it. He doesn't really have any established plan, as he thinks that the failure of these will make him fall into sadness and frustration.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?
I would let them know about the fact that what they’re doing is strictly forbidden, and that if they continue, they will get punishment for it, mentioning suspension, if needed. Now, there are multiple outcomes that this may come with:
If the students listen, I would just verbally warn them, and let them go, although if what they did is a big offense, they will get detention for it, if it’s their first time doing this. If they have done this multiple times, depending on how often they usually do this, I would send them to detention or to an SLT member, and let them know about how they have been doing this multiple times before.
If they do not listen to what I said, I would take matters into the SLT team, forcing them to come with me, even if this implies enforcing FearRP on them. (Note that if they do not FearRP, I may be forced to call staff to help me out with the situation), Once I reach an SLT member, I would then let them know about the situation so that they can figure out a punishment that suits their behaviour
If they happen to be a gang, and/or they have any sort of death-threats intention, I would be forced to let an SLT member know about this, in order for them to let the KPD know about this situation, so that they can take care about the situation

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?
If this situation were to be given, I would raise my voice volume, in order to let them know in a clearer way about my intentions for them to focus on what I’m saying. If they do not stop, they would then force me to raise my volume once again, yet not reach the point of yelling at them and, if needed, I would threaten them with detention, allowing me to send any student who did not comply with what I said to detention. Note that, if the situation were too chaotic to be controlled by only me, I would proceed to call an SLT member, so that they can assist me in my duty. This, however, should only happen in extreme cases

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?
The teacher’s lounge is mainly a place for teachers to rest from their duties, and plan any possible events that may occur in the future. Because of the fact that students (besides council members) can’t enter this area, this means that teachers are allowed to let go some of the professionalism they’re always forced to have. This, however, should not mean that they can act totally unprofessionally, since this goes against the KHS Employee Handbook.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me He’d step in the class, looking at both ways, before moving his gaze upon all the students that were inside the classroom, making sure that none of them were doing something excessively disturbing, before heading to his table, before placing his suitcase over the desk, searching for empty notebooks to hand to the students
/me After having said these words, he would turn around 180º, proceeding to grab a chalk and to start writing what had been previously explained in a somewhat scheduled form. His calligraphy would be “smooth”, and easy to tell apart.
/me He would walk up to [Student], while bringing his hands to the back of his body, interlocking his fingers as he approached said individual, having a look at their notebook, checking the length of the assigned appointment, as well as any additional notes that the student had possibly written on the document
/me Once he was finished saying this, he would then step forward, grabbing several empty sheets of paper, and handing one of them to each student beside him, while also making sure that he would only give one to each student
/me As [Student] would continue their speech, he would occasionally look downwards, grab a pen, and write down some notes regarding their performance, while also paying attention to both the speaking person, and the audience around them


Yonio Schwarz of Ariandel was born in a somewhat rich family from the Northern lands of Spain. He was raised like any other kid, with friends and family who cared for him as much as they could. There’s nothing remarkable that can be talked about in this age, besides the high grades that he achieved in school. Regarding studying, he would be a hard working student who would try his best to achieve better and better achievements.
At the age of 13, he had discovered that there were other incredible places that caught his attention. He spent hours and hours reading books about every location in the world that fascinated him. Thus, he asked his parents to take him to some of these places. From all the suggested places, he decided to go to Japan, considering that Yonio loved japanese culture, mostly anime. Once they arrived, they visited the most known places, such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Mount Fuji, etc. However, some days before they planned to go back to Spain, his family found out that they were reported by an unknown individual, accusing them of a crime they didn't commit. At that time, laws weren’t as democratic as nowadays. Thus, death penalty was something that could be done. Because of that, his family decided to stay in Japan. However, they needed a place to stay for an indefinite amount of time. Because of this, they decided to stay in Karakura, a city that they were occasionally talked about. There, he kept on with his studies after he had somewhat learnt a basic level of Japanese, resuming his school life in Japan.
At the age of 16, he met some people who would mark his life as the ones who he would spend his new life there with. People like Kuro Schwarz, who would eventually let him be adopted by the Schwartz family, would help him through his daily life, teaching him about how one has to behave in the streets of Karakura, as well as Tael Starphase, who taught him that not everything is how it seems and that one shouldn’t trust anyone who they don’t know. At the age of 18, he met his first girlfriend, who he would marry after some years. However, due to her death, he entered a depressive stage of his life in which, despite all of his friend’s support, he wouldn’t be able to leave at that moment. In spite of this, he would finally apply for a job as a private tutor in Karakura School, since this was the only environment in which he felt comfortable and safe. However, he felt like he was trapped in a cage that he could not escape from, both literally, as he worked in a small place which he couldn’t leave. and metaphorically due to his depression that he had been masking. However, when he reached the age of 26, he met one of Lora’s (Yonio’s sister in law) friends : Kijika “Fawn”. This was someone who would be friendly with him, and would support him even if he would mask his sad feelings. The days passed, and he felt like he was catching stronger and stronger feelings for her. Feelings that he would keep inside due to the fear of rejection. However, one night, Yonio found out that his feelings for her were mutual. Therefore, they got together and eventually formed a family with their new adopted daughter : Akari Schwarz. She would be a great support for Yonio, as he would finally feel like he had to protect something that was in danger, considering her medical state that prevented her from eating the majority of edible products.
The days passed, and he would become more and more cheerful. However, one of his friends, Peter, had recently passed away due to certain circumstances. Because of this, he would become even more untrustful, turning colder to those who he didn’t know for sure. In addition, some students such as Denzel, or Josh would make his job even harder, being troublesome both in school and outside the school. This led him and Fawn to quit their job, wanting to experience the freedom of not having to go to school.
Nonetheless, recently, he wanted to go back to school due to multiple reasons. He wanted to teach and feel like he’s doing something for society in order to feel better with himself, feeling ready to start once again. Moreover, the fact that he could not enter school grounds meant that his daughter, Akari, and his nieces, Sakura and Naomi could be in danger, not having anyone who she could report any harassment to. Because of this, he’d now like to go back to school as a teacher, as an attempt to overcome himself, just like he did in his young days.

-- In-Character Information --

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name
Yonio Schwarz of Ariandel

Mr. Schwarz

Given Name(s):
Yonio Schwarz, Mr. Schwarz

Preferred Name:
Mr. Schwarz



Religious Denomination

Marital Status


Current Location
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience

Working Experience
6 Years of School Employee work (Private-Tutor)

Academic Degree
Bachelor’s Degree

Year of Graduation

Major in Linguistics and Translation

Minor in German Linguistics

Native Languages

Other Languages
German, Japanese

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?

Preferred Teaching Subject


Additional notes about your application

Do you have any questions?


Level 104
- Great application. To further your career as a teacher, go ahead and ensure you've enjoyed this Discord server. Once you've done that, toss me a DM at ; Knot#6368 - And you'll get a brief rundown of your job. Congratulations!

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