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Nadia Zenith Biography


Level 8


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First Name: "
Nadia, innit hot? Lovely to meet you darling~" Nadia.. is a bit of a handful.
Excuse her playful ness.
Nadia's name means 'Hope'. She thinks it's interesting, considering how
she was a trouble maker when she was younger..

"Surname..? That would be Zenith, dear."
Nadia's last name means 'The very top' This being Nadia's fathers last name.
Her mother declared 'Mine is too boring.' so they decided to use Nadia's fathers only.


Preferred Name:
"If you can come up with a nickname
from Nadia, I'd be amazed." Nadia was quite intruiged if anyone
could come up with a nickname, but all
she could do is chuckle at the thought.

"I- Last time I checked, I was a female. Although pronouns don't matter
to me. As long as it's not he/him I don't give two shits." Nadia would laugh. She's a bit snarky..
"I am twenty-eight. I know I am old, don't worry! I'm still hot~" Despite Nadia being
full of herself.. she was, indeed, 28.

"I am short. There! I admitted.. I am 5'4. Now bug off bitch!"
Nadia's a bit insecure about her height, despite being an ankle biter,
she's actually pretty nice!

"I weigh 137lbs. Right on the dot! Don't ask, I literally JUST weighed myself yesterday."
"I don't want to answer this one. Narrator person, you do it." As much as I hate
describing things, Nadia is built like a man child. She's short, and stubby. She has an hour-
glass figure for a body-shape. She also is a bit chubby.

Skin Color:
"Oh oh! Okay so, I am tan. Except I am lighter than
the rest of the Zeniths. Luna and Grey are more tan than me, but y'know it's fine!"
Nadia takes after her father more than her mother, causing her to be lighter
than her two siblings.

Eye Color:
"You- want.. to know my eye color? It's literally.. the color of shit. Literally caca."
Nadia would lean closer, pointing to her eye. "You see this shit? Brown! Like shit."
Despite Nadia being weird, her eyes are actually pretty. They demanded loyalty, and respect.
They also sparkled in the sunlight.

Hair Style:
"Hair style..? Do you not have eyes!? My hair is short, like- a little
bit longer than shoulder length. It is sort of wavy, more so just the little strand up front."

Hair Color:
"Just like my eyes, my hair is brown. It's more so..
a light brown. It's cute!! I love it."
Nadia's hair is probably it's most
favorite thing about herself. She loves her hair, and they would hate to change it.

"Honestly.. that's a tough one. Anything light or dark academia, or just- anything comfy really. Or pastel!! I love pastel things, they're cute." Of course, only Nadia wouldn't know her own sense in fashion...
Probably because she has no taste in fashion.

"Hah, you're funny if you think I have any abnormalities!!" Besides being incredibly
insecure, Nadia's pretty normal. No abnormalities here.

Date of Birth:
"I was born November 6th, 1993. Luckily, I was born before Luna and Grey. Suck it you two."
The Zeniths are an interesting family some would say..

Place of Birth:
"Japan, that's for sure. That's- really all I know." Nadia doesn't
necessarily know where she's from. She moved out at a young age,
and doesn't quite remember her childhood.

"I'm Japanese and Mexican, take that as you will."
Race: "Uh, like.. y'know- race car..!"
Nadia.. just say
you don't want to answer this question..

Sexual Orientation: "Y'know, you could just ask for my number. It's
rated E. For everyone."
Nadia would chuckle.
"Sorry sorry! I'm Bisexual, what about it darling?"

Religious Beliefs: "I'm not.. all that reiligious. I prayed once or twice, then moved out."

When Nadia was younger, her mother was incredibly religious. Nadia only prayed
and did religious stuff when her mother was around. Seeing as her father wasn't really introducing
it to her.

Political Beliefs: "I'm going to tell you something.. get real close." Nadia would get close to..
her wall. And whisper.
"As long as you respect me, I respect you."

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Nadia picrew.png
Nadia stood 5'4 weighing around 137lbs. She was quite petite, although she
was sort of chubby. She wore a soft smile, and spoke in a gentle Korean accent. Her tongue was pierced as well.
Her voice was monotone, and she was pretty laid back.
Her eyes were a soft brown, although they demanded respect and loyalty. Her hair, just a bit longer than
shoulder length, was a gentle brown. It was incredibly soft, as if she took great care of it. Freckles were scattered across her face, mainly the bridge of her nose. She had a small scar under her right eye, where it came from is a question that is pondered often...


Personality: Nadia is an incredibly playful person. They tend to be very flirtatious, and charming. Although they can be very mature. If you respect her, she'll respect you back. Fuck with her, and she might fuck with you. It's very nice and calm.
Nadia doesn't have any diseases, nor illnesses!
Character Voice:

Nadia is seen wearing a shiroi bracelet, she normally wears Kinstugi glasses or Tama's lovely shades. She's also seen holding a red and black phone.
Clothes: She normally wears a tan-brown colored tank-top, with a cream flannel and shorts.(As seen in the picture above.)
Nadia enjoys writing and anything to do with Journaling. She's a major history freak. They love learning about history, and exploring every place she's able to.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Surprisingly, they have none. I mean, obviously flaws. Seeing as she is
hella insecure. But they do not have any
Serious problems, addictions, dis- well.. They might have facial dysphoria. No disabilities.

The only skill they have, is flirting. That's about it.
Quirks: They often fidget with things, as they cannot stand sitting still. Whether it's their bangs,
or the ends of their sleeves.


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Blancha Sanchez/Zenith | DEAD | MOTHER
"Where do I start. The women who gave me life, the women..
She- She taught me a lot. When I found out- she um. Passed, it
was quite difficult. On all of us honestly."

When Nadia was younger, she wasn't that close with her mother.
Blancha did her best for Nadia, and Nadia appreciated it. But Nadia was
far too much of a trouble maker, which made Blancha and Lee send her off somewhere
else. Hoping she'd become a better person. Which, she did.


Lee Zenith | DEAD | FATHER
"This.. This man. He taught me hella, good lord. I'm almost
glad hes gone. He fucked up big time."
They didn't have a good relationship. At all.
Nadia is always pissed that she looks like him. He was a monster in her eyes, he did things Nadia
could never forget. Especially when Luna came out to him.


"Ah yes. The menace to society that I call my sister. All jokes aside, I love Luna.
She reminds me of myself a lot, and it's adorable. She's cute, and she's grown up a lot. I
am incredibly proud of the woman she's become today."
Considering Nadia wasn't able to be there much
for Luna, for how much she was there to witness, she's pretty proud of Luna. She may
call Lun a little shit, but god do they love their little sibling.


"Luna's twin. Another menace to society that I get to call my sibling.
I don't know much about Grey, I wasn't really.. around.. for him.."

She is beginning to realize how often she was around
for her family. She missed her mothers dead, and missed her two younger
siblings growing up. She feels.. pretty shitty honestly.


Jin Hino Kuroki | ALIVE | 'CLOSE' FRIEND
"Oh god- Where do I began with this man.. Well. I hardly know him that's for sure.
He's.. probably the first person I have looked at romantically. He's an incredibly nice person, very

As much as Nadia doesn't want to admit it. She totally fell for this dude hardcore.
He's an interesting being, and they have a lot in common.

(Theres more to come baes, don't worry <3)​
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Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
This is amazing. 10/10. Copying your style ONG. Even if you did say I could..

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