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Needle's KPD Application (O_O)


Level 45

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Previous bans:

Describe your activity on the server:
In a rating, 8/10. I roleplay on the server very frequently and am extremely active within the community. I post skins and art in the discord and regularly read forum threads.

Which timezone are you in?:
MST (GMT -7)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Shop-owner Application - 2019
[ACCEPTED] KPD Application - 2020
[DENIED] College Application - 2020
[ACCEPTED] Nurse Application - 2021
[ACCEPTED] Reporter Application - 2021
[ACCEPTED] Doctor Application - 2021
[ACCEPTED] BMD Application - 2022

What is your motivation for applying?:
It is hard to replicate the type of community the force had when I was in it. Even before the purge, it was 40-something people, who each bonded very easily together. Within the KPD, there’s also an insane potential for roleplay. I found that whenever I roleplayed on the server as an adult, nothing came close to the experience you get as an officer. That is because, as a student, you have a group of people that you can easily roleplay with; it is the same with the KPD.
I find myself once again fascinated with the police force because of the roleplay I got while I was in it; it's something I'd like to experience once again, but in newer days.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:
It has been two years since I was last in the force, and I can say that I have a good grasp of what I previously learned and executed for 5 months without a major break. In general, of course, I understand that police tasks are much more complex than what can be achieved through roleplay and that is among some of the only limits to my knowledge.
On SRP, police officers in this day especially work to alleviate violent crime, as it is ever-apparent. Newly, they are also present to guard politicians in their spaces during public events, all to prevent another brutal outcome. It was recently announced that citizens of Karakura should expect officers to arrive at scenes in RIOT gear, which has been largely recognized as a symbol of importance. You'd only ever see that type of apparel be worn to large-scale events and the occasional apartment raid, but now it means that the server's police have to work harder and conceal their identities to remain secure, all expected duties, besides the fining and minor-crime arrests that officers make.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
SRP’s police force works to outweigh the crime aspect of the server, both significant factions that have existed since the apparent beginning of time.
I think that they also influence a fraction of the server. Officers hold a lot of respect and trust, as they are depended on the be the ones enforcing its law. They set the expectations for gang roleplayers in more ways than you would think as their opposition since both sides ideally like to respect each other by putting in the same amount of effort. It's sportsmanship.
But as for the force itself, you could say that they have a major part to play in nearly every event on the server-- all those that hold lore relevancy, at least.
Seeing as crime-related events are ones that players have the most fun with, they're also the ones that make the most impact, and the KPD nearly always makes an appearance.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?:

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?:

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

In-Character (IC) Section


Character's Full Name:

Olivia Holmes-Cordova

Character's age:

Character's gender & pronouns:
Female, she/her

Character's Academic Background:
High school diploma.

What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?:
English, Spanish.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?:
While it doesn’t set her aside from a crowd, Olive has a sense of everlasting youth to her. Noted, she’s barely in her 30s but still manages to make it look like she’s on her senior vacation, and in high school. Usually, Olive can be spotted with a contemptuous look on her face. She has visible smile lines and several instances of wrinkling all around her body. And in reference to the latter, she does not care; the only part that she makes an effort to cover is her arm, and that's because the skin beneath is frayed, likely by an explosive accident that the woman was involved in. Maybe she'll tell you if you ask nicely.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?:
She is the same all around; delicate but headstrong with a knack for trouble. Olive’s behavior only really changes with the people she’s near. But again, it's only a niche set of individuals who can bring out the formality in her.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?:
While Olive has a sense of discord, she also respects the dedication and effort of her co-workers. She’s certain to raise a temper at times and has an extremely low tolerance for officers, and even government officials who take their job for granted.

Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?:
Olive is between the lines of everything, but this especially. She has a terrible fear of shame and embarrassment, which greatly affects the way she takes charge in most situations.
In fact, she will promptly refuse in almost all situations. It's conflicting, because Olive also has a hard time taking orders, and can often wrongfully doubt them. It was a prevalent theme throughout her existence up until now, but, perhaps it's just one of those traits that you shake off with promotion.

BACKSTORY (100+ words)
Olivia Cordova was born on April 29th, 1992 in Guadalajara, Jalisco in western Mexico, but resided in Miami, Florida for most of her 20s. Olive was terrible in high school, narrowly missing her graduation. For that reason, she deemed herself academically inept. Though Yasmin, Olive’s older sister, and her mother relentlessly tried to tempt her into getting a college education, she never succumbed. Olive had a good taste of the Mexican and American workforce but was still forever unable to securely keep a job. She relied on her husband, Dalton Holmes for financial support. While it’s true that she did connect with him romantically, she reportedly left the marriage after he pleaded with her to situate a career.
Throughout her entire life, Olive remained in a juvenile mindset, unable to fully grasp the idea of adulthood. So, it made sense for her to move to Karakura.
There, she scrounged up enough experience working in Japan to apply for a police academy.


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?:


Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription:
Lactulose, paracetamol, eye bandages, surgical masks, and bandaids.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?:

Olive would alleviate the confrontation by first attempting to command the officer off of the inmate, reminding them of the consequences presented if they proceed. .

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?:
It’s the same process as when you see a citizen being assaulted, only with a heavier sentence.
Assault on an officer and the protocol to arrest someone is to demand them off of the victim, get them to the wall, pat them down, and arrest them.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?:
Olive knows to take these sorts of situations up with higher-ups, and she has a lower tolerance for corrupted officers. Nothing can falter that, not even a tight relationship.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?:
Olive is the least likely person to be driven by material desires.
In the circumstance that my character knows of a criminal’s offenses, and they were trying to manipulate my character into a shorter or no sentence, Olive would simply reject it and follow protocol.
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Level 328
Thank you for applying for KPD. Unfortunately, the higher-up team and I
have decided to deny this application. Most times it is simply due to the fact that
there are more suitable applicants, so feel free to give it another shot on the next cadet wave!​

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