Level 32
Drawn by: brandon
First name: Nessa
Last Name: Arai
Pronouns: She / Her
Age: 19 years old
Weight: 48kg / 105lbs
Height: 5’1
Nationality: Canadian, Japanese & Hawaiian
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Religious Beliefs: Unicorns
Nessa Arai, quite the interesting short young female. An easily distracted girl with a bright mindset and ideas. Oftentimes found laughing and smiling as she talks with others or even just walking down the street. This adorable girl will surely be able to make you smile and cheer you up whenever you feel down and lonely. She really does want the best for others, especially her friends and family. Although at the short height of 5'1 and very innocent looking, do not get on her bad side as she can easily rip into you with her feistiness!
Nessa would have a small blob on the side of her right wrist, almost looking like a heart.
First glance:
A young female standing at around 5’1 with an overall small body particularly pointing towards her hands and feet of 23cm in shoe size. The scent of Love Eau de Parfum follows her trail as she walks by with a straight posture, her silky dirty blonde hair fluttering along every movement she’d make. As you gaze into her eyes her long eyelashes would compliment her flushed cheeks and hazel eyes. An angelic smile forming, her dimples would stand out prettily on its own.
When walking:
You’d see a female scurrying fast down the street with a cheerful and happy expression plastered onto her face. Continuing your glance towards her direction you'd see her stop as she sees a butterfly on a flower, her head following its fluttering wings as it flies away into the sky. The young female would give a small giggle as she’d continue her walk into the distance and out of your sight.
When in class:
You’d walk into a college lecture to capture the image of a small young female sitting at the back of the class near the window. Dirty blonde silky hair that would be covering the top half of the chair, complemented with two small buns on the top of her head. You’d notice her look around as more people entered the room, her hazel eyes following the movements of her surroundings as she’d give a small wave to a particular friend that walked. She’d giggle revealing both of her dimples as the smile on her face would stay. Fixing her posture as the teacher walks in, you notice her hands fidgeting as well as her legs dangling from her chair as if she wouldn’t be able to sit still.
You’d walk into the gym as you hear the squeaky sound of sneakers hitting the gym floor. Nessa would be scurrying quickly, dribbling the ball. Her silky hair flowing and following her body movements as she’d make her way across the court, playing against a fellow basketball team member. He’d manage to take the ball from the young female, dribbling away as she would scurry after him, giving a small giggle as if she were more into the fun part of sports than the competitive side. As he’d score she’d run up to him and give him a high five, running to the side of the gym to say hello to her other friends.
Attitude and Impulse
A fellow classmate would be bullying and picking on a student in the middle of the hallway. You'd suddenly see a 5'1 innocent looking girl approaching them with a big frown on her face, her arms crossed. Taking a deep breath in, she opens her mouth and turns very angrily towards the bully to yell at him with all her might. Yes, Nessa is a 5'1 innocent, gullible looking girl however she can be very feisty when needed.

Family Relationships:
Daichi Arai - Biological Father
You’d see a handsome man with a friendly presence, always having a smile on his face. Nessa and Daichi were very close, however he died of cancer when Nessa was 12 years old. Daichi was an amazing father figure, most of Nessa's favorite childhood memories involving him. When Nessa was starting grade 4, Daichi introduced basketball to her. She found a quick liking to the sport which resulted in Nessa's everyday after school routine to go home and practice basketball with her father. As her father discovered Nessa's hidden talent in the sport, he made a promise with Nessa: "You can do whatever you put your mind to. Continue practicing what you love and always listen to your heart. Do this and I seea great future filled with happiness". Nessa always loved this advice however kept it dear to her heart after the passing of Daichi. She kept a promise within her to keep practicing basketball everyday, and achieve her goal of staying on a team and spreading love, as well as carrying her father's legacy.
Lani Arai - Biological Mother
You see a short, middle aged woman with a dirty blonde hair. Lani Arai is Canadian and Hawaiian. She used to be very attractive and cheerful, however once Daichi had passed her life turned very dark, following many bad mistakes and tired, droopy looking eyes. Nessa used to be very close with her mother and they had a beautiful bond. When Nessa was younger, she'd come home from kindergarten and help Lani cook dinner. Her mother would always teach Nessa new recipes, dance around with music, create fun shapes with dumplings, turning cooking into something Nessa looked forward to everyday as a child. After a decline in Daichi's health, Lani started to focus more on her husband and would get very impatient with Nessa when she was just trying to help out. Lani did not feel like dancing around, or making anymore silly dumpling shapes because the love of her life was slowly dying and it was only a matter of time. Nessa was very upset and sad, including her siblings. Once Daichi had passed, Lani became an alcoholic, leaving Nessa to look after all of her siblings and cook for them. One day when Nessa got home from high school, her mother was gone. She had left them, abandoned them, or even worse: passed away somewhere, and the whole Arai family was very scared and worried they'd never get an answer as she didn't return for months. Lani left for approximately 6 months until Nessa got a random phone call. It was Lani... They talked for a bit, Nessa in tears while her mother told her it was her responsibility to look after her siblings and if anything happened to them, it would be her fault because she's in charge now. Nessa knew her mother deep down just couldn't help with the grief and needed space, but how could she leave her own children and put all of the adult responsibilities to her oldest child who was still in high school? Lani would send money each month, however not a lot. A year passes and Nessa is reaching her last years of high school, when she gets another phone call. Lani called her to let her know that she is very sorry. Nessa being very emotional, crosses her fingers in hopes that her mother is saying this because she will come back soon to help out more. However to her surprise she finds a baby in a basket on her porch, and it wasn't long for her to realize this was her half sister. Nessa is angry at her mother for moving on so quickly, leaving in such a horrible way, however Nessa loves her new baby sister Penelope. To this day Lani is out of her life... for now.
Meg Arai - Biological Sister
You’d see a female in a blue fish costume, who likes to be referred to as a reverse mermaid. Due to her past history and mysterious benefactors, she most of the time prefers to wear her fish outfit as she feels more confident. Although she hates talking, she is perfectly fine with communicating with her family members and close friends with her gigantic fishy eyes that seem to do the talking for her. Many think Meg is weird and she can get easily left out at school. However Nessa loves her sister and always hangs out with her, not caring enough for all of the stares and glances.
Celine Arai - Biological Sister
You see a 20 year old young female in a black fish costume. Celine would have an emo and dark personality. She's what they call an 'edgy fish'. Nessa gets along with her sister well, however they often like to tease each other or have minor arguments without any harm involved. She is very kind hearted once you get to know her.
Kiwi Arai - Biological Brother
You’d see a handsome male walking around town. He’d always carry his ‘Lizard Plushie’ with him, most of the time sitting on top of his head. He’d have brown hair, has a rather deep voice and can be seen hanging out with Nessa a lot due to their friendly relationship and bond they share.
Penelope Arai - Biological Sister
You’d see a young infant, almost 2 years in age. She wouldn’t be crying or whining, instead she sits with wide eyes and blinks slowly. An abnormal amount of hair on her head, however adorable as she’d smile and her dimples would appear. Although Penelope would come from the same mother as Nessa’s, they do not share the same father.
Relationship Status: Taken
Nessa is in a happy relationship with Kon Koji.
They started off as best friends, and realized they had feelings for each other further into the friendship. Kon and Nessa exchanged how they felt about each other through very interesting remarks, "I like you more than food," and "I like you more than unicorns" which eventually turned into the cutest relationship!
They are now very happy with each other.
Update after two years:
Nessa and Kon are cuter than ever! Taking a trip out of Karakura for a while, they have returned even stronger They still love to match outfits and you can easily spot them hanging out around the basketball courts or playing matches together.
Drawn by: pogflshh
Vodoo Doll - Inanimate Object
Nessa was walking along the streets one day, where she picked up a doll from the ground. She looked around and saw that no one was around. It was abandoned!! She needed to bring it home. She did some research that night, and found out it was a handcrafted voodoo doll from Haiti!
Little does she know it doesn't actually work, however if you get on her nerves she'll stab it while thinking of you.
Modeled by: MikeShotZ
Spartan Female Basketball Team
Nessa is the Captain of the Spartan Female Basketball Team. She has always loved basketball, which has been the only sports team she’s ever joined. She views the team as part of her family, and loves each and every one of them. Especially as most of her best friends can be found in the team as well. She wants the best for the team, having a helping hand for those who need it and will always offer any support or love for anyone upset or down.
[UPDATE] Nessa stepped down from being Captain of the team previously due to leaving Karakura for a while with Kon on a big lovey dovey trip! She has just recently rejoined the team, and is excited to where this leads. All of the team members are different and basketball rules have changed ever since so Nessa has a lot to learn, and there's always room for improvement!
[UPDATE] Nessa is once again the basketball captain, and is striving like always! You can often see her roaming the courts and practicing basketball, while hanging out with friends!
Nessa’s Hobbies:
Nessa obviously loves basketball as she’s on the team! You can often find her practicing or hanging out in the gym during free periods of school.
Tailoring and designing outfits
Nessa can oftentimes be seen wearing a lot of funky clothing, that she has in fact tailored by herself. She loves to be creative and innovative with her imaginative ideas, causing her to work late at night to create new outfits for herself and those around her.
Favorite Foods and Desserts
Nessa loves cake! Her favorite flavor is strawberry shortcake.
Freestyles dancing
Nessa can really get into her moves at times. She’ll dance away and could care less about those who are watching her and judging. As long as she and those around her are having an amazing time, she’ll dance the night away.
One of her most famous moves is her “Praying Mantis Dance”.... Which can get a little out of hand.
Comfort Object
You can often see her walking down the street with a unicorn backpack swaying from side to side, following her movements. Yes, this is her comfort object that she brings absolutely everywhere. No matter the occasion, she will always bring it. Some may call it ugly, however she think’s fat unicorns are adorable.
Nessa’s Dislikes:
Nessa has a strong dislike for bullies, or those who make fun of others. She believes everyone should be treated nicely and no one should put down others for their own entertainment. She will get very angry and feisty if needed.
Nessa has faced her fears and gotten over her kalampokiphobia, fear of corn! She is so brave!
Nessa is a rather optimistic person. She won’t let small problems or conflicts stop her from achieving anything! She’ll always try her best when she is determined, and will give everything she has to get what she wants.
Nessa very much dislikes it when people discuss who is the ‘best’ within a sports team. She believes everyone should play for fun, although being competitive during tournaments is all good, at the end of the day she understands everyone has feelings so it is good to keep a healthy relationship and think of everyone as the ‘best’ rather than one person. She describes that being jealous or overly competitive, as well as rude towards another member is rather unhealthy.
Speaking Up
Nessa used to be very weak and scared when it came to situations like arguments or fighting. However she has matured in the last several months, learning to stand up for what she believes in. She will not hesitate to tell you that "you are irrelevant when it comes to bullying someone for your own entertainment!"
Nessa is a rather gullible person, she will believe a lot of what you say. However do not underestimate her, as she can be very smart and think outside of the box when it comes to serious situations.
Drawn By: ya_boi_sic

Drawn by: Speedyblue45
~ W.I.P ~
I plan on adding more!
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