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New account


Level 2
Hello SRP,
long time no see.

I’m thinking about starting playing again but I have an issue. My last account (Izabelliz, sugarmami69) is now deleted from Minecraft and I had to buy another one sadly.

I’m woundering if I possibly can ”switch account” in some way? That I get all the things and stuff I had on the other one on this instead. Like the rank, iventory if that’s possible, the languages etc. And you can of course delete the things on the other one if that’s needed.

My new account has the name ”sugarmammi69” (will might change soon tho don’t worry lol). Hope this will work out somehow and I hope you have a awesome day!


Level 328
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- If you wish to have your grade moved up to Grade-12, please make a ticket in-game and ask
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- If you wish to have your server rank moved to your new account, you'll need to send an
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- If you need further assistance, feel free to send me (Yonio#5112)
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