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New Age


Level 73
You want to familyRP? Join an SRP family! The older people (adult roles) can adopt you or you can ask them to be you bio parent. That way you can 1. have your childhood in your backstory and 2. participate in SCHOOL rp! Simple solution if you really wanted to familyRP! There's no need to RP as kids at schoolRP, then it would turn into needing an elementary school, needing parent's attentions 24/7 (making it harder to RP with friends) and just.. so many kid-inspired events (take your kid to work day? so much chaos)... Rather keep that stuff separate from schoolrp and let the greenies be the schoolRP kids :D Afterall, they are new to the server and need your guidance!


Level 118
The fact there's exactly five people named earl that would do this is what truly scares me


this is a hugeee safeguarding issue, erp is already a problem with new players let alone the vile shit they'd come up with for a 'child' role.

Trollers scare me.
Predators scare me.
It's already scary enough being a minor, on the internet and irl, just doing this would open more problems.
Like @DylanDeNewb and @markoos said, this is an extreme safeguarding issue.


Level 28

This is going to be abused. We'll have failrpers running around as children everywhere. Come on.. Who wants that

sir meow

Level 45
Community Team
massive -1, we already got 13 year olds i dont wanna have to deal with todlers wondering around
+1 Cuz my IC half sister made a char of an adopted child and it isnt right for her to be a 14 year old and for her mom (even an adopted one) is 4 years older than her


Level 138
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead

Just roleplay as a green tag if you want to play a younger character. There is no point to needing to be anything younger. As was stated earlier, lore states that the elementary school is on the other end of the island.


Level 117
-1 this is already a denied suggestion and also for reasons as people have stated... while a lot of people online have good intentions, a fair share of them do not and/or are just misguided. Many Combat Rules would need to be implemented, and many have mentioned ERP are already problematic enough. Also, mainly biased, but many younger characters we have on SRP can be annoying, and adding a 6-year-old character and applying SRP logic and stereotypes onto one would either be poorly written/annoying/or a bit dark for SRP. I'm not sure of the point of Roleplaying this anyways because there are obviously more restrictions for having a role like that. If you want to roleplay a younger character ( I have seen it done by some people before, even though I don't think it's allowed ), keep it inside safe areas like a safe house or apartment that can be used to Roleplay in a little bubble. Again, even though, I wouldn't recommend that. If you want to have younger child characters, Grade-7 is pretty low already, so much so that staff has precautions in place for criminals and perms on Green Tagged players, Grade 7-9.

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