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New Restaurant: Ocean Pearl

Describe your activity on the server:
I have been playing on the server for a long time, I had stopped playing for a year and now Im active again. My character has never commited a crime or gone to jail. She still has a bunch of friends some of them are teachers.
Previous applications:
My other applications are language applications and a ban appeal for a misunderstanding in erp. The applications are visible below this sentence.

Previous warns/kicks/bans:
See above. Other than this situation there have been no bans, warns or kicks that i know of.

Shop wanted:
I want to create a new restaurant called Ocean Pearl. This would be unowned shop #2 or #3 preferably 2.
Why do you want to own a shop?:
I believe Karakura doesn't have a lot of restaurants that open often. I hope to be able to open my restaurant often so that people could go there as a date or occasional on birthdays. But not only then,it could also be a place to hangout with friends.
What do you plan to do with the shop?:
I want to make it a seafood restaurant. I wish to sell side dishes and desserts such as icecream and waffles but i want the maindishes to be all ocean themed. Think of crab, lobster, squid, fish, etc. Also blue drinks and warm drinks too. I wish to make the whole restaurant ocean themed. I want to have blue tables, light coming from sealanterns and an aquarium. the waiters would be dressed in blue. thered also be a kids menu whit a toy and if someone comes for a birthday they can also order a birtday special which would be a cake, the waiters singing and a toy chosen by the birthday boy. Our specialty would be crabby patty's
How will your shop be unique?:
I dont believe there are any ocean themed restaurantsin Karakura at the moment. If there areI haven't seen them.
How many employees are you planning to have?:
I am planning to have a maximum of 4 employees. Which would be 2 waitresses and 2 people in the kitchen or all 4 waitresses depending on the amount of guests.
Does your character have any college degrees?
She does not at the moment if this is necessary i wouldn't mind applying for them.

For any other questions about the restaurant Please DM me on discord.


Level 192
  • Your application is very short compared to others
  • If you're still interested in applying for a shop, make sure to re-apply by adding more details into your application.

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