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New Sports Team Suggestion [Tennis]

IGN: skinnylettuce

Date: August 23rd, 2020

Suggestion: I think that there should be a Tennis Team for both the Spartans as well as the Bobcats, and I have a decent handful of reasons as to why.

Tennis happens to be one of the most popular sports within Japan. As we all know, the roleplay setting is in none other than Japan, simply just in an alternative universe where the island of Karakura exists and COVID was never a thing. Tennis is really high up there in popularity, ranking within the top five most popular sports to be played in Japan, the other five consisting of volleyball, ice/figure-skating, football, and baseball. So far, the server has three of the five main sports played and loved in the country. Adding another one of the most famous ranking athletic activities to the school would be a great idea, considering that they are known for a couple of popular tournaments such as Japan Open, as well as winning and taking home a couple of medals throughout the years in the Olympics through tennis.

How will we be active with consistent roleplay? And how will we benefit others with this team? Well, allow me to explain. First of all, you already have two people that are offering to be the captains of the teams, which consists of myself as the Spartans captain, and kuepid who is willing to be the the Bobcats captain. If unaware already, we are both very active players on SchoolRP, longing on just about every day we can and contributing lots to the server. The both of us will only expect to be having people who are not only active to be accepted into the teams within tryouts, but also people who are skilled in roleplaying, who will not simply goof around and memerp, or just talk in LOOC/Voice Channels while playing whichever sport they do. How will we figure out one's activity and skill? We will do things such as an in-character test of knowledge, and out-of-character interview, and also have them write out a couple of actions like serving a tennis ball and doing a solo game (player practicing against wall). Secondly, we will NOT simply do one practice per week. Do actual sports teams do that? Nope! Typical school sports teams have four practices per week minimum, and bigger league teams go up to six days per week. In rare cases, it's just three practices per week. I am well aware that people are in different time zones and sometimes have certain schedules, so I will have it limited to three practices per week, and if worse case scenario comes, only two. With three practices per week, two of them will be the Spartans and Bobcat practicing separately, and the third will be both teams practicing together, whether it be a simple talking meeting, or actually playing the game. Why would two teams do things together, you may be asking? Well, this is to create a bit of fun and creativity in the roleplay experience; Unlike most teams, we will not do a rivalry, talk badly upon one another, nor simply not speak to each other whatsoever. Instead, we will be an allied team, where we compete for the fun of it and have a FRIENDLY rivalry, collaborating with each other for the benefit of our reputation, as well as creating possibly school events for both the Spartans and Bobcats. With these events, we can also collaborate with other sports teams and even school clubs for the benefit of their reputation as well, and to create mini-events in the school for everyone to enjoy themselves... NOT including things that will have a bad ending.

To maintain positivity and non-toxicity both ICly and OOCly, both Captains (kuepid and I) will ensure that no toxicity and drama is happening both in and out of character, for we have absolutely no tolerance towards any form of negativity. Based on my own personal experience, negativity in sports teams and just roleplaying in general, whether it be IC or OOC, creates really bad blood and tension between people where roleplay cannot be consistent, and things cannot be done. Instead, it is best to keep an upbeat environment to make sure things are getting done, and there's no petty drama creating blockades to success.

Now you might be wondering, "We can't do this! There's already too many plugins!" Well, hear me out on this one; Technically speaking, you can use an already existing plugin for tennis, that being the volleyball plugin. It's come to my attention that the plugin can actually be modified, considering that in the beach, there is a very small volleyball court over to the side of it. This is that exact one down below;

Tennis courts happen to be just about the same length and width as regular volleyball courts, in some cases a little bit longer. The only modifications that are really needed would be making the volleyball court longer, bringing the net lower, and changing the way the ball looks. I am very well aware that the volleyball was created using a regular slime, so in order to modify it, you can replace it with the baby slime, and replace its textures with a fluorescent yellow color. And I know you can hold items in your hand while playing volleyball with the plugin, so all we'd really need to do is have a tennis racquet model in hand. If a payment is needed to be done for the racquet model, I will be willing to make the purchase.

I hope you consider the tennis team for part of the SRP experience!

P.S; If you'd like, I will gladly send a Google Document on some lore and a couple of team regulations I have made for the tennis team via DMs through Discord! My Discord is: me n the homies r gundham tanaka#3488
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Level 6
Thread starter
good idea but tennis would be like volleyball but you're holding a racket

Not necessarily, no. For instance, in volleyball, spiking is typically very valid when it comes to playing the game. In tennis, a spike would be considered a foul. You are also not allowed to be too close to the net, which should not be a problem considering that unlike volleyball, the net would be placed very low.

There are a few similarities to both sports, yes, but consider the fact that these sports are very popular in Japan for a reason.


Level 41
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Tennis a 1 player game? Like 1 v 1. I don't understand how there'd be a Spartan and Bobcats team. Pretty sure there aren't any tennis teams in real life.


Level 4
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Tennis a 1 player game? Like 1 v 1. I don't understand how there'd be a Spartan and Bobcats team. Pretty sure there aren't any tennis teams in real life.
Actually there are many, as Aleks mentioned sort of mentions here- "Adding another one of the most famous ranking athletic activities to the school would be a great idea, considering that they are known for a couple of popular tournaments such as Japan Open, as well as winning and taking home a couple of medals throughout the years in the Olympics through tennis." Many highschools offer the opportunity to play the sport as well, as it is played in the seasons of spring and peaking fall. I am quite literally on my highshools tennis team, so you can't justify there are no actual teams... To answer your question about the 1v1, No. Tennis GAMES are almost always played in doubles. There are 3 singles positions and 4 doubles positions. When games are played in doubles, as Aleks touched base on, that is what would cause Bobcats Vs. Spartans. Two teams = a game of doubles. Hope that answers your question!
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Level 6
Thread starter
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Tennis a 1 player game? Like 1 v 1. I don't understand how there'd be a Spartan and Bobcats team. Pretty sure there aren't any tennis teams in real life.

That both wrong and right! Tennis can be played as a solo game (this is typically done as practice for one's aim, speed, serving skills, and tactics when it comes to playing the game, typically where the player is doing it against a wall), a one-on-one as you mentioned (where there is one player on both side of a net, playing against one another), and are also played in doubles (two players on both side of a net, playing against one another). In most competitions, games are played in doubles.

And as for "no tennis teams in real life," that my friend is entirely false. As I stated, it is ranking in the top five most popular sports in Japan, where they have many popular tournaments such as the men's competitive tennis competition Japan One, as well as when they compete in major league sports events like the Olympics! As for in schools, it is also a very common sport, where their courts are typically outdoors, kept nearby baseball fields or even volleyball courts.


Level 41
Actually there are many, as Aleks mentioned here- "Adding another one of the most famous ranking athletic activities to the school would be a great idea, considering that they are known for a couple of popular tournaments such as Japan Open, as well as winning and taking home a couple of medals throughout the years in the Olympics through tennis." Many highschools offer the opportunity to play as well. To answer your question about the 1v1... No. Tennis GAMES are almost always played in doubles.

Thanks for informing me, but I still don't think it would work very well. If I had to guess, developers mainly focus on implementing team-based sports. Still a good suggestion nevertheless. I approve :)


Level 6
Thread starter
Thanks for informing me, but I still don't think it would work very well. If I had to guess, developers mainly focus on implementing team-based sports. Still a good suggestion nevertheless. I approve :)

Tennis is VERY much team-based! There has to be teams, especially considering that tennis is played in doubles most of the time when played competitively. When doing things in doubles, you need to create tactics with your team as a whole just in case if there is random selection. If there were no teams and you were put in a double with someone random for no time to plan beforehand and have to play right away, the whole game will be a mess. If there are no teams, there cannot be proper doubles!


Level 183

- We appreciate your idea however we've chosen to deny this. The server already has far too many teams as it is & the need for a new one alongside us then funding an entirely new custom plugin isn't worth for the amount it'd bring to the server at this current point and time.

- In the near future once new teams are required however & are in a high demand I will happily refer to your suggestion & make it a reality.​

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