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New Subject: Computer Science


Level 0
What's your Minecraft Username?: JustJuliaX3
What's the title of your suggestion?: New Subject: Computer Science

What's your suggestion?:
The suggestion is to add another subject titled Computer Science!

It'd be just explaining some things about Computers, how they function and perhaps some programming exercises, that should and will be held relatively simple to ensure everyone will be able to answer them.

Following topics that I had in mind for this subject:
- General PC Hardware knowledge
- Difference Soft- and Hardware
- Introduction to Python (very simple)

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think this would benefit the community as Computer Science would be a subject where a teacher can include the students very well into the lesson. Allowing a lesson to be very interactive and generally allowing students to participate in multiple ways!


Level 57
I am a computer science student and I can tell you that it is not easy and boring, especially in the context of RP, where we cannot guarantee that everyone will be interested.
I want to say that SRP is a roleplaying server, not academic.
Of course, I'd also love to hear what you'd do to make it fun?


Level 0
Thread starter
I am a computer science student and I can tell you that it is not easy and boring, especially in the context of RP, where we cannot guarantee that everyone will be interested.
I want to say that SRP is a roleplaying server, not academic.
Of course, I'd also love to hear what you'd do to make it fun?
As someone who is also having computer science classes, I actually see it the complete opposite, it is difficult at times, yes, but I think overall fun! But that may depend on how your Professor/Teacher handles the classes.

Of course, there's no guarantee that others will be interested, that's just not something that can be guaranteed. I'll admit to that.

The material would of course be dialed down a LOT and simplified a lot, to ensure that anyone participating is able to follow at a certain pace!

It wasn't meant to be academic, I just figured that it'd be nice since it'd allow anyone, who joins and is interested, to actively participate!

To make it fun, well since this was just a random thought of mine, I hadn't thought too much of it yet, but I think having small Python assignments, just like a simple you enter a name and it outputs a text with the name would be simple enough already, as it is already something a willing participant had to do themselves! Ask students to give a concrete example for hardware (example GPU - Rendering frames, allowing to play videogames at a higher framerate)

But of course, this is a VERY rough concept and if such a lesson were to be implemented it'd require lots of planning to ensure it remains fun.

However I'm admitting, that this won't be an easy task, and not everyone's interest is gonna be awakened, and I completely see where you're coming from!


Level 8
There have been teachers and professors that teach computer science! There are no "subjects" that can be added, instead people apply to teach in a specific field.

Teaching comp sci would be challenging in SRP, yes, but it's a matter of time for someone to pick that up again (hey you could even try to do that yourself !!)


Level 0
Thread starter
There have been teachers and professors that teach computer science! There are no "subjects" that can be added, instead people apply to teach in a specific field.

Teaching comp sci would be challenging in SRP, yes, but it's a matter of time for someone to pick that up again (hey you could even try to do that yourself !!)
Oh interesting!

I would definitely consider doing it myself, once I've gotten as far to reach the requirements for such a role, LOL

But thank you for the answer! :)


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Hello! HD Teacher here and almost HD for a whole year, Computer Science will be under the DT tab of Teacher Roster and unsure about Proffessor, but I would have to assume the Filler tab!


Level 5
I've been a computer science professor like 3 times. It already exists.

However from my experience, it's tough classes. My classes were quite complex and only the most determinated ones stayed or even listened.


Level 272
I was a computer science professor for a few months too, I totally understand why you want it and I AGREE!! (Im also Computer science student irl). It does exist and u can apply for it too, but of course take a notice that u have to be really talented to make the classes actually interesting and fun (I can help anyone that will actually apply and get the job fr)

- Introduction to Python (very simple)
I got a feeling only this will work although. . .

ANYWAY: Glad that u mentioned it and hopefully it will make someone apply


Level 5
I was a computer science professor for a few months too, I totally understand why you want it and I AGREE!! (Im also Computer science student irl). It does exist and u can apply for it too, but of course take a notice that u have to be really talented to make the classes actually interesting and fun (I can help anyone that will actually apply and get the job fr)

I got a feeling only this will work although. . .

ANYWAY: Glad that u mentioned it and hopefully it will make someone apply

I tried the Python, like very basic stuff... didn't go well. I also tried to introduce Assembly for the fun of it.... didn't work out either! :D


Level 272
I tried the Python, like very basic stuff... didn't go well. I also tried to introduce Assembly for the fun of it.... didn't work out either! :D
Assembly isnt fun and I tried java bc its easier to understandddddddddd(even though python is much easier lang). . .it worked actually but I was overwhelmed irl


Level 5
Assembly isnt fun and I tried java bc its easier to understandddddddddd(even though python is much easier lang). . .it worked actually but I was overwhelmed irl
I tried Python numerous times, but students were super confused... only a handful understood and actually liked it. They always came back to learn more even OOCly they told me it was hella fun.

I was so happy honestly!

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