Level 9

Schoolrp.net is a fun, multiplayer roleplaying server where you can hang out with friends and roleplay. It is a realistic, fun server that never gets boring.
If your new, here is a guide to help you.
Pocket Money & Rep
Pocket money or yen, is the currency of Schoolrp.net. You can buy food, accessories, lockers and more! You earn yen over the time you play. You can also get yen from the Parent, outside the school grounds near the bus stop
Rep is reputation, if you do /rep you'll see how much you have. /Rep add [Player username] give +1 rep to the player. The more rep you have, the better your reputation.
If you want to minus somebody's rep, do /rep minus [Player Username] which -1 of their rep.
Warps & Commands
/warp Dojo
/warp Gym
/warp THS
/warp Cafeteria
/warp Pool
/warp FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
/warp FamilyStore
/warp Library
/warp Football
/warp PapaTozo
/warp Amakatsu
/ooc (To speak globally in chat)
/y (To yell)
/w ( To whisper 5 blocks)
/me (To describe an action E.g. /me Slurps soda)
/looc (To talk out of RP)
/ww (To whisper 1 block)
Newly Added Features/Items
Phones- Play games like Cake Clicker. Do /phone to access!
New accessories: Cat Ears, Baseball cap, Flower crown & more!
Resource Pack! (Make sure you enable resource packs to get it)
Death: Clears inventory and money to ensure more realism
Can I get a house or apartment?
The answer is no. Not unless you apply for being a teacher and/or a School Employee. You can apply for a teacher at: http://schoolrp.net/index.php?forums/teacher-applications.22/
Another way to get a house is to be close friends with the owner; TheDuckster. Only a select few of people are and I do not recommend pestering him about it.
Rules are very important to follow. Breaking them will result a kick or a ban. A ban can last a day, a week or permanent. A kick can be for an hour or more. Make sure to follow these rules!
Buying a rank
To buy a rank, all you have to do it /buy. It will open up options asking which rank you want. Click on the rank and then click on the link. It'll bring you to payment options.
When you have purchased the rank, log out of Minecraft then log back in and onto the server. (That's what I did and it worked!) You now get perks with you cosmetic box. Make sure to not roleplay as an animal. Roleplaying as an animal is breaking one of the rules.You can use cosmetics as long as you are not disrupting roleplay.
Did I miss anything?
If I did, please comment below and I'll fix it. Credit to Greci for doing the older version and giving me this idea. I hope this Guide helped you. Thank you for reading this far.
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