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NEWS REPORT | Eirmon Tailors


Level 13

Eirmon Tailors

“When One Door Closes.. Another One Opens.”

Hey, Karakura! Salem Hanasaki here once again! So, as you may have noticed, I’ve had a knack for certain types of reports. Though, this time, I settled with something a little more common! Today, I interviewed the head of Eirmon Tailors, a rising business, along with two of his co-heads!

If you’re interested, here’s how the interview proceeded.

⊱ ──── 《∘◦✽◦∘》 ──── ⊰

Blue = Salem
Green = Tatsuya
Pink = Hailey
Magenta = Delilah

[A voice recording would start playing]

⊱ ──── 《∘◦✽◦∘》 ──── ⊰

"Alright! So, for starters, would you mind introducing yourselves?"

"My name is Tatsuya, and I'm the owner of the Eirmon Tailors, but we may be changing the name soon since we're not only tailors!"

"I'm Hailey Katayagi, and I'm one of the co-heads of the company."

"Hello, I'm Delilah Susuki Kamodo Okosaki! I'm another co-head of Eirmon Tailors."

"Thank you for having us and taking the time to interview us. I hope you have many questions for us that we will proudly answer. I also hope you have a wonderful time being a photographer for the Eirmon Tailors!"

"Jared would also like to say hello."

"I'm truly enjoying being a photographer for your amazing company so far! And hello, Jared! So, if I may ask, what all does Eirmon Tailors entail? What all jobs do you guys supply?"

"All jobs we have are tailors, photographers, we have decorators, artists, graphic designers, and writers! We also include models, car dealers, and alcohol sellers. We also have customer service, which helps to answer any questions someone may have."

[Whispering could be heard in the background.]

"I see- So moving on, what is your goal for your company? The big picture, the end game!"

"The goal for our company is basically to have fun, a big community, and also to expand throughout Karakura! We're trying to partner with many other companies and rise in the ranks."

"I see, I see. That's a great ideal to have for your company! Besides that, how would you describe your staff's work ethic? Would you describe them as efficient and competent?"

"I would describe them mainly as efficient, we have many who work actively and others who take longer, which we're contemplating firing. We're also thinking of a new plan for the business regarding updates. Besides that, from what I've seen myself, customer service and majority of the staff work very efficiently and always get their job done."

"From what I've firsthand seen, they do appear to be very active! If I may ask, do you have any future plans for your company?"

"One of the plans was from Del herself, which was a pet shop! It's basically where people can adopt cute companions! We also have this other idea of a shop where we also have a gift shop and a thrift store where people can give us items that they no longer want. We're also planning on buying an estate or tower so all our workers have somewhere to stay! We're thinking about more jobs and events so our business is active and interactive with staff and customers alike."

"An interactive staff sounds like a wonderful idea. It'd bring more life to the business! May I ask what inspired you to start a business?"

"That's a funny question, actually!" Laughing could be heard. "I saw all these other companies, and it looked very fun! So, I went up to Del and we were just hanging out at first. So, I said, 'How do you feel about helping me start a business?' We started brainstorming and we brought in another co-head. Eventually, we were brought to what you know as Eirmon Tailors! We weren't expecting it to become this packed so fast. Hailey, do you have anything to add?"


[There would be a censor noise.]

"OKAY! That's great. Anyways- Do you have any deadlines for when you want all these updates to become active within your business?"

"We don't have any deadlines as of now, but we do want these updates to take place shortly. Del, do you have any idea for when your pet shop will take place?"

"Not yet, considering that it will require a lot of funds."

"Ah, I see! Well, that's all the questions I had for you guys today! Thank you very much for taking the time to join me for this interview!"

"Thank you for having us join you!"

"Wait, there's still peanut butte-"

⊱ ──── 《∘◦✽◦∘》 ──── ⊰

[The recording would end.]

[CLICK HERE - Eirmon Tailors]

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