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News-Reporter Application Creful (Re-Apply)


Level 10
[OOC Section]

IGN (In-Game Name):

Previous bans: Yes, but I may not remember a few of them. From what I remember, I’ll list them below:


-Trespassing on School Grounds

-Reached max warn limits

Describe your activity on the server:

My activity is both active on SchoolRP, the server in general, and on the discords. If needed, I take my time and do this, the time’s i am usually on is 5-7 hours a day, sometimes longer if needed on.
Do you have Discord?


Do you have a microphone?:


List your current and past applications: - Accepted - Denied - Accepted - Denied - Denied

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying is because I personally believe that being a news reporter would add to my roleplay experience. Having a new RP would be something I enjoy! Personally, being a news-reporter is not much work, although you still do your work. It keeps my time, and others' time free and interesting at times!

What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?

The work of a Journalist is to find information and then make reports about the information that they have found out as well as being on TV and doing proper reports to the town/city that they reside in. They usually talk about a range of topics from politics, crime, social issues and recent changes to sports and public entertainment. Journalists normally educate the public eye on what’s going on around the world, and what weather people could expect throughout the day, but normally they are expressed through news-papers which are just a written version of News reports seen on TV.

Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP? News Reporters basically report what their name says.. . .! They report the latest news in Karakura. Mainly. they are important to SchoolRP because they can report major events. Anything you'd need, they will simply report it to Karakura's citizens. From Murders to Earthquakes and viruses. They've served the spot to help and update people to prepare. Mainly, they are important because they can take reports. Holding this knowledge, and hand it to Karakura's update.

[IC Section]


Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:

Hesseny Xalleyn was a petite girl standing at 5'3". She always wore her black dress and had long blonde hair. Ever since she was little she had a dying passion for the hobby of writing. She'd sit in her room writing little paragraphs at a time about what went down in her daily life. She was unique due to her passion with writing. Not many people liked writing the same amount that she did. On the job she's pretty much the same as she is off the job. She's nice to people and feels the need to express her writing through verbal means. She has a very positive outlook on the future and she hopes that she can keep her amazing job as a News-Reporter forever!


Hesseny V. Xalleyn was Born in Karakura in the year 1983 with her family which included her Father, Mother and Sister. They lived the usual normal life in the town and Hesseny enjoyed a normal childhood. When she was young she would play about with her sister who was just one year older than her, They would do many things together such as play dress up, play in there garden and watch movies and TV shows together. Her parents had an obsession with the world and politics so a lot of the time the TV spent its time tuned into the news channel. Growing up in her household with the news channel always on it made Hesseny want to become a journalist and track down stories all about different events that happened around the town, For being such a small town a lot sure did seem to happen, So from the young age of 7, Hesseny could always be found with a note pad and a pen writing down all sorts of things that she saw when she went out to play or spoke with her family. Going through school Hesseny always put in 110% effort when it came to English and writing and even joined the school’s Journalism team. After joining the team she had made friends with others who aspired to be the same as her, a news reporter so in her eyes she saw this as a challenge and this helped her keep herself motivated to continue on working. Joining High school allowed her to yet again try out and join the journalism club where she wrote for the schools’ newspaper and studied hard until she was then able to get into college and keep working towards her goal. Finishing the journalism course in college she then started to seek a job being a journalist for a news company until she came across Karakura news...

[SECTION 1: Personal Details]

Full Name:
Hesseny V. Xalleyn (Xalleyn = Ex-All-Ayy-n)

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Ms./Miss

Given Name(s): Ms. Hesseny

Preferred Name: Ms. Xalleyn

Age: 37

Gender: Female

Religious Denomination: Atheist

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Japanese

Current Location: Karakura

Phone Number: 374-859-851

[SECTION 2: Academic Details]

Years of training:
2 years of training

Working Experience: Her full school career with being part of the news club all the way up since the age of 7

Academic Degree: undergraduate in Journalism

Year of Graduation: 2020

Major(s): Math, English, Media-Studies

Minor(s): Biology

Native Languages: Japanese

Other Languages: German, Spanish

Other notes: Certain days i can stay on for much longer than 5-7 hours a day at times its 10-11 hours
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Level 165
╰──➢ ;── [ACCEPTED] ──;

╭ ⁞ ❏. You should get door perms to the building soon. ;

┊ ⁞ ❏.You will receive all of your roles eventually. ;

┊ ⁞ ❏.Contact me once you’re online for your rank on the server (And door perms). ;

┊ ⁞ ❏.Read all chats listed under the “REPORTER” category. ;

┊ ⁞ ❏. Post a message in general of the K-News discord in order to receive your role quicker.;

Dm me on discord once you have read this message.

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