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News Reporter Application


Level 13
[OOC Section]

IGN (In-Game Name):

Previous bans:
No previous bans.

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm fairly active on the server, in all days of the week, I can play for a few hours.

Do you have Discord?

Do you have a microphone?
Not at the moment.

List your current and past applications:

What is your motivation for applying?:
I've seen many of the stories in which the reporters provide. When looking into the job, I found it very interesting seeming to be a very fun, and eventful job. From my point of view, I think this would be the perfect job for me, I'm always capable of writing big stories, as I often write lengthy backstories for most of my characters. I would enjoy to provide my point of view of things, and show the eventful things in which happen around me. I want to speak over things that are truly important, not writing things in which aren't important in my eyes. Writing about things in which shift how people think about things, and how it affects everyone, in the city. I know I can add a sense of importance to all of the articles, adding my own twist towards it.

What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?
Journalists have a job of gathering information about an investigation, and, or current events. They must present the information in an honest, and presentable way, to show all of the facts in which happen in that specific event. Journalists may not have a biased point of view inside of their stories, as they provide information in which is fully true. Some things which they may write about are social issues, politics, and sports. They are educating the public about events and issues, and on how it may or may not affect their lives, in a positive or negative way.

Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?
Reporters are a very important asset in the world of SchoolRP. Informing people on the events, or situations in which they may or, may not have attended. It helps the staff from explaining what happens in that event, as the reporter comes to save the day, to show what has happened. They do really help the server evolve, in the lore department.

[IC Section]


Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:
The young male in which you are facing would have a height of 6'3. He would have messy black hair, with piercing blue eyes. His skin would have a slight tan look, but mostly being in a pale matter. Having a slightly faded rose tattoo on the side of his neck. When looking closer into his facial features, it would show a small scar on his cheek. Coming from a hard-working family, he would always want to one-up himself, always attempting to do his best in everything in which he tries to do. In and out of work, he would always try and be competitive. When getting more experience, he would like to make his own broadcasting company, trying to do the best stories, in his power.

Life had started with a baby boy named Hiroaki Matsui, being surrounded by his parents' love. When progressing in life, he had everything he could have wanted. But when he was at the age of five, that had all changed, completely. His father had been involved with a rising Japanese gang, in which was killing multiple people, everywhere. He had been involved with the killing of a police officer, meaning the whole force was looking for the gangs' whereabouts. Hiding this from his whole family, he wouldn't say a word, as it was against his code. Acting as a loving father in his home, then a wanted criminal on the streets. Having his whole family under danger, he had to do something about it, the decision was either leaving his family, or faking his death to the gang. He had to come up with a choice soon, as the whole gang knew, as a whole, that they would be found out soon. The police force was slowly, but surely catching up towards their tail. It had come to a night, where he had chosen to fake his death towards his gang, as the regret of leaving his family, would be too much for him to handle. After thinking about how he could fake his death, he had come up with a plan. The plan in which he was thinking about, was to move houses, then leave his body-double, laying on the floor, dead. After looking around for houses, he had finally come over to a place in Osaka, Japan. It was far enough away from where he had been living, and it seemed to be a pretty safe place, for him and his family.

Some years have passed, and Hiroaki is around fourteen years old. During this time, he had wanted to have a family pet, since he was always alone, when his parents would go to work. After telling his parents what he had really wanted, something had happened. The day was stormy, and his mom was driving home, from a long day of work. She was driving near a semi-truck, which had a large amount of cargo. The truck had lost control, due to the strong winds, and wet floor. Everything happened so fast, before she had a chance to move out of the way, the truck had collapsed on top of the car. The last thing heard from her voice, was yelling. Ambulance was rushed towards the situation, his mother was driven into the near
Osaka Central Hospital. But she couldn't get saved, it was too late for her. After getting the devastating call, Hiroaki had fallen down, crying on the floor. He couldn't believe what had happened, it was too much for him.

After four years passed, from that horrible incident that had happen, Hiroaki had started to feel better. He started to want to pursue his dreams, of being a news-reporter, as his mother was also one before she had died. After telling his father, the dreams, and goals he had for himself, it was time for him to set off, at his own adventure. He was already eighteen years old, and ready to pursue his career. Saying farewells towards his father, they had promised to stay in touch, every day. He had gone towards a pretty far news reporting station, which wasn't really known, at all, during this time. He had stayed there for around four years, being a chore boy in the first year. Staying at a near apartment, the rent was pretty cheap for him, but the apartment wasn't nice at all. He started getting more useful jobs, going from a chore boy, then towards a sort of an assistant to a news reporter, but it was more like an upgraded version of a chore boy. Nevertheless, he was still happy with the experience he had gained from this place. But while being in this place, he also had to get an education, since he still had to get a degree, to actually work. He was attending a public college that was about a thirty-minute commute from his apartment.

After another few years had passed from going to school at the college, he had finally earned his degree in Mass Communication, a bachelor's at that. When getting his degree, he felt like he could do anything in the world. He had went towards the place he had worked for so many years, to then resign, and go to start his own career. After he had quit his job, it had been his plan to become an independent news-reporter. Spending a year of his life, perfecting his craft, writing on his own blog, in which he created, getting roughly around a hundred views per post. Might have not been that much, but to him, it felt like he was a mass star. But he then realized it wasn't going to last too long, so he then decided to shut down the site. After shutting down his site, he wanted to apply at a pretty far reporting station, which was looking for news reporters. It was finally his time.

[SECTION 1: Personal Details]

Full Name:
Hiroaki Matsui

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:



Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Osaka, Japan

Phone Number:


[SECTION 2: Academic Details]

Years of training:
Three years

Working Experience:

Worked at a news reporting station in Osaka, for four years. Being a chore boy, then to an assistant.

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication

Year of Graduation:


Mass Communication


Literary Studies

Native Languages:

Other Languages:


Other notes:


Level 165
╰──➢ ;── [ACCEPTED] ──;

╭ ⁞ ❏. You should get door perms to the building soon. ;

┊ ⁞ ❏.You will receive all of your roles eventually. ;

┊ ⁞ ❏.Contact me once you’re online for your rank on the server (And door perms). ;

┊ ⁞ ❏.Read all chats listed under the “REPORTER” category. ;

┊ ⁞ ❏. Post a message in general of the K-News discord in order to receive your role quicker.;

Dm me on discord once you have read this message.

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