players online

newspaper suggestion


Level 31
IGN: vetuli
DATE: Sep 21, 2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: So y’know how news stations and other places usually give out newspapers? I think it’d be cool to put advertisements for shops and businesses into the newspapers! For example, instead of people just throwing books around for advertising, people could give out newspapers, and you could right-click them and it’d show all these types of shops/businesses. We could also put like little newspaper stations where multiple newspapers would sit in..!
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I think this would benefit the server a ton since a lot of shops open and stuff, and there are multiple businesses, and then if people want to create personal businesses (decorating apartments, babysitting, etc.), they wouldn’t have to throw books around everywhere. It also saves a ton of people from filling up their inventory with multiple books, so then all the advertisements are all in one item.

Side note: I do understand this might be difficult to develop, it's just a random thing I thought of
(I’m sorry if none of this made sense, I’m pretty terrible at explaining things)
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Level 73
Ah yes! Community newspapers! Like tailoring server type stuff but with IC ways to display it. People should be able to pay money to add their advertisements, ofc staff/reporters/whoever would have to make sure it's appropriate though c.c


Level 185
News Lead
I like the idea!

The problem is newspapers are limited by discord characters (4000), so it'd be hard to implement advertisement, especially with wide-ranged reports!

But, It could be possible to make separate newspapers, filled with advertisements, but I'd probably have them have to pay news to advertise


Level 146
I can't say I could see people engaging with this newspaper if it's exclusively advertisements. I also don't think most people would pay money to have restricted advertising space for something most people wouldn't look at, rather than paying to copy books and spread them by hand. Also, I can't see this being implemented without a standard for quality first being set, and from what I've seen, most people who advertise in-game would likely not meet this standard.

I do think in-character advertising is a good thing that should be practiced more regularly, but I don't think there should be an in-game solution. Maybe the news teams could bring back the Karakura Chronicle (or some other form of full paper, rather than doing isolated articles), and sell advertising space in the margins of it. Or, they could do more in the SRP / Town Discords to promote player-run businesses (outside of tailoring).


Level 115
+1, aslong as i get paid of course :)

Nah but in all seriousness good idea, just as what Aania said though it'd need some tweaking.

But I mean hear me out (rough cut idea): Weekly / monthly advertisement news paper shops/businesses can pay to put in an advert, scaling from small, wide to large adverts and such. Call it the 'Weekly / Monthly Magazine' cause something basic like that just sounds good. We can put like silly little interviews with shop workers in it too or something.

And then possibly we can have every magazine a thing called 'Best performance' where we take a look at like the stats somehow of each shop that was in the last magazine and the best performing once since then (Sales wise) gets a special banner in the top of the news paper or something.

tldr: really like the idea


Level 31
Thread starter
I like the idea!

The problem is newspapers are limited by discord characters (4000), so it'd be hard to implement advertisement, especially with wide-ranged reports!

But, It could be possible to make separate newspapers, filled with advertisements, but I'd probably have them have to pay news to advertise
valid, i'd like to have people pay for them as well, that's one way to make money


Level 31
Thread starter
Ah yes! Community newspapers! Like tailoring server type stuff but with IC ways to display it. People should be able to pay money to add their advertisements, ofc staff/reporters/whoever would have to make sure it's appropriate though c.c
exactly! I was thinking people could advertise tailoring services as well, and throughout the entire newspaper there'd be one section cut off for [OOC] stuff (discord links, ooc info, etc.)


Level 113

i had this in the karakura chronicle ages ago
people could come up to me and get an advertisement in the karakura chronicle
i advertised some sports tryouts and stuff
and like itaru saiky fan club or something
only reason it was just those things is because we werent allowed to report town faction things
my idea first, L.

Lyla Rose

Level 1

Aren't news issues published on the forums anyway? (Unless I could be wrong). It wouldn't be hard for there to be an advertisement at the bottom of each article, as long as the business pays for their advertisement. Anyway, I think this is an awesome idea from the perspective of a shopkeeper!!


Level 31
Thread starter

i had this in the karakura chronicle ages ago
people could come up to me and get an advertisement in the karakura chronicle
i advertised some sports tryouts and stuff
and like itaru saiky fan club or something
only reason it was just those things is because we werent allowed to report town faction things
my idea first, L.
smh, guess our minds work the same :)

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