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Nikō Heddo - ニコ・へド | The Prince


Level 56
Name: Nikō Heddo | ニコ・へドIMG_4644.jpg
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height / Weight: 5,9 / 140lbs
birthplace: karakura, Japan
Nationality: Japanese
Languages: Japanese
Nicknames: Knee Ko
Occupation: HS Student
Heddo Branch: Main Branch, Hishison Descent

Nikō Heddo had a slim and lean build, standing at 5'9" and weighing around 140 lbs. The first thing that drew attention was his striking sea-green eyes, which perfectly complemented his silver-blonde hair that contained two blue streams. His hair, longer and often styled in a bun. Without his bun, his hair fell in a messy yet charming style that suited his athletic demeanor. A subtle scent of mint surrounded him. Nikō typically dressed in casual attire.

Nikō wasn't someone who cared much about what people thought of his appearance. He dressed in whatever made him comfortable, never spending too much time on his look unless it was for an important event. Even then, Nikō rarely attended such events.


Nikō was often perceived as the one who laughed during serious situations. He typically remained sarcastic, making a mockery of any situation, no matter how intense. This attitude frequently got him in trouble, but he didn't care much. At school, Nikō was what you would call "a typical jock," picking on those who were much smaller than him, hanging out with his teammates, and often skipping classes that he deemed unimportant. His focus was primarily on his athletic achievements and social status. However, this personality was kept away from his family. In front of the Heddo family, he acted with the utmost respect and mannerisms, especially in the presence of his grandmother.

Strength: ★★★★☆
Intelligence: ★★★★☆
Charisma: ★★★★☆
Loyalty: ★★★☆☆

"Fear controls you, Nikō. Take control of it before it overcomes your future" - Manami Heddo

Randamu Heddo | “"I really wish I could see you more often. I miss you"

Saeko Heddo | “"Despite every single fight and argument we've had, I still love you. I'm always going to be happy for you"

Manami Heddo | "You constantly strive for perfection and approval, Manami... but what you don't know is that you're already perfect"

Rokku Heddo | "Everyone says I'll end up just like you, but they don't realize how much I'd love to marry a Frenchman when I grow up."

Charlotte B. Saiky | “You need therapy immediately”

Wayne Xin | “If you hang up on me one more time...”
Mei-Lein Saiky | “Out of the three losers, you might be the coolest one.”

Serena Santarossa | "I think you're the kindest person I've ever met. You've gotten me out of so much shit- I think I would have been shipped off to a boarding school by now if it wasn't for your help"


Made By Rios.
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Level 5
Serena Santarossa | "I think you're the kindest person I've ever met. You've gotten me out of so much shit- I think I would have been shipped off to a boarding school by now if it wasn't for your help
She does what she can, but she genuinely cares for this kid - she won't let him get shipped off... even if it meant hiding him in her house like he's some wanted criminal ‍


Level 56
Thread starter
She does what she can, but she genuinely cares for this kid - she won't let him get shipped off... even if it meant hiding him in her house like he's some wanted criminal ‍


Level 128
Shop Lead
She does what she can, but she genuinely cares for this kid - she won't let him get shipped off... even if it meant hiding him in her house like he's some wanted criminal ‍
Can she take him?? Saeko don't want him

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