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Nikki "Flamer" Iwasaki [岩崎ニッキ] Biography


Level 9

First Name

O'Dea (Biological)

Monet (Adopted)




132 IBS





Eye Color


Hair Color
Her hair would be red on top then fading to orange as it would trail down, looking like a flame


Before you would be a 5'0 Half-American, Half-Japanese female weighing at 132 LBS. She would have red hair on top but then dyed orange fading downwards, having it look like a flame. She would have gray eyes, and among interacting with her you would notice that she would smell like lavander. Along her right arm would be a Rose Tattoo.


Nikki would be a sweet and nice girl who just wants to get along with everyone. She usually isn't mean to people unless you did something to her first, in which case she usually doesn't like you. She would also defend people if she can and there is no other people available to, like teachers and police, but it's more rare for her to snitch to the cops than it is to teachers. She would especially defend her friends if she absolutely has to.


Nikki absolutely loves to draw, and it really shows in Daniel Lacrosse's class as he seems to be really liking her drawings from his class, as so far she has gotten nine reward tokens so far from it, as well as the four golden stickers and the great job stickers on her forehead. She plans on showing the whole world what she can do with her drawings.
Although she hasn't gotten a chance to show what she is capable of, Nikki would love to take some pictures of anything around her, including friends, family, animals, or even just the environment around her in general.
Social Interactions:
Nikki absolutely loves to interact and talk to people. She is always looking to make new friends and to give others some advice if they are in trouble.

Ever since Nikki was a little girl she has been practicing swimming. She has gone online numerous times and looked up dives and strokes and has been practicing them ever since. She looks forward to showing her swimming skills on the swimming team.

Nikki is not a fighter at all. In fact she absolutely hates it. If she tries to fight anyone she would just end up missing all of her punches. In a situation where someone is trying to hurt her she would just run away instead of fighting because she knows that she can't fight.
Nikki is bad at Basketball... like really bad at it... we don't even talk about it.

Nikki is absolutely terrified of being alone, especially after everything that happened involving some people after her as well as having scares of some close people of hers dying, but turns out that they were just fine. This is the sole reason why she is usually seen at the Plaza, as she doesn't want to be alone at all.
Age regression:

Nikki suffers from age regression when one of two things happen: She is either scared or she is sad and crying. While this is happening Nikki goes into this state where she is basically a five year old child, where she is... well either scared or sad. Also during this state, she would have no recollection of why she was in this state nor what happened during it because her child-like mind during that state is protecting her from anything bad that happened during it. If Nikki gets really bad with one of these emotions she would suddenly change emotions into a happy innocent 5 year old child, who would be willing to do anything to protect Nikki from negative emotions, even if it's to protect someone that is affecting her. She would completely act like a child at this point.
D.I.D (Dissociative Identity Disorder):
Nikki has a separate personality from herself. Just like above, if she happens to be scare or sad, it could trigger instead of her age regression. When this does happen she would suddenly switch to a 5 year old child-like personality. However, unlike age regression, Nikki is COMPLETELY unaware of what happened when she is herself again. This personalities name is Hana (find out icly of course lol) and she is basically a very friendly child who doesn't hurt anyone, no matter if she is getting hurt.
Just recently Nikki has been having seizures whenever she is stressed, which has been happening often. Over time, they would become longer and longer. One day she flew to her home in Ireland to her sister and mom for her own safety, when all of a suddenly Nikki had a seizure that... well, almost caused her life. She recovered from the seizure. However, it caused her to suddenly lose her voice, ultimately becoming a mute. She was

devastated, but eventually she learned to work around it.



*.*Nessa T. Monet*.*[Sister][Dead]

Nikki and Nessa have a very strong bond to where they see each other as sister, and they have been for at least three years now. Every time they had a problem with something they would talk to each other about it. Nessa would be the fighter and more violent sister of this relationship, while Nikki would be the innocent one who talks a lot and looks up to Nessa. They would eventually become sisters in the Monet family, where after a little while they would start to get into a bad argument, to where it got really bad, where Nessa said that she'd send Nikki to the hospital. Little did Nikki know that would be the last time she'd see Nessa ever again
"Nessa... I'm sorry. I wish I could've apologized to you when I had the chance. It's my fault that our relationship ended on a bad note... Nessa... I didn't mean what I said... please come back..."

*.*Zoya Lebedev*.*[Close friend][Alive]
Zoya would be the first adult she would ever meet in Karakura, and they would both become close friends. Zoya would even help her out with some advice with stuff every now and again, and Nikki would go to her for help when she needs to.
"Thank you for helping me out when I really needed it Zoya. You were the first adult that I've actually met when I arrived in this city. It wasn't even a teacher funny enough. Glad that I got to know you well enough Zoya to consider you a close friend!"

*.*Ivan Lebedev*.*[Good friend][Alive]
Although they got off to a shaky start, they both would eventually become good friends. Not exactly the closest as they do have different views, but good enough to where Ivan is willing to protect Nikki from any form of danger. However, Nikki would think that Ivan was dead after hearing some horrible news, then a couple of months later he would suddenly reappear, Nikki being completely shocked.
"Ivan? I thought that you died. Either way I'm so thankful that you are alive and ok! I don't want anything bad to happen to you again!"

*.*Reyes I. Foyer*.*[Ex-Girlfriend][Alive]
Nikki would see Reyes every now and again in the hallways, but didn't interact with her much at first until Nessa introduced her to Nikki, and pretty soon they became close. Reyes would then start to compliment to Nikki in French, in which Nikki didn't understand at the time until Reyes told her that she was... well complimenting her. Nikki would tell Reyes everything that is going on with her and she would feel secure and safe around her. However, suddenly Reyes would no longer be showing up in town, and soon Nikki would find out that she wasn't happy in town with her anymore. It broke Nikki's heart.

"Why... why did you suddenly cut contact about me? Why did you stop caring about me? Why?! You know what, I wish you the best of luck, but please do not talk to me ever again."

*.*Daniel B. Lacrosse*.*[Favorite Ex-teacher][Alive]
Ever since Nikki has stepped into Daniel's classroom, they would seem to become close. Every time she stepped inside of that classroom she always gets some sort of reward, rather it'd be a sticker or a reward token. Is it favoritism? Probably.
"Mr. Lacrosse! I'm so sad that you no longer teach at school. I miss being in your classes. I wanted to make you smile. I'm still glad that we get to keep in contact though! I will make sure I keep going in school and in college!"

*.*Seagull*.*[Pet Fox][DEAD]
Ever since Nikki saw Seagull, she instantly fell in love with the fox so much. She always keeps him very close to her, and basically goes anywhere with him as long as it's not on school grounds. Majority of the time you would see Seagull and Nikki having a bonding moment. However, Seagull would sadly pass away unexpectedly.
"Seagull... I miss you buddy. Hope you're having fun in heaven with Nessa. I'll see you sometime soon."

*.*Erica A. Ryder*.*[Ex-Bestfriend][Alive]
Nikki and Erica would meet at the bowling ally during a class field trip, where they both had good bowling skills. They would become friends quite quickly, and they would hang out a lot more often... well... they did, before Erica would suddenly cut ties with her, for absolutely no reason
"Erica? What did I do wrong? Why have you suddenly abandoned me? Shut me out from your life. What did I do? What happened to us?"

*.*Asher F. Monet*.*[Brother][Alive]
Nikki met Asher for the first time through Erica, along with Esme, Cyrus, and a few others. Soon, they would become close to them, where she would eventually join the Monet family, in which she would form a bond with everyone.
"Asher! Thank you so much for being my brother! It means so much that you care about me! I'll make sure that you are ok!"

*.*Esme K. Monet*.*[Sister][Alive]
Although she doesn't know Esme as much as the rest of the Monet family, she still views her as a sibling that she can trust
"You're crazy Esme, which is what I love about you! Keep being you!"

*.*Cyrus M. Tokugawa*.*[Brother-in-law][Alive]
Nikki sees Cyrus as someone who she can trust to protect her whenever she is needed, especially since he save her from her sudden death, as well as helped her on numerous occasions
"Thank you for protecting me from everything being thrown at me Cyrus. I'm so glad that I get to call you my brother-in-law! I hope that you stay in the family for years to come!"

*.*Zakary L. H. Monet*.*[Brother][Alive]
Nikki views Zakary as her favorite sibling out of... the bunch of other siblings that she has. Both always seem to have each others back whenever needed
"Zakary! It's always good to see you! Every time I see you it always puts a smile on my face. Thank you for being there for me. Love you big bro!"

*.*Aoife O'Dea Helvete*.*[Twin-Sister][Alive]
Both Nikki and Aoife have gotten really close to each other very quickly through Erica. Although Nikki doesn't understand why Aoife always using TTS, she doesn't question it as she respects Aoife's privacy. They both would hang out and talk to each other quite often, and their relationship would almost seem to be like sisters. Well... because they are actually twins! They found out after Nikki went to Ireland for vacation, running into their mother. But... recently Aoife has gotten sick... really sick... and Nikki is deeply concerned for her.
"Aoife... are you ok? Please... tell me you are ok? I... I don't want to lose you either. Please... don't leave me. I need you in my life. You make me happy... as my sister. I'm so glad I met you, and I'm so glad that I found out that we're sisters! But please... don't die on me."

*.*Kazumi Itachi*.*[Enemy][Alive]
Ever since day one, Kazumi would be terrorizing Nikki, where on the first day he tried to get Nikki to be his girlfriend when she refused, as well as keeps touching her in the arm when she didn't want to be. After Nessa's death, he would keep harassing her and say that Nessa deserved her death every time he sees her, as well as threaten her life. Nikki is getting tired of him, to the point where she breaks down crying.
"Why don't you leave me alone?! STOP HARASSING ME!"

*.*Rae S. M. Tokugawa*.*[Sister][Alive]
Nikki and Rae would get off on a rocky start... and I mean a REALLY ROCKY START. This lasted for quite a while, until Rae would suddenly start to protect her from Nessa's wrath, in which Nikki is very thankful for. Soon after, they would apologize to each other and they would be starting to get along again
"I'm sorry for all of the things I've said before. I'm just glad that we made up and finally moved on from everything. I hope that we can actually get along this time."

*.*Akemi M. Lacrosse*.*[Bestfriend][Alive]
Nikki and Akemi would interact with each other for the first time at school, where they both grew close pretty quickly. Over time they would get closer and closer to each other, until they would eventually become best friends!
"Kemi... I know we are best friends and all... but can you stop crawling around the ground like a worm... it's just... weird."

*.*Tobias O'Sullivan Saki*.*[Close friend/Son-like figure][Alive]
One day Nikki noticed Tobias's strange behavior, especially through Nessa. Instead of treating him poorly, she would treat him well and welcomes him with open arms. Whenever Tobias would be in his child-like state Nikki would treat him as if he is her own child, making sure he is happy while in that state. When he is normal, she still treats him with kindness and tries to interact with him.
"Hey Tobi! I hope you are doing well! I hope all of your other personalities are also doing well! Please, keep your head up high and don't let anyone treat you differently!" (Normal Tobias)
"Tobi! I see you like a son to me. Every time I see you it puts a warm smile on my face. You cheer me up whenever I see you. Don't let the kids bully you ok? If they do come to me, and I will make sure you are safe and sound." (Child Tobias)

*.*Piera Lacrosse*.*[GirlFriend][Alive]
After Nikki's breakup with Reyes, Nikki was really sad and upset, basically crying. She stayed in her apartment for a day or two, until Akemi forced her to get up and out of her apartment. Then Akemi would later hook her up with Piera with a group chat from the Lacrosse family, and after messaging each other on there, and a couple of dates, they both would end up being with each other.
"You've shown me happiness. You've been there for me when I needed you the most, even more than my ex, and we just started dating. I'm so glad that I'm with you. I love you to the earth and back."

*.*Micah Monet Fukushima*.*[Brother][Alive]
Through the Monet family, Nikki and Micah would soon bond closely to each other. Whenever she needs someone, Micah is right there to help her out
"Thank you Micah for being there for me, even in my hardest times. You have cared so much about me, and I thank you for that. I want to return the favor when you need me to be there for you."

*.*Judah Theodor*.*[Friend][Alive]
Nikki recently met Judah through Akemi, and they've grown to bond quite quickly. He would message her on a daily basis, saying hi and asking her how she is doing, and Nikki would do the same thing
"You always check on me Judah, and you've listened to me about my problems. Thank you."

*.*Takida Monet Tokugawa*.*[Brother][Alive]
Nikki is always questioning Takida's choices and his choice of words, especially recently, and for good reason. Sometimes she even wonders why she is her brother to begin with. After he accused her of paying people to sabotage his wedding, she hasn't talked to him since
"Takida... I don't even know how you are my brother. You've done a numerous of strange things, and your actions are... odd too."

*.*Jina Hyeong*.*[Swim-Captain][Alive]
Although they don't talk that often outside of practice, Nikki and Jina would be somewhat close, although not that close. Nikki has helped Jina with tryouts, and Jina basically trusts her to make the right judgement in terms of accepting people on the team.
"Honestly I'm glad that I got accepted into the team. You are a really awesome, and I'm glad to have you as a captain. Glad to help you with tryouts to see who should get accepted on the team."

*.*More relationships soon*.*


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Level 9
Thread starter

Hello Everyone! In this update a LOT of stuff has been added and changed, so we're going to go over everything here!

I'd also like to thank you all for the support when I posted this. Glad that you guys like it.

-Added Monet to her family (Adopted)
-Changed her height. She'd grew a few inches!
-Edited her description part a tiny bit
-Added swimming to her strengths!
-Added D.I.D to her disorders
-Changed the following relationships:
~Nessa [
Alive]--->[Dead] & [Sister-Like figure]--->[Sister]
~Seagull [
~Reyes [
Very close friend/Possible love interest?]--->[Girlfriend]
-Added the following relationships:
~Asher F. Monet
~Esme K. Monet
~Cyrus M. Tokugawa
~Zakary L. H. Monet
~Aoife O'Dea Helvete
~Kazumi Itachi
~Rae S. M. Tokugawa

In the next update:
-More relationships (If needed)
-More photos (hopefully if someone is willing to help me take them)
-All of Nikki's outfits and looks (Back then and now)
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Level 9
Thread starter
I'm so terribly sorry for not keeping this bio updated. So much has happened in my life that I keep forgetting to. I got something planned for the backstory, it's just going to take some time for me to do due to irl college classes kicking my butt, but once it's done it will be worth it!


Level 9
Thread starter


Hello everyone! Guess what? It's that time again! That's right, another update to the bio! I really do apologize about not posting an update for a while. So much has happened in my real life that it caused me to not be able to add to it! But here we are now, and ohhhhh boy, quite a bit has been added, especially... RELATIONSHIPS! So, here we go!

-Changed her biological name from Iwasaki to O'Dea (lore purposes)
-Added mute to her disorders
-Changed the following relationships:
~Reyes [
~Erica [
Close friend]--->[Ex-Bestfriend], Erica Anderson ---> Erica A. Ryder
~Daniel [
Favorite Teacher]--->[Favorite Ex-Teacher]
~Aoife [
Very close friend]--->[Twin-Sister]
-Added the following relationships:
~Akemi M. Lacrosse
~Tobias O'Sullivan Saki
~Piera Lacrosse
~Micah Monet Fukushima
~Judah Theodor
~Takida Monet Tokugawa
~Jina Hyeong

I'm so sorry that I'm missing quite a bit of what I said from last time, but again bare with me as life is kicking my butt right now.

In the next update:
A FULL BACKSTORY (Possibly in a documentary or something? Depends if staff doesn't yell at me about it :pray:)
All of Nikki's outfits
More photos
and more if needed!


Level 9
Thread starter
I plan on redoing the entire bio as I find it outdated and a bit sloppy. It will be a lot more organized!

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