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Niklas ‘Yurei’ Dahl | Biography


Level 281
ˎ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ General Information!☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Written/Legal Name
Yurei Dahl!

Preferred Name(s)/Nicknames


’Goat Child’
‘little ghost’
^ Exclusive ^

Name Meaning
His name translates very literally to ghost. He isn’t sure why his mother chose a japanese name back then, when she changed it, but she did.

Trans He/Him!


wip :3

Age and Birthdate!
October 6th, 2003. He’s 18

Height and Weight
Ram is 165cm [5’5’’] and 50kg [117 IBS]

Physical description
Yurei is a small, baby faced, chubby cheeked kid with albinism. His hair is ghost white and if his skin was any paler he’d look like a corpse. He has many freckles and is of Norwegian decent.

Face Claim

Totoro Backpack ~ His totoro backpack! He is always wearing it and keeps all of his belongings in there.
Round Glasses ~ Yurei uses these to see! Even if he can’t very well.
Water Gun ~ He squirts people with it. Pew pew

Physical Abnormalities!
Yurei’s right eye is totally blind as a result of his albinism, and has become crossed, he’s rather self concious about it. His other eye is almost totally blind, and its rather difficult for him to see even with his glasses out of it.

Disorders, Addictions, etc.

~ Yurei often copes with fearful situations by regressing. He’s about 7-8 when he does so. Most of his negative triggers gave to do with the feelings his parents gave him when he was forfeited as a kid. Often times in these fearful situations he will cry and ask for his ‘Mom’, ‘Mam’, ‘Bubba’ or his ‘Dad’. These are the people he tends to trust most in those situations. When he’s regressed he also tends to have a dislike for bad language for typical kid reasons, referring to them as ‘Bad Words’.
~Yurei struggles with Albinism

Random Quirks/Odd Behaviors etc.
~ the use of his head as a main weapon.. his go to attack is a headbutt.
~ He makes baby goat noises?
He likes to bonk heads as a greeting.
~Yurei is very frightenable, and often hides behind Kamodo, Tenmei, or Kyoru. He tends to stick around Liam now though.

Yurei Quotes/Random Rants/Speaking
“Acheflow used to be my name before my mother changed it. It means while flower. I’m not sure why she changed it, I think it was because she thought I didn’t deserve the name she gave me. I am thinking about changing my name back to something from my language, not Acheflow of course, that’s much to feminine for my liking!”

“ Cooki pleeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- * GASP * aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSEEEEEE!”
He was given a cookie

ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ Relationships! ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊


Kamodo Alto Ressivo Takahara|Friend, ‘Dad’| Alive
“I know that we’re both the same age.. but... I can’t help but think of him like my dad. He acts so much like my father, and He was more of a dad than I’ve ever had..He’s an idiot, but he’s my idiot- this much will never change. Even when im not regressed he still acts like my dad.”

Kyoru Torusei |Friend, ‘Mom’| Alive
“She’s my mom. She protects me and I know I can always go to her when I need help with women issues n stuff.. since i never really had anyone to teach me about that stuff. I love my mom.. regressed or not.”

Evelyn Kruse | Friend, ‘Mum/Mamma’| Alive
“I’m sorry I was so mean to you, but now I know you actually wanna help. You are good to talk to when I am upset.. I also like that you give me hot chocolate all the time!”
[Mamma is the Norwegian word for mother.]

Liam ‘Burn’ Z.| Friend/ ‘Bubba’|Alive
“ He’s nice.. I got scared and he helped me.. he feels like my big brother! <you’d hear a little giggle> I like to hang out eith him, sometimes his friends dont like me, i donni why, but i still stay around! I just try n’ keep outta the way”


Tenmei … | Boyfriend| Alive
“MeiMei! Das my boy! I love him, I really do. I just wish he was around more.. i really miss him. You know what he said when He figured out I was trans? He hugged me when I had my binder off. He just said ‘Squishy’ which made me giggle. He’s an idiot, but I love him.”

Songs he can Relate to. “Theme songs”

T+pazolite - little more

“It’s so Hectec and fun! I love it!”

Confetti - Ghost
“ Hehe.. get it..? Cuz- Cuz my name..?”
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