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Ninomae G. Ikemori | Biography


Level 95
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Please do not take this biography ICLY, Gain all of this information of Ninomae herself. I want to give a big shoutout to the artists who made the art in this biography being Joifulli and Batchi, There Kofi's will be bellow if you would like them to make you art aswell. Finally I want to say this biography is a heavy work in progress and will be done overtime.

Joifulli's Kofi

Batchi's Kofi

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❧ Ninomae Ikemori

♥ Full legal name
❧ Ninomae Genet Ikemori

♥ Age
❧ 20, Twenty years old

♥ Place of birth
❧ Osaka, Japan

♥ Occupation

❧ College student

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♥ Queen of koi
This name was given to Ninomae by her mother once when hanging out at the shrine when she was in grade 18, She sat by the Koi fish pond with her mother and dipped her hand in filled with Koi food, Subsequently all the fish came over to her and ate the food out of her hand. This was a common occurrence for anyone who fed the Koi, But Nino's mother made sure she felt special for it and named her the Queen of koi. She has stuck with this name and held it with pride until this day.

♥ Princess of slumber

The name Princess of slumber was given to Ninomae by her grandmother because of her love of sleep. Ninomae can never get enough sleep and often takes short naps throughout the day to keep her body clock running. Due to her diagnosis of CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) it is very good and healthy that Ninomae takes these naps for the sake of her own health. Just like the queen of koi, Ninomae has kept this name due to her love of being called princess by her parents.

♥ Nini
❧ This name Nini was given to her by her mother and now her step father, The name originated from her mother wanting to give Nino a cute name when she was just a baby and well the name has sure stuck until she was 20 years old and potentially for life. Just like the other two Nino has kept this name with pride as it was her parents who came up with the name.

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❧ Standing at a short height of 5'3, Ninomae would be a female of the Japanese decent with long silky blonde hair with contrasting green eyes. Ninomae often wore her hair down with sometimes an exception of wearing it up for doing sports or baking. When seeing Ninomae she would usually be wearing her green floral kimono that had been gifted down from her grandmother which matched her green floral fan and kanzashi hair pin. On other days Ninomae would be seen wearing her Sanrio sweater mixed with a blue skirt with a matching bow in her hair.ninomae (2) (1).jpg

Ninomae's personality varies from mood to mood, However her key personality stays the same. Ninomae will always be caring to people no matter who they are due to how she was brought up by her mother, Additionally Ninomae will not stand up for bullying at all, If Ninomae spots something out of order or a major red flag she will instantly bring it up. Ninomae's personality has mainly been slowly structured up from being around her mother Tsubasa Ikemori and her late stepfather Eiichiro Hiragi.

Ninomae has a strong motherly instinct, She has a soft spot for children and has a dream of one day having children of her own. Until then she will be waiting for the right man or women to come along. Until then Ninomae often takes care of her friends children. As much as she wants her own, Ninomae is a strong believer of studies first family later. Ofcourse she loves her family and takes care of them but she is not ready to start one of her own until she is completely done with college, Unless something comes up that is.

❧ Due to Ninomae's anxiety she is often very wary and questioning about opportunities she can take. She will nearly to always deny going to a parties with her friends due to the fact she will have to be more social than she already is, However at times Ninomae feels as if it is right to go out of her comfort zone and enjoy herself with friends and families. Ninomae will never put herself around people who are drunk or actively drinking due to her first experience of being drunk. She understands people are not always themselves when drunk and does not want to risk anything.

❧ Ninomae is the typical keep her life to herself type, However when she is very close to someone she can often become a bit flirty. She is terrible at flirting but if she thinks someone is good looking she will tell them indirectly. On top of this Ninomae will make sure everyone around her who is down knows they are loved, The young lady ends most of her conversations off with 'Have a beautiful day' this will often be said to anything and anyone and does not mean she has feelings for them , Yet simply just being nice.

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♥ Anxiety

Definition: Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. For example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam or having a medical test or job interview.

❧ Ninomae was diagnosed with this at the age of 13 years old, Her mother and father took her to psychiatrist after noticing Nino's levels of stress and sadness rising once being left alone, The women was soon diagnosed with Separation anxiety and later in life with Social Anxiety

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Definition: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by profound tiredness, regardless of bed rest. Its symptoms may worsen with physical or mental activity. CFS can happen suddenly and last for years. The condition affects more females than males.

❧ Ninomae was Diagnosed with this when she was 17 years old, Her parents had caught onto Ninomae not being as fit as active as others despite her trying her hardest, She would often get exhausted from just little walks despite being healthy and fit. Her parents got very worried and took her to a GP and a few days later found out she indeed had CFS. Due to this Ninomae has became 'The princess of slumber' because of her sleep schedule and how many naps she takes a day.

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♥ Backstory
Ninomae's backstory is about 50% done and is currently over 10,000 words. It will be pasted once it is 100% complete

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♥ Family

Tsubasa Ikemori - Mother
❧ Tsubasa is Ninomae's birth mother and has always been there for her. Tsubasa turned Ninomae into a 'Mommy's girl' since she was baby. Due to this even at the age of 20 years old Ninomae loves her mother more than anyone else in the world and will do anything to spend time with her and her step father

Darius Ikemori - Father
❧ Darius Ikemori is Ninomae's birth father and as much as she still loves the man she denies it to everyone due to him disowning her after him and her mother got divorced. Ninomae still does love the man and would love him to see her as a daughter still, However that will just not happen.

Eiichrio Hiragi - Step Father
❧ Eiichiro stepping into Ninomae's life once him and her mother started talking and despite him not even dating her mother at the time she still quickly grew a bond with him and started calling him her father, Now he is planning on Marrying her mother and becoming her true step father. Although he is not her birthfather she will always see him as one.

Adam Ikemori - Little Brother
❧ Adam is Ninomae's 14 year old little brother, Although Ninomae and him have not met many times due to family issues Ninomae loves him with all her heart and dedicates her days to spending time with him when he is around to be the best big sister she can possibly be.

♥ Past and Present lovers

Eiichi Holland - Current boyfriend
❧ Eiichi is Nino's current boyfriend and the one she hopes to stay with, They are like two pea's in a pod and fit eachothers personality perfectly. Only time will tell what will happen with the two love birds.

Virgil Dot - Ex boyfriend
❧ Virgil was Ninomae's 2nd relationship and was the one she thought she would be with for life, However times grew hard for Virgil while Ninomae was not present and he decided to end. Ninomae feels guilty about not being present for a while until this day.

▇▇▇▇ - First boyfriend
❧ ▇▇▇▇ Was Nino's first boyfriend and the one she loved the most. If only she didnt have his blood on her hands. Then maybe they would still be together. What he did to her family was unforgivable.

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