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NitroSoda Police Application


Level 12
IGN (In Game Name): NitroSoda

Previous bans: click here
Describe your activity on the server:
I can't play Monday-Thursday, may be on during some holidays but i travel a lot. I play 3-4 hours every session

Do you have Discord? yes.

Do you have a microphone? yep.

List your current and past applications: none

What is your motivation for applying?: I find myself walking around and doing nothing most of the time. I think rping as a police officer would be totally awesome and id be able to get into more action. Although im not active a lot, having a relevant role like that would really push me to play the server a lot more.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes.

What are the Police ranks? Police-Cadet, Police Officer, Police Investigator, Police Lieutenant, Police Comissioner
What knowledge do you have of Police Work. To summarize, there are call codes, abbreviation codes, levels of seriousness on a report. When you search someone, they must put their hands up and face the wall, and if they reach for their weapon, they have to /me it, and then you can just taze them. Citizens have to FearRp in front of Police officers. Police officers have tools like handcuffs, flashlighs, tasers, glocks, a baton, latex gloves, fingerprint scanners, a first aid kit, a battering ram(sick) and luminol spray. You have to wear police attire unless custom attire is approved by commissioner and captain. Before looking at security footage of an area, you must ask the staff of the shop or building.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP? Every schoolrp should have police so there aren't criminals shooting up every building. Meaning that in order to keep the balance of things, police are needed. SchoolRP would be complete chaos without the police.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes.

Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?

He is a tall, broad man with black hair, and cold blue eyes. He has some muscle, meaning he probably works out or played football at some point in his life. He usually wears attire much different from other people. He seems like the kind of guy you'd ask "You play sports?"
What he's like on the and off the job?
On the job he is(would be) a little lazy sometimes, friendly and chill, maybe the one to crack a joke, not interested in computer/paper stuff, but when there is an emergency or a crime he turns on his "serious mode" and stays focused on the situation. Off work, he's usually a pretty lonely guy. Doesn't really have friends. He usually won't ask anybody if they want to go out for a drink or lunch. He is saving up for an apartment so he doesn't have to sleep on the streets.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
He tries to be cool and friendly toward his co-workers, and treats his higher ups with utmost respect. and doesn't really have any plans for the future.

Growing up Yukichi Yumoto was a kind, smart boy who lived in Saitama, Japan. He suffered from his parent's divorce at age 9. His mother was a kind, beautiful woman, but his father, was the rough, husky, strict type. He fought with his wife a lot, and eventually they ended up divorcing. Yukichi and his mother moved to Nagoya. A few weeks after they moved, Yukichi's father was reported dead in a drunk driving accident. Yukichi spent his years of grade and high school in Nagoya. When he got older he got picked on by groups of kids around his age and older(ima call them gangs) and they treated him roughly, beaten up regularly. Instead of doing nothing about it like the casual would, he started hitting the gym and riding his bike all day. He joined the football team as well. He approached the gang in order to restore his pride, and challenge the leader of the group, nicknamed "Man of Steel", who was a college dropout who played on the college football team. The fight was intense. Yukichi ran at Steel for a tackle, but Steel was able to stand his ground without falling. He kneed Yukichi in the gut, leaving him stunned for a few seconds, then he went for a jab to the left cheek, following with an uppercut to the nose . Yukichi stepped back, covering his nose which was leaking of blood. He gritted his teeth and charged with his fist but sucker-sweeped, unexpectedly. Steel fell on the ground and Yukichi took it to another level by jumping on Steel's back. Ruthless hate passed through Yukichi's mind, remembering all the beatings he took throughout his stay at Nagoya. Steel wailed in pain, paralyzed. Yukichi stood above Steel with his teeth gritted. He grabbed Steels arms (steel laying back facing up on the ground) and pulled them back slowly. Steel yelled and groaned in pain. Snap! Steel's voice reached another high. Yukichi dropped Steel's arms, turning around and looking at the other group members with an ice-cold stare. "Who's next?" The group members ran away. Soon the police rushed to the situation and were close to sending Yukichi in jail. Instead, they gave him solitary confinement for 3 months. Yukichi respected and thanked the police. He told his mother he wanted to be a police officer. His mother replied wearily, "I don't know honey. It can be very dangerous...think about it for a few years, see if there are other jobs you like."
So Yukichi spent 3 years looking for jobs, wasnt interested, so then spent the next 4 years of his life studying in law enforcement school, which he luckily got into. He then looked at cities with high crime rates and he chose to move to Karakura and applied to be a police there.
SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Yukichi Yumoto
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): none
Given Name(s): Yumoto
Preferred Name: Yukichi
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: None
Marital Status: unmarried
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
4 years of law enforcement school
Working Experience: Can manage paperwork and whatnot, knows the tricks of the trade, tasering, handcuffing, etc.

Academic Degree: Bachelor's

Year of Graduation: 2015 (age 21)
Major(s): Law enforcement
Minor(s): mathematics

Native Languages: japanese (english)
Other Languages: none
Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead
You're not seen as suitable for the role Police-Officer, your application is well written without a doubt, thank you for applying.

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