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NitroSoda- Police Application


Level 12

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section:

IGN (In-Game Name): princesoda

Previous bans: I've only got banned once, you can find it at this link.

Describe your activity on the server:

I play on a daily routine pretty much, unless I have to take care of something important. I tend to be more active on the weekends, but whenever I have free time, so at least 3-4 hours every day. (It's usually going to be more than that.)

Which timezone are you in?


Do you have Discord?

Yes, my discord tag would be fresh prince of soda#0023.

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:

Yes, I have a working mic that is usable for calling.

List your current and past applications:
Police Application #1
(First Italian Language Application) {Denied}
(Second Italian Language Application {Accepted}
(College Application) {Denied}
(Custom Scripts Application) {Accepted}

Rank Change {Accepted}

What is your motivation for applying?:

My biggest motivation is to earn a reputation on the server by helping people OOCly and/or ICly. Another goal of mine is to become a better roleplayer, doing this by watching other more experienced roleplayers while on the job, I feel this would help out my skills a lot and help me improve for the better. I'd also like to see what being in the police force would be like because in real life since I don't plan on making my career path steer in that direction. I want to put dedication into something to keep me entertained for a long period of time, so I won't become tired or bored with roleplaying.
When applying for something, my main 3 motivators usually are:
Becoming a better roleplayer/writer
and having fun. Enjoying myself.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?

Yes, I understand the basic outline of the rules and will not go against them. I realize that in doing so, there will be repercussions.

What are the Police ranks?

Cadet - Patrol Officer - Corporal - Sergeant - Trainee Investigator - Investigator - Head-Investigator - Lieutenant - Head-Lieutenant - Captain - Commissioner.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I have some knowledge of police work, some of this knowledge may consist of communication through abbreviation codes. Each report is classified under a level of seriousness. When you search someone to determine if they are in possession of weapons/illegal items, they must put their hands up and face the wall closest to them. If they reach for their weapon, they have to action it through /me, allowing said police to then stop them via taser. Players MUST FearRP when around Police Officers when the officers are acting superior or intimidating. More knowledge of police work would be what an officer wields. Tools police officers have on their person, depending on their rank, will consist of handcuffs, flashlights, tasers, Glocks, a baton, latex gloves, fingerprint scanners, a first aid kit, a battering ram, and luminol spray.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

The police force is important to SchoolRP because it limits GangRP from taking over the entire city, if not prevent it as much as possible. Police are the backbone to the society of Karakura and SchoolRP as well, to prevent chaos and riot through establishing order and justice. In order to keep a community from falling apart, there must be people who can execute the rules or laws.
To provide an example to go along with my point, if there were no police on SRP, people would riot and kill each other all day. It would just be pure chaos, and the police exist to maintain peace and order through enforcing it.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Yes, and I will promise not to take any sort of demotion OOCly personally because IC should never be taken to the real world. I’ll do my best to avoid getting demoted while staying loyal to the police force.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?

Yes, and I think I will enjoy doing so. I've found myself with nothing to do on SRP, so something to keep me busy like an actual job would be quite satisfying for me.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?

Yes, I would enjoy training as well, as that would be a special experience, so you can count on me not to miss it.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

Yes, as it is an OOCly rule even out of the police force to not bring IC into OOC. The situations do not affect real life (most of the time), so there is no reason to take any IC situation OOCly.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?

Kazura Kohakiru is a 6'0 Japanese broad-shouldered man with a build that could be classified as medium to muscular, simply because his body is not excessively bulky at all. He has hazel-brown eyes that suit well for his jet black hair. His eyes always appear to be stilled and at ease, as his composure only breaks in rare situations, however, his thoughts can differ from what his facial expression depicts. In short, he can be challenging to read. He only puts effort into the things he thinks are worth it, never pushing too hard unless necessary. When angered, he can be fierce and intimidating if need be. If he is happy, he usually never expresses his content with a smile. He is never ****y and almost always takes as many precautions as he can to maximize his confidence before making a decision. He grew up a child with a little brother and two loving, protective parents. It is perhaps from his parents that he inherited his iron will of justice and to defend.

What he's like on and off the job?

Hypothetically speaking, if Kazura was a police officer, he would be all business and no play, making sure to execute any problem as efficiently as possible. As I mentioned earlier, he only puts as much or more effort into the things that are important to him. During his non-work hours, he tends to be carefree and lazy, living the usual Japanese city life. He smokes occasionally, as well as drinking, but he never goes overboard with either. He is responsible when he believes he needs to be, like paying for his apartment, following the law, etc. He's lazy but still follows the rules to stay out of any kind of trouble.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?

He doesn't treat his co-workers as friends, but as equals. He tends to stray away from being too formal, however, when it comes to showing respect. He listens to orders from higher-ups and will carry them out as best he can. He does not complain or whine but will inquire about any commands that he does not understand or is confused about.

His plans for the future consist of staying in the KPD as long as he can and do what he can to help establish order.


Kazura Ruraki Kohakiru was born on May 25th, in the year 1994, in Tokyo born and raised by two caring, loving parents. Kazura grew up with the “cool kids”, or the more mature, popular group of children. His adolescent years were typical. He grew up the life of a normal Japanese kid until his teenage years were coming to an end.

At age 17, he witnessed the beating of a stray dog by a rich, higher-class man who tended to spit on anything that he didn’t think was perfect. Kazura jumped in, covering the dog. He didn’t seem to care about the dog’s hairs covering the new jacket he got for New Year’s. The rich man stopped kicking at the homeless animal as he realized the young man desperately leaped in. Kazura wasn’t sure why he made the leap. He never owned a dog. Perhaps it was because he never felt such a strong feeling to protect something, to realize what that feeling was worth. He shot a sharp glare at the rich man. His eyes clearly said “Go away”. The rich man walked off, scoffing. Kazura was shocked by his own courage, the feeling, and the rush of it, and he saw potential in it. He kept this moment locked up deep in his brain, a small part of him hoping to unveil it someday, and the rest uncertain.

Kazura then concentrated all of his efforts into getting into college. He succeeded in doing so, majoring in Criminology and minoring in Law and Sociology. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree, graduating in 2013. He then spent 7 years doing small jobs, such as working at convenience stores and such, saving up so he could manage life alone.
During one of his convenience store jobs, a lower-class Japanese man in his middle ages attempted to loot the cash register from the store. At the time, Kazura was working on his shift- so he had no choice but to hand over the money stored in the cash register while the barrel of the gun pressed against his forehead. 500, 500, 500. What should he do? 10,000 yen, 10,000 yen, 10,000 yen. Could he fight back? That would be the right thing to do, wouldn't it? 100,000. Right before he handed the 100,000 yen bill to the man, he dropped the bill and grabbed his hand, attempting to twist his hand around to make the gun's mouth face the robber, so he wouldn't shoot. He then let go and swiftly leaped up and off the counter, dropkicking him to the ground. The only reason he had time to do this maneuver was that the robber spent his seconds trying to calm himself and re-orient his brain towards his goal-busy adjusting his gun. After the dropkick, the gun flew out of the man's hand. Kazura grabbed the gun and aimed it straight at the robber, him still being barely conscious. The police arrived later, finishing the situation. Kazura didn't want attention, so he told the police what happened, but requested for it to be away from the media or news area.
He was discouraged from his store job, so he dropped out, and tried to search for job opportunities around Japan. Eventually, it hit him like a strong, cold breeze in his face that what he really wanted to do was protect other people from injustices. He did some research on any police job he could find and soon realized that his degrees, one of them being in Law and Criminology, clicked in with this job. That only spilled more oil on the flames of determination to become a police officer in the future. After a few weeks of hard thinking, contemplating, and researching, he finally set his sights on Karakura, Japan, which was a whole farm of crime syndicates that needed to be locked shut behind bars. He spent another day or two in Tokyo before saying his goodbyes to his family as he went into the train station. He was certain he wanted to be a police officer, but what lied in that city? He still knew very little about it. He lit a cigarette, staring down at the empty abyss of the train tunnel. He put the cigarette in his mouth, as the tip glowed. He let the cigarette out of his mouth with a sort of sigh, as smoke drifted out of his mouth in a puff. The train screeched to a stop as it exited the tunnel.
"Departure for Karakura." said the P.A. Kazura stepped into the train, with the most uncertainty he'd ever feel in his life.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Yamimoto Rukaru Kazura

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:



26 years old.



IC Phone number:


Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:

Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:

4 years.

Working Experience:

3 years in social work.

Academic Degree:

Bachelor's Degree

Year of Graduation:





Law and Sociology.

Native Languages:


Other Languages:


EDITS/UPDATES: Description Change: Red hair-> Black hair.
Changed Birthday.
Changed IGN.
Added more to Backstory.
Added more to Motivation for Applying.
Added more to the Importance of Police Force on SRP.
Last edited:


Level 135

After reading through your application and getting an input from the other officers, we’ve come to a decision that you’re suitable for the police-officer role.

Upon seeing this, be sure to check the Karakura Police Department discord.

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