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NLRing suggestion


Level 2
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION:I suggest that NLRing should be brought back, and if you don't know what that is, it's basically when you "kill" someone but they keep their character and only forget the situation that they were NLRed in, For example.

I'm killing someone and their friend is trying to help them by pulling them away from me or they're trying to get them to safety, With the rules right now, I wouldn't be able to do anything about that except continuing to roll and attempt to keep the person I'm killing while they're basically making me vulnerable to be killed or arrested. If I was allowed to NLR them then it would be so much better seeing as I can protect myself from being caught or harmed.

The reason I'm saying this is because I was in a situation very similar to this when I stabbed a cop and some high school student was trying to help them by grabbing me and taking the cop away while I wasn't allowed to do anything back except for minor them when it would've been more fair for me to NLR them and run away but since I couldn't do this and they continued grabbing me, I was caught and put in jail although the kill was successful.

If NLRing isn't brought back then I think that you should at least gain more perms than minor when someone witnesses you committing a crime as major as killing.


Level 87
Omg they took it away? I haven’t heard about NLR in so long it’s insane. NLR should be used in situations where you’ve been hit on the head hard enough should it cause some amnesia. It was cool trying to rp this before. +1


Level 22
+1 cause in this fivem server they implement this pretty well basically from now on when you "die" you keep your character still there will be a 10 min cooldown til you can basically respawn now what happens when you respawn is this you basically forget 20 mins leading up to your death basically you died you keep your character however how you got killed,who killed you,their clothes,they voice,names,AND who called you you will forget all of these now i aint saying you will forget all your friends and people you know incorrect all im saying is that once you die you keep your character but you forget 20 mins leading up to your death all those events on what happened to your death and who was involved and who called you in you will forget but your friends and family and other stuff like in normalrp you remember just the events you forget. I feel as if this will be better cause you obviously dont have to switch or make a completely new character starting from zero and you keep all your hard developed roleplay without having to lose it all like right now when you die you forget and have to make new character. 2nd what China said about the killing part thats what I dont get like one he was probably with other people with weapons katana cleavers etc and killed a cop i dont see how a normal ass person can come up or have the balls to even touch someone with a weapon cause you need to fearrp wait forgot people rarely do that nowadays but even if he somehow didnt have to fearrp and china was fighting him and china did have a weapon it seems so dumb how he has to NOT use the weapon and just ko the random ass dude that came in barging like a hero just koing him instead of killing this seems dumb cause if your getting into a situation where a killing or stabbing of other is happening and you decide to jump in i feel as if the gang or whatever should have like major or kill perms instead of just minor cause its funny how china had a weapon katana or whatever and cant use it cause he has minor even tho the dude straight up tried dragging him away thats all i got to say.


Level 87
+1 cause in this fivem server they implement this pretty well basically from now on when you "die" you keep your character still there will be a 10 min cooldown til you can basically respawn now what happens when you respawn is this you basically forget 20 mins leading up to your death basically you died you keep your character however how you got killed,who killed you,their clothes,they voice,names,AND who called you you will forget all of these now i aint saying you will forget all your friends and people you know incorrect all im saying is that once you die you keep your character but you forget 20 mins leading up to your death all those events on what happened to your death and who was involved and who called you in you will forget but your friends and family and other stuff like in normalrp you remember just the events you forget. I feel as if this will be better cause you obviously dont have to switch or make a completely new character starting from zero and you keep all your hard developed roleplay without having to lose it all like right now when you die you forget and have to make new character. 2nd what China said about the killing part thats what I dont get like one he was probably with other people with weapons katana cleavers etc and killed a cop i dont see how a normal ass person can come up or have the balls to even touch someone with a weapon cause you need to fearrp wait forgot people rarely do that nowadays but even if he somehow didnt have to fearrp and china was fighting him and china did have a weapon it seems so dumb how he has to NOT use the weapon and just ko the random ass dude that came in barging like a hero just koing him instead of killing this seems dumb cause if your getting into a situation where a killing or stabbing of other is happening and you decide to jump in i feel as if the gang or whatever should have like major or kill perms instead of just minor cause its funny how china had a weapon katana or whatever and cant use it cause he has minor even tho the dude straight up tried dragging him away thats all i got to say.
I think we should keep it simple to say you had a very major hit to the head and got KOed to the point you forgot everything that happened. But yUs


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for taking the time to submit a feedback, however this has been denied

- Due to the way SchoolRP works in style and rule layout, re-implementing this would cause too many issues including it being unrealistic for your character to be killed and then resurrected. Nevertheless, thank you for taking the time to submit this.

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