Level 1
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name): NoV4pe
Previous bans: N/A
Describe your activity on the server: I’m mostly active during the day, I wake up around 1 PM (CST) And I go to bed around 6 AM. So I essentially spend 13 hours on the server each day.
Which timezone are you in? CST - Central Standard Time
Do you have Discord? Yes, my discord is: Taco#7451
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]: Yes, I have a perfectly good and working microphone.
List your current and past applications:
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/baseball-bat.4497/ (Old account)
What is your motivation for applying?: My prime motivation for applying is due to how much cops divinely inspire me and noting how much-concerted effort I see them put into it, it inspires me. I possess many various reasons why I wish to be a part of The Police Force. To start, I genuinely want to be able to enthusiastically support people in Karakura and to faithfully keep them protected. I typically play all day and at night, but mostly during the day, but I'm on at night as well. Some days, when there are barely a hundred people on, I barely see police on. On that occasion, there's the chance of where I'll see no police online at all and I feel like being a part of The Police Force would just motivate me to be online even more often and provide a more secured Karakura. Another motivation is I feel that becoming a part of The Police Force would serve as an amazing reason for me to reach out to aid people when they need help and to care for Karakura and it's citizens. I feel that police not being on during late hours has led to an increase in uncontested GangRP which I don't find fair to people who occupy an earlier time zone and are only able to play during the hours when only a few players are on. I feel as if I would be capable of helping these people more often and help them to offer a more enjoyable experience while they're playing on SchoolRP.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes, I fully understand the Japanese Laws and Basic-Conduct as I’ve reviewed these rules and basic conducts many times.
What are the Police ranks?
What knowledge do you have of Police Work? I know you are required to have some skills such as communication, teamwork and to always be aware no matter the situation or environment you are in. When first accepted you will work at the front desk at all times as a Cadet Officer, you can periodically go on patrols with others, but you’re never allowed to leave the station alone, no matter the circumstance. As a Patrol Officer, you can allow the cadets to patrol with you. Corporals are the Officers that can instruct the Cadets and also perform everything a Patrol Officer can do. A Sergeant watches over the Corporal when training, and reports everything to the higher-ups. The Lieutenant gets a Glock and can perform everything that the lower-ranks can do. The Captain is to manage over everything below their role, the Commissioner handles/controls everything on the force. Though I don’t have much extensive experience with being an officer, I know I have what it takes to become one. The police of Karakura is to secure the city and to patrol it every once in awhile to make sure everything is in order. In addition to making sure everyone is following the civil laws, to arrest, to put people in protective custody, take reports, and bail people. This is all the extensive knowledge I have acquired from the police force, but I'm willing to learn more.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP? The police force in SchoolRP is extremely important ICly as they make sure everything is in order in Karakura, including the citizens. They do this by arresting murders, robbers, and other criminals and just by aiding help to others. To be in a city full of people who kill and do other criminal acts and still have the courage/bravery to be able to risk your character's life to protect everyone, and to help out means being an Officer makes you important and helpful. I want to be someone who can help others, and control situations and be a part of a team.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I understand that at any time I can be demoted.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I am fully aware and ready to dedicate myself to the role of a Police Officer.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I will try my hardest to come to every training and will make sure to attend if I am online.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I am aware that I'm subjecting myself to ICly harassment, and I promise to not take it OOCly.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? Boris would be a male standing at 6’2, Semi Fit build, Strong Russian accent, Looks to be 18 has Blonde hair and brown eyes, Has black semi-casual suit, Has the ‘Greed’ demon symbol tattooed on his neck.
What he's like on and off the job?
On the job, he is professional and is always serious. He would be encouraging to his other co-workers and to the others who inspire him to become a part of the Police Force. He'd inevitably make himself useful with work, and other needs that he'd be assigned to. He'd never act unmatured or and unprofessionally, and would habitually be on their most appropriate behavior, staying calm and collected. He'd consistently act seriously no matter the situation. However, off work, he'd remain a pleasant, kind-hearted individual who'd always be goofy with his family and friends. He'd always like to joke around with his friends and family, and would always be accompanied by at least one family member. He'd still seem serious, and calm, but he'd seem more talkative and kind.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Boris's outlook on his co-workers is cheerful. He enjoys working with others and always likes retaining the company. He likes working as a team and enjoying teamwork involved. Boris is a serious individual, but will always work with others, and will be there when needed. He'd be calm under stress and would rarely get angry or emotional over them. He'd stick to the plan and would full-fill out his job. He'd stay a professional working with his co-workers, never swearing towards anyone, and using the proper manner. Boris's plans to achieve him being a successful Police Officer and to achieve a name for himself. And to work for the force, being able to be apart of Karakura by helping out and arresting people who try to prevent anyone from continuing in their life normally by doing crimes.
Boris was born in a different country called Russia, it'd be mostly crime-infested and different. Boris would spend most of his time with his family and would have a painful life and a difficult life. His life would be filled with criminals, friends, and mostly family. He was always popular at school and would always be the kid to stand up to others. His father and mother worked as fishermen and fisherwomen, so they were mostly away. He'd always watch his younger siblings and would favor his younger brother Calvin. Boris's mother and father did not spend most of their time with their children, but they never worried about money. The times when they did spend time with Boris and his siblings, they always cherished them.
Boris would enjoy a strong bonding with his siblings and would possess friends because of his personality. Everyone would inevitably think he was pleasant and compassionate towards them. He seemed opposed between his group of friends and family. Throughout his life, he would always stay the same way, he'd be nice and warm-hearted. He constantly strived to be liked by most others, but didn't occupy the energy to, and was a dull individual as a kid. He wouldn't care much for looks and would always be delightful towards others for whom they are. He'd like to explore and would like to do things that others were afraid to. He wasn't afraid to lose anything and had no doubts in his life.
He always liked exploring outside and liked to wander off. This led to him always being lost and wandering off from his parents and siblings as a younger kid. He spent half his life in Russian, so there was very much difference between here, and there. His family house would always be packed, having lots of friends over and many family members in a house. He'd share a room with his brother Sy, which he trusts deeply. He always liked dressing nice himself, even though he didn't care what others looked like, and always liked wearing valuable jewelry.
Boris was one of the smartest kids in school among his young age group. Boris cherished his school years in Russia as he developed so many friends and was always the top of his classes. When people started to harass others or would start to mess with his friends, Boris would always stand up to them to defend them. He'd never have a problem with money and would always be spoiled. He'd always spend his money on jewelry or his friends at school. This never affected him and merely improved his life as a kid, and in school.
After Boris graduated from elementary, middle school and half of his high school years in Russia. He and his family moved to France for a year, his life in France was chiefly a blur. He picked up how to speak french quickly though, and developed many friends there. But none of this affected his life, but he learned how to speak french and learned a lot about French culture.
After living in France for a year, he and his family finally moved to Japan. He quickly picked up how to speak Native-Japanese after only three years. And he and his family didn't perceive what to do, but they started high school in Karakura and learned a lot. He ended up picking up the interest of playing volley-ball and learning about the Police Force. He didn't know exactly what to do, but he decided he wanted to dedicate himself to the Police Force after learning so much about it and how much of a positive change he could bring to Karakura.
Boris started learning about the laws, and facts about the Police and what they do. He quickly picked up massive interest in Police and what they do. He was so inspired by them and how they dedicate their time to preventing citizens and protecting the city from danger. His family was murdered, and he wanted to get payback towards them. His brother Calvin would take care of most of his family, as the other brothers would constantly defend the family from danger.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Boris Etruscan
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Boris
Preferred Name: Boris
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Atheism
Marital Status: Single.
Nationality: Russian and Japanese.
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 1
Working Experience: 4
Academic Degree: Masters Degree
Year of Graduation: 2010
Major(s): Law
Minor(s): Political science, Criminal justice
Native Languages: Russian
Other Languages: Japanese, French.
IGN (In-Game Name): NoV4pe
Previous bans: N/A
Describe your activity on the server: I’m mostly active during the day, I wake up around 1 PM (CST) And I go to bed around 6 AM. So I essentially spend 13 hours on the server each day.
Which timezone are you in? CST - Central Standard Time
Do you have Discord? Yes, my discord is: Taco#7451
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]: Yes, I have a perfectly good and working microphone.
List your current and past applications:
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/baseball-bat.4497/ (Old account)
What is your motivation for applying?: My prime motivation for applying is due to how much cops divinely inspire me and noting how much-concerted effort I see them put into it, it inspires me. I possess many various reasons why I wish to be a part of The Police Force. To start, I genuinely want to be able to enthusiastically support people in Karakura and to faithfully keep them protected. I typically play all day and at night, but mostly during the day, but I'm on at night as well. Some days, when there are barely a hundred people on, I barely see police on. On that occasion, there's the chance of where I'll see no police online at all and I feel like being a part of The Police Force would just motivate me to be online even more often and provide a more secured Karakura. Another motivation is I feel that becoming a part of The Police Force would serve as an amazing reason for me to reach out to aid people when they need help and to care for Karakura and it's citizens. I feel that police not being on during late hours has led to an increase in uncontested GangRP which I don't find fair to people who occupy an earlier time zone and are only able to play during the hours when only a few players are on. I feel as if I would be capable of helping these people more often and help them to offer a more enjoyable experience while they're playing on SchoolRP.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes, I fully understand the Japanese Laws and Basic-Conduct as I’ve reviewed these rules and basic conducts many times.
What are the Police ranks?
- - Commissioner
- - Police Captain
- - Head Lieutenant
- - Lieutenant
- - Sergeant
- - Corporal
- - Patrol Officer
- - Cadet
- - Head Investigator
- - Investigator
- - Investigator Trainee
What knowledge do you have of Police Work? I know you are required to have some skills such as communication, teamwork and to always be aware no matter the situation or environment you are in. When first accepted you will work at the front desk at all times as a Cadet Officer, you can periodically go on patrols with others, but you’re never allowed to leave the station alone, no matter the circumstance. As a Patrol Officer, you can allow the cadets to patrol with you. Corporals are the Officers that can instruct the Cadets and also perform everything a Patrol Officer can do. A Sergeant watches over the Corporal when training, and reports everything to the higher-ups. The Lieutenant gets a Glock and can perform everything that the lower-ranks can do. The Captain is to manage over everything below their role, the Commissioner handles/controls everything on the force. Though I don’t have much extensive experience with being an officer, I know I have what it takes to become one. The police of Karakura is to secure the city and to patrol it every once in awhile to make sure everything is in order. In addition to making sure everyone is following the civil laws, to arrest, to put people in protective custody, take reports, and bail people. This is all the extensive knowledge I have acquired from the police force, but I'm willing to learn more.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP? The police force in SchoolRP is extremely important ICly as they make sure everything is in order in Karakura, including the citizens. They do this by arresting murders, robbers, and other criminals and just by aiding help to others. To be in a city full of people who kill and do other criminal acts and still have the courage/bravery to be able to risk your character's life to protect everyone, and to help out means being an Officer makes you important and helpful. I want to be someone who can help others, and control situations and be a part of a team.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I understand that at any time I can be demoted.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I am fully aware and ready to dedicate myself to the role of a Police Officer.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I will try my hardest to come to every training and will make sure to attend if I am online.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I am aware that I'm subjecting myself to ICly harassment, and I promise to not take it OOCly.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? Boris would be a male standing at 6’2, Semi Fit build, Strong Russian accent, Looks to be 18 has Blonde hair and brown eyes, Has black semi-casual suit, Has the ‘Greed’ demon symbol tattooed on his neck.
What he's like on and off the job?
On the job, he is professional and is always serious. He would be encouraging to his other co-workers and to the others who inspire him to become a part of the Police Force. He'd inevitably make himself useful with work, and other needs that he'd be assigned to. He'd never act unmatured or and unprofessionally, and would habitually be on their most appropriate behavior, staying calm and collected. He'd consistently act seriously no matter the situation. However, off work, he'd remain a pleasant, kind-hearted individual who'd always be goofy with his family and friends. He'd always like to joke around with his friends and family, and would always be accompanied by at least one family member. He'd still seem serious, and calm, but he'd seem more talkative and kind.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Boris's outlook on his co-workers is cheerful. He enjoys working with others and always likes retaining the company. He likes working as a team and enjoying teamwork involved. Boris is a serious individual, but will always work with others, and will be there when needed. He'd be calm under stress and would rarely get angry or emotional over them. He'd stick to the plan and would full-fill out his job. He'd stay a professional working with his co-workers, never swearing towards anyone, and using the proper manner. Boris's plans to achieve him being a successful Police Officer and to achieve a name for himself. And to work for the force, being able to be apart of Karakura by helping out and arresting people who try to prevent anyone from continuing in their life normally by doing crimes.
Boris was born in a different country called Russia, it'd be mostly crime-infested and different. Boris would spend most of his time with his family and would have a painful life and a difficult life. His life would be filled with criminals, friends, and mostly family. He was always popular at school and would always be the kid to stand up to others. His father and mother worked as fishermen and fisherwomen, so they were mostly away. He'd always watch his younger siblings and would favor his younger brother Calvin. Boris's mother and father did not spend most of their time with their children, but they never worried about money. The times when they did spend time with Boris and his siblings, they always cherished them.
Boris would enjoy a strong bonding with his siblings and would possess friends because of his personality. Everyone would inevitably think he was pleasant and compassionate towards them. He seemed opposed between his group of friends and family. Throughout his life, he would always stay the same way, he'd be nice and warm-hearted. He constantly strived to be liked by most others, but didn't occupy the energy to, and was a dull individual as a kid. He wouldn't care much for looks and would always be delightful towards others for whom they are. He'd like to explore and would like to do things that others were afraid to. He wasn't afraid to lose anything and had no doubts in his life.
He always liked exploring outside and liked to wander off. This led to him always being lost and wandering off from his parents and siblings as a younger kid. He spent half his life in Russian, so there was very much difference between here, and there. His family house would always be packed, having lots of friends over and many family members in a house. He'd share a room with his brother Sy, which he trusts deeply. He always liked dressing nice himself, even though he didn't care what others looked like, and always liked wearing valuable jewelry.
Boris was one of the smartest kids in school among his young age group. Boris cherished his school years in Russia as he developed so many friends and was always the top of his classes. When people started to harass others or would start to mess with his friends, Boris would always stand up to them to defend them. He'd never have a problem with money and would always be spoiled. He'd always spend his money on jewelry or his friends at school. This never affected him and merely improved his life as a kid, and in school.
After Boris graduated from elementary, middle school and half of his high school years in Russia. He and his family moved to France for a year, his life in France was chiefly a blur. He picked up how to speak french quickly though, and developed many friends there. But none of this affected his life, but he learned how to speak french and learned a lot about French culture.
After living in France for a year, he and his family finally moved to Japan. He quickly picked up how to speak Native-Japanese after only three years. And he and his family didn't perceive what to do, but they started high school in Karakura and learned a lot. He ended up picking up the interest of playing volley-ball and learning about the Police Force. He didn't know exactly what to do, but he decided he wanted to dedicate himself to the Police Force after learning so much about it and how much of a positive change he could bring to Karakura.
Boris started learning about the laws, and facts about the Police and what they do. He quickly picked up massive interest in Police and what they do. He was so inspired by them and how they dedicate their time to preventing citizens and protecting the city from danger. His family was murdered, and he wanted to get payback towards them. His brother Calvin would take care of most of his family, as the other brothers would constantly defend the family from danger.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Boris Etruscan
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Boris
Preferred Name: Boris
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Atheism
Marital Status: Single.
Nationality: Russian and Japanese.
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 1
Working Experience: 4
Academic Degree: Masters Degree
Year of Graduation: 2010
Major(s): Law
Minor(s): Political science, Criminal justice
Native Languages: Russian
Other Languages: Japanese, French.