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Denied Nurse Application | _BritishAdhd_


Level 104
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:

BST (British standard time).

Describe your activity on the server:

11am to 1am.11am to 1am.11am to 1am.11am to 1am.Apart from every month I go away from Friday till Sunday and usually return at 5pm GMT.Apart from every month I go away from Friday till Sunday and usually return at 5pm GMT.Apart from every month I go away from Friday till Sunday and usually return at 5pm GMT.

As I am no longer in college, my availability has increased largely as I work from home. I am active every day from between 11am and 1am GMT, trying to maintain a good active presence on SRP and take the time to interact with the community while also working on myself both in and outside roleplay. My activity only changes when dealing with personal issues but despite this, I try my best to stay as active as possible, whenever I can. In the times it may seem like I am inactive on the account I am applying for, I currently own 3 accounts, _BritishAutism_ being my most active account, however, I am willing to start playing on the account I am applying for as often as I can as I see that as a priority account.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Yes, the reason as stated on my ban was for failing to report doxing. I have taken the time to report the individual in question and cut all ties with them through all social media platforms and have completely removed them from my life as they were a bad influence on me. Making me feel pressured to do some things that I'm not proud of admitting through various means. My ban appeal was unfortunately denied so I decided to wait out my ban until I was able to play on the server again, harbouring no negative thought about the staff that denied me as I was still in the reflection process. I do not tolerate those kinds of people and distance myself from anyone who shows any signs of intent to hurt others through their actions or use malicious ways of defemating their reputation for personal gain. I am currently unbanned and have been continuing to try and keep my record as clean as it was before my banning, by avoiding anyone who could possibly manipulate me into believing bad actions are good actions, I sympathize with the fact that i was in the wrong alongside my friend and take full responsibility for what happened, in the hope that I can become a better person from the experience.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I acknowledge that being inactive will result in the demotion of my character and the removal of my roles, I take full responsibility for my actions.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:


In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

The Nurse role is a very crucial part of the school faction as they are given the role of ensuring that health regulations are at good quality and healthcare is administered to students in the case of harmful injury such as bruises and cuts. They are entirely responsible for educating and providing help to other members of the faculty and students while caring for their own well-being simultaneously. They are educated in the assessment of injuries that might be inflicted on students, First Aid care and care as a whole, seeking emergency care if the situation is dire enough and dealing with medical instruments that are administered to students in a professional/caring manner. Other responsibilities include the reporting and documentation/management of student medical records, insuring the confidentiality of students that are under their care. They also share a role in disciplinary actions that they are able to use against students who wish harm others verbally or physically.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

Throughout my time in roleplay, I have taken the time to roleplay different characters in multiple scenarios with maturity and consideration for the people around me. I previously joined the Faction as a nurse and remained as an active presense on the server for about 4 years of my entire roleplay experience. Thoughtout my time, I encountered many different roleplaying possibilities while also creating new memories and friendships along the way with this strengthening my admiration for roleplaying on SRP and creating new opportunities for other players i wouldnt normally roleplay with. I took risks in my roleplay to give myself a different feeling of accomplishment at the end of them and strived to continue pushing my boundaries and exploring newer ways of roleplaying my characters on SRP. I have roleplayed as multiple faculty jobs such as Professor, chef and nurse and found great enjoyment in each one of them, cherishing every memory.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

I want to rejoin this faction as it reminds me of the most enjoyable moments I have had in the entirety of my roleplay experience, making me feel comfortable in knowing the rights and wrongs of the role and ensuring efficiency in the way that I manage situations with complete professionalism, aligning myself with thay the role demands. My experience in this faction is another reason why I want to get another chance at roleplaying it again as it makes me feel at home compared to the other roleplays I have explored around the server. I wish to be a factor in the character development of other players characters and give them opportunities with roleplaying situations that might occur in Karakura Highschool while assisting fellow faculty members with tasks and newer players with guidance and queries.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:



What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Adult role and College councillor.



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Angelina would ask the student in a polite tone to refrain from acting out and behaving negatively towards anyone on school grounds, especially members of the faculty. "There is no need to use such hurtful language, if you don't require any assistance then I have to ask you to leave." Angelina unaware as to why she was being targeted with vulgar language would avoid creating a scene and politely ask the student to leave before further punishment is attributed. If the student refuses to stop, a second warning would be administered before they would issue a detention slip to the student on the grounds of harassment. If the slip was refused, she would imminently stricken their tone and threaten SLT involvement to the student, refusing to let the student continue their unacceptable behaviour without giving them a punishment for their actions.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Angelina would notice the aggravated assault of two students in the hallway. From a distance, her voice would raise and echo throughout the halls, "Both of you, break it up now!". They would take a few steps towards both of the students, standing in between them to stop any further harm while holding onto their radio to ensure the situation can be called up to other faculty if needed. "I need assistance, two students are fighting in the hallway." They would begin questioning the students about the root cause of the fighting and see who initiated it and if the other student at the end of it is also responsible. They would imminently issue a detention slip to both students or the instigator for violating school rules and aggravated assault of another student, making sure to send them both in different directions afterwards to ensure no further fighting occurs while asking faculty members to keep an eye on both students.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Angelina would urgently approach the employee, asking to speak to them privately in order to not make a scene and ensure confidentiality of the employee's actions from the students so word doesn't get out and rumours occur. "May I ask what you think you are doing?" Further questioning them based on what Angelina witnessed, making sure to handle the situation professionally and fairly. "I don't see why you should be acting so inappropriately, you need to stop that immediately. Students are able to see what you are doing and its unacceptable." Following their chat, she would inform a higher up about what happened and keep a close watch of the employee's actions around students. If repeated offenses occur, Angelina would take the necessary action and make their way to SLT and discuss what happened to ensure that the misconduct is sorted out by the school higher-ups with the intent to preserve the safety of the students attending Karakura highschool.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

Angelina would make her way to the coffee machine, fixing herself a drink while also asking around if anyone else wanted their drink filled before pouring her own coffee and finding their way to an available seat closest to her co workers. After sitting down and resting her coffee on the table next to them, Angelina would socialise with the other faculty members in the breakroom, striking up conversation with them about whatever is most relevant in Karakura and events that transpire in the high school, refraining from mentioning controversial or causing a drama induced conversation. Additionally, she would use her time to eat her lunch and make sure that she were saturated for the next part of the day, before exiting the room in a professional manner and wishing her co workers well.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me would point the student in the direction of an available bed. She would examine the condition of the student noticing a bruise on their arms and legs, brushing their hand over it to see a given reaction. "That's a pretty substantial bruise, its not swelling and I apologise if it hurts to touch." Her words gently exiting her mouth as she continue to examine the student before leaning their head away from the student and getting into a fixed position before making their way to the cooler, grabbing an icepack and cloth to wrap around it. "Its not severe so luckily you wont need to be stitched up or bandaged, however please keep this ice pack over it for the remainder of your stay in bed before you leave." cracking a smile that widened her cheeks pushing back her eyes into a closed fixture. "Make sure to keep that ice pack on for the remainder of the day and it should slowly go away after a few hours or days with minimal bruising. " After the student was properly treated, she asked them to leave while taking care of their injury. "You have a good day now, and make sure you're keeping that ice pack on while you're on the way home."

/me would greet the students as they were walking though the halls, she would exchange warm waves to the students before noticing [Faculty member] walking around, noticing that they haven't been working as often as they should, addressing them by name before welcoming them with a warm smile. "Hey! Haven't seen you in a while. Is everything okay?", patiently listening to their response while observing their mannerisms, filling their heart and mind with worry as they try to comfort [Faculty member]. "I'm sure it was just a one time thing, you know kids.. they always find their way into imaginative experiences, its just a part of parenthood." Before giving them another comforting smile to encourage them, looking forward to seeing them again thoughtout the day.

/me would wave a student over to them, sitting down on her office chair before asking the student to make themselves comfortable in the seat adjacent to her. "Have a seat there for me please and I'll check on the system to see your medical record, just give me two seconds..". She would type the students name into the database, observing the student by the corner of her eye as she waits for the system to give back a response. Her eyes would widen as they see the students medical record, looking back at the student with a worried expression. "It says here you have insomnia.. have you been taking the proper medication..?" Her worried gaze fixated on the student as they give their response, "This is serious, I can see why you said you've been feeling really dizzy, have you not made sure to get regular check ups with your doctor..?" Their worried expression making its way into the eyes of the student. "Please make sure you go to the proper doctor to have a check up, and be prescribed the proper medication. Insomnia is a very serious issue and I would advise proper care to looking after your health, if you would like I can guide you to the hospital after my shift ends and I'll help you receive the proper medication."


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

Angelina Petrov

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Preferred Name:


Age (Minimum is 25):




Academic Degree:



English language and Literature, psychology.


Science, social studies and maths.



Known Languages:
Spanish and JSL (Japanese Sign Language).


Angelina was born in a small town in the picturesque town of Novgorod in rural Russia with her Mother and Father. Angelina was a gifted child having managed to learn basic child skills by the age of 2, and learning complex mathematical equations by the age of 7. She had parents who were alcoholics, contributing to her early childhood abuse. With this limitation, Angelina strugged to form a strong bond with either one of her parents, causing him to grow into her teenage years with only a single friend, a boy with black hair and red eyes, and slowly developing a fear of growing attached to people and a fear of abandonment after the friend was moved to Karakura by his family.

Pre-Teen Years
Angelina grew up to be quite antisocial, shy and timid. As she reached the age of 15, she realised she was unique to most girls her age. Over time Angelina came to understand that she was mature for her age, and quite gifted when it came to her classes. This made her come to the realization that she was living her life held back from her skills. On that day she spoke to her parents about it, they were quite surprised, they knew she was smart but never truly accepted that fact past their mindless drinking. They would eventually put a fund together to get her into a prestigious college when she was of age, and secured a proper future for their child, completely unknowing to Angelina. She later took courses in English language and Literature while at highschool, securing an understanding in the English language and its innerworkings.

Angelina had finally gotten into her college of choice, and studying nursing and healthcare as it was her personal life goal, securing a better future for her and the people around her. She enjoyed her time at college, eventually landing her with a degree in healthcare. Eventually securing a job as a nurse for a school in her home town. Creating strong bonding with all of the students in their small school, and making them smile and laugh, however as the years passed, she knew it was time for her to take a break, so he decided to leave and took a few years to herself, eventually finding the wearabouts of her childhood friend in Karakura. She finally decided it was time to do what she enjoyed again, landing her on a plane to Karakura, in hopes of finding her childhood friend amongst the employees of the highschool located in the cities centre. Angelina would purchase a property and look at the local job listing and finding a position as a nurse in Karakura Highschool. A two birds with one stone opportunity. She eventually wondered onto the property and caught the eyes of her childhood friend, walking around the premises. She instinctly ran to greet him, however he eventually disappeared into the crowd of students and Angelina found herself outside of the office of the dean of the school, ready for her chance to administer her skills to the schools benefit.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

"Having taken the role as nurse previously until my departure, I have taking an interest in returning to my favoured position once more and assisting in the benefited care of the students that attend this high school. I have decided to return to this position as I feel that it was a field of work that I excell exceptionally in and strived for the creation of a safer, cared for environment for students to learn in. I understand the feeling of helping others and getting the chance to administer the necessary care needed to ensure that the students are treated properly and in a professional manner. My love for caring for others is what brings me here today after leaving this position due to family related affairs which made me unfit to work at the time. I've taken the time to ensure that no such affairs will interfere with my work again and I strive to making a difference once again if I am allowed back into my role as a nurse for Karakura highschool. That's about all that I wanted to say, thank you for hearing me out and understanding my motivation to re achieve my role as a nurse."

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

"I believe in fair chance, but I would also like to assess the experience it takes to work effectively in this role. Its very essential that every possible situation is handled with the proper respect towards both the students and the faculty while also maintaining a stable working environment where my skills can be used to the benefit of others. Having worked as a nurse for a school previously, this gives me the edge when it comes to understanding what to do to achieve the best outcome and treating students in a healthy and caring manner when dealing with whatever the situation they might be in. I believe, given my work in this role and my understanding in the innerworkings I could be considered the best candidate for this role. I am eager to make the school a safe environment where students can learn and aren't in fear of being harmed or have harm inflicted onto them without being properly treated. Thank you for your time."
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. Unfortunately your application was denied.

- We enjoyed your application however due to limited spaces within the Nurse department and that we wanted to give players chances who hadn't previously been part of the faction. We had to deny this application, we do strongly encourage you to re-apply in the future when more space(s) become available!

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