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Accepted Nurse Application | brokeZezz


Level 7

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
My in-game username is brokeZezz

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
Pacific Daylight Time

Describe your activity on the server:
If I had to rate my activity on School Roleplay it would be a 9/10, I’m on almost everyday for multiple hours. Listed below you can see my full activity in the PDT timezone.​

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

I have two previous bans, my first being a GoreRP ban from when I wasn’t in the server for very long and still learning, I quickly made a mistake whilst acting on major permissions and learned what mistake I made and swiftly fixed it apologizing to those in the situation and to staff to swiftly get unbanned.

My second ban was when the new car update just came out. I was looking at the new pumps and attempting to fill up my car, I realized to an extent they were broken and I began writing a bug report to NoZinth’s DMs, whilst making a ticket too I was slapped with a ban. I also apologized for this too as shown below



Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I am a very active player so there is no reason for me to be inactive. Even if a reason came up for my inactivity I fully acknowledge this and I will make an inactivity notice.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for the nurse position in School Roleplay. If I am accepted I would like for my role to be placed where my adult role is.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
As a nurse in School Roleplay you are tasked with the actions of providing healthcare to the injured or sick students. These employees are highly trained at their job, most being very good in Detail Roleplay. Not only do nurses work with their other nurse co-workers they also work with the teachers, professors, and other employee workers. Sometimes if a student is interested in the medical industry nurses can provide their knowledge to the willing to learn students. Nurses aren’t just trained to help with students' physical well being but also their mental well being. If in need of medicine and you have a doctor's note you can show proof of the note and receive your propper medicine, some can be seen getting medicine for, ADHD, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and multiple others.
School nurses are made sure to uphold their job of helping the ones in need, if they choose not to they can and most likely will lose their job that they have, as activity is crucial to this position.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have quite a large amount of knowledge about the roleplay universe as I’ve played several games and servers that have required roleplay, some of these being, a large amount of Roblox Roleplay servers that are mostly voice chat. But my biggest amount of roleplay comes from Minecraft, I’ve been roleplaying since the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft where we’d just make bits up to large fantasy-like servers! Although if I had to choose my biggest server I’ve been a part of it’d be School Roleplay, this server has given me so much joy through-out my rockier times in life and is the biggest roleplay server in Minecraft too. On this server we all play. I've indulged myself in creating a large family as my old Teacher [NQT] character, Jurjen Katayama. The family grew large for a couple of months eventually dying out once Jurjen passed. I have also done amounts of Gang Roleplay as that's how I started School Roleplay, this section of Roleplay has taught me how to DetailRP quite well too! Whilst all these other achievements aren’t exactly super impressive to some I believe some of them are, but if I had to pick the most it would be my large amounts of P2L I have played on School Roleplay. This ranges from being a fight club employee to school fights all the way to huge wars! These actions consisted of multiple paragraphs that could take multiple minutes to write, and the oohs and aahs that were received after they were sent made me keep roleplaying as it was fun!

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I would like to rejoin the school employee roster but this time as a nurse instead as they require multiple school hours of being online which could fill up my days for months to come! Another reason is my alternative character (Eunhyeuk Minori) is currently just rotting as I play so much but don’t know what to do with him, if I’m accepted as a nurse he would become my most played character as the nurse position requires multiple hours of playtime. My other reason for joining the employee roster is I’ve already been a teacher previously and it was very entertaining and provided multiple roleplay experiences and I’m sure the nurse role can do the same!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
The list of Applications goes from most recent to oldest

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
My main character slot is a college bachelor whilst my alternative slot is an adult. If accepted I would need the two swapped, ex; College Bachelor goes to alternative and adult/nurse goes to main.



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Eunhyeuk isn’t the biggest fan of cursing and never will be, maybe he’ll react with a jolty flinch as he’d be more so surprised rather then angry, afterwards he would issue a proper warning due to such profane language and insults like this are not welcome here on Karakura school grounds. If the student continues then thats’s where it could become an issue, Eunhyeuk would now react with telling the student that consequences will come to him if he would decide to continue to tarnish his name through the mud. If it ends up coming to the point Minori would swiftly snatch up his radio from out of his pocket grumbling talking over it to the other employees that the student is most likely a trouble maker so please do watch out for him. Afterwards Eunhyeuk would make sure his warning was clear and understood before going back on his now not so happy way.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Once noticed Eunhyeuk is surprised but knows that this happens often, then his instincts kick in. He swiftly dashes over to the big fight pulling the two students off of each other like a chunk of slime stuck to the carpet. Minori then interrogates the two asking what would make them think violence in the middle of school could possibly solve something, once done he’d quickly grab the near-by CCTV footage, reviewing it. As he finishes his run down of what happened he’d ask why the two did it to get a better view of the persons mind. After Eun is done interrogating he’d grab his packet pulling a slip directly out of his pocket writing the students names and times they need to be in the detention room giving it directly to them making sure they received the message.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Eunhyeuk enjoys a fun practical joke, but once it starts interfering with work/job is when it becomes an issue. Minori starts by asking said co-worker why they are performing this stunt attempting to make them halt this at once. If they decide not to they would radio over and make sure the co-workers safety is in good hands then later reporting the incident to SLT later on. Once the co-worker is safely received he would make sure they are in well condition before moving on with the next piece although now irritated.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
It's the middle of the day and Eunhyeuk is on his lunch break, he gets himself one of the hotdogs and a co-co plopping himself at the table, he then swiftly gobbles down the hot dog afterwards finishing the co-co. Then for the remaining time Minori plops a book down in his lap and begins to read to pass the remaining time. Once he hears the lunch bell soothing chirp he brings himself back to the nurse’s office continuing to work on his fun comic as he waits for students to arrive to his office.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

started the small medical procedure by grabbing a decent amount of gauze, Eunhyeuk then rushed himself over to the bleeding boy applying pressure to the wound insisting the boy will be okay to calm his nerves, “Hey you’re gonna be okay. Just keep this tightly on you while I get the bandage.” Eunhyeuk says in a sweet tone as he sways himself over to where the large bandages are kept. Minori swiftly snatches it out of the cabinet making his way directly back to the patient, “See I got it.” Eun says before starting to apply the bandage. He begins by taking the wrap and bringing it around the boy's stomach and wound, finishing by snipping the rest off, he then takes the material back to the drawer and walks back over to the injured patient. Finally Eunhyeuk finishes off by giving the young boy a sticker to make him cheery, “Now you’ve got a battle scar! You’re gonna be a real cool dude now!” Minori shrieks out towards the boy.

/me immediately sees the squabble between the two boys in the midst of the lunch room floor. Eunhyeuk snatches his radio calling over, “Hey there’s two kiddos fighting in the lunchroom, I’m gonna go separate them.” He finishes before walking himself directly over to them. Once he’s arrived he pulls them apart like their slime stuck to a carpet, he then interrogates them getting an account of both stories. Afterwards he brings them both back to his office to check for CCTV surveillance. Once he’s finished he’s now learned that “James” started the fight, although he still hands both a detention for the fight as “Thomas” engaged too. “Now now, on your way to class, boys.” the males would say in a soft tone.

/me plopped himself directly next to the tearing up kid and began to speak to him in a warm and comforting tone, “Hey buddy.. It's okay! It's okay!” Eunhyeuk said before asking, “Do you mind if I check your boo boo?” the male spoke out as he awaited the boy to lift up his pant leg. Eunhyeuk then saw the injury, it was a bloody and bruised kneecap, as he began to walk over to the fridgirator he inquired, “How’d this happen buddy?” Minori said as he awaited his answer, once heard he kneeled down to the floor once he learned that the boy tripped and fell during break time. Eun continued holding the ice pack on his leg and then asked for a quick favor, “Could you hold this right here quickly?” Minori then grabbed a cleaning pad to wipe off the blood and then a bright red Lighting McQueen bandaid slapping that on his kneecap, “All better?” The man says before releasing the boy out of his office with a bright smile on his face.


In-Character Section

Full Name:
Eunhyeuk Minori
Title: Mr. Minori
Preferred Name: Eunhyeuk/Mr Minori/Nurse Minori

Age: I am Twenty-Eight years of age.
Gender: I am a male.

Academic Degree:
Four year bachelor's degree in nursing


Physiology and Anatomy


Known Languages:
JSL and Korean


Infant - Childhood

It's a dark spring day on the twenty-eighth of April, it's around two AM the stars are sparkling and a new baby boy is born. Days later, the mother was still in the hospital, the boy was placed into the mothers arms, cradling the boy she named him finally, "My beautiful boy. . Eunhyeuk." As time progressed eventually Eunhyeuk was a toddler, the terrible twos and fours! Eunhyeuk ran around the home trampling over cables and toys making a mess in the process as he waddled around. After Eunhyeuk had finally finished his basic steps in life learning most of his native language and his secondary language, Japanese he was now ten years of age, Eunhyeuk wasn't really an academic success but he had SOME brains. But during this portion of her life he had built one big characteristic, that he was a hard worker. Eunhyeuk went door to door asking if he could mow lawns, wash windows or anything like that and this characteristic lasted throughout his whole life, that's for sure. .

Teenage Years
Eunhyeuk is sixteen and he now lives in Karakura with his father and mother, but he truly didn't appreciate any type of nature or the outside world, he was always stuck on work and making money. Young Minori had a job at the popular fast food place, 'Subway' here he made sandwiches for the customers and he was quick, he was the best sandwich boy for. . the whole time that Subway was up and running! Here every dollar earned by Eunhyeuk was put directly into his Spongebob piggy bank. Suddenly a random day whilst he was making sandwiches like usual, an idea sparked into his brain that he would study abroad in America. Finally school seemed.. INTERESTING to Eun from this day Eunhyeuks grades improved all the way to A's and A+'s as Eunhyeuk had tried hard now in High school!

Young Adult Life
'Young Minori' is now Eighteen, he graduated as the top of his class and has money now! He has plans and he has a dream, he buys his ticket and goes to America only a few weeks later. Eunhyeuk has arrived in America and is living in a small, quite horrid apartment, this was not the American dream. . But there was one good thing that would happen, and this was his studies! They were going well, nothing could stop him from studying nursing and anatomy as he was truly an academic success at the moment. As he continued throughout college gaining all his degree's life was great, sure there were some small annoyances but other than that life was great, sadly he didn't know what was next. .

Adult Years - And Now!
Eunhyeuk receives a text to his phone, swiftly yanking his phone out of his pocket with a text from his sister, Chae, the text reads out, 'You might want to come back to Karakura.. Dad's sick.' Eunhyeuk drops all of his current belongings falling to the floor in both rage and sadness. Immediately Minori calls Chae asking and interrogating her in anger he screams and yells at her asking what has happened and how he's gotten sick and if he's going to pass, so many thoughts rage throughout his mind unable to receive too many answers he speeds home booking a ticket and packing his belongings. It's night and Eunhyeuk is still buried in a fit of both sadness and rage, he sulks in his bed staring at the ceiling as he simply just cannot sleep. The morning arrives and Eunhyeuk is boarding his plane, as sleepy as ever. As soon as he hits the plane's seat he's out like a light. Minori wakes up at the Karakuran Airport getting some breakfast then getting an uber directly to the big city, he arrives and sees his father resting sick in a hospital bed, Eunhyeuk is told everything and realizes there is simply nothing he can do. . But he realizes it feels nice to be with his family instead of in California, he feels. . good for once instead of rushed. Eunhyeuk Minori applies for a small job but is able to balance where work is unhealthy and is healthy between the two, it seems like Eunhyeuk's life is great! A few months pass by and Eunhyeuk is fired from his small job and is looking for a new one. Eunhyeuk sits on his apartment couch looking at his laptop screen, typing swiftly up an application to become a nurse at the Karakura High school with a smile on his face. . . .

Motivation for Joining KHS:
“I’ve traveled far and wide. I studied abroad in America, but now I’m here and it's truly just due to the beautiful nature of Karakura ranging from the sea to the shrine and up to the mountain peak. I’ve explored all over this city and it's truly amazing. I would love to assist the students alongside their adventure in life and continue hopefully in Karakura. I want to be a safe person in these children's lives as I know some of them have had rough upbringings so I would like to join Karakura High School to help those in need of help and to spread my knowledge of the world, thank you.”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“Ever since I was young I always felt drawn to other people, just to help them with their wants and needs. Nursing is perfect for this as I help people with something I’ve spent years studying! I believe my strengths are both my knowledge and my never dying passion to continue working. My friends and family say I’m a workaholic, always on the grind, and whatever else they can come up with, but I like to think I just enjoy my job. Ever since I was young I always had a dream of finding the perfect job for me and that's what Karakura High School seems like! Sorry I didn’t mean for a whole speech.. but you get the point this honestly seems like a dream job to me and an amazing position that I can fill. Thank you for considering.”



Additional notes about your application:
More changes are to arrive at a later date.
Do you have any questions?: N/A​
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Level 201
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Please send me a DM on discord for the next steps!

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