players online

Ocean caves


Level 9
IGN: Prizebox

Date: 7/4/2023

What do you want to suggest or mention?:
Suggestion: Ocean Caves.

In order to enhance the immersive experience of fish players in your Minecraft roleplay server, introducing ocean caves can provide a unique and exciting environment for them to live and hang out. These underwater caves will serve as a safe haven for fish players, offering shelter, socialization opportunities, and potential gameplay interactions. Here's a detailed suggestion for implementing ocean caves in your Minecraft roleplay server:

1. Cave Architecture:
Design the ocean caves to reflect an aquatic theme, using a combination of natural elements and creative aesthetics. Incorporate elements such as coral formations, kelp forests, and vibrant underwater flora to create a visually appealing environment. Additionally, include various sizes of underwater chambers, interconnected tunnels, and hidden chambers within the caves to encourage exploration for all players and give these players a challenging area to explore due to the lack of air. Currently the only area in srp that offers a challenge is the mountain climb with parkour.

2. Unique Features:
To make the ocean caves engaging for fish players, introduce unique features that cater to their specific needs:

a. Oxygen Pockets: Create air pockets within the caves, allowing fish players to temporarily breathe outside of water. These air pockets can be strategically placed, providing resting spots and enabling fish players to interact with non-aquatic players exploring the water caves in specific areas.

b. Bioluminescent Fauna: Populate the caves with bioluminescent plants and creatures, illuminating the environment and adding an enchanting ambiance to the underwater experience. This feature can be both visually captivating and functional, providing natural lighting in certain areas of the cave.

c. Socialization Areas: Design specific zones within the caves where fish players can gather and interact with each other. These areas can include seating arrangements, decorative structures, and interactive elements such as underwater games that both aquatic and non-aquatic players can play to promote socializing among fish players.

3. Gameplay Interactions:
Incorporate gameplay mechanics that make the ocean caves more than just a visually appealing addition:

a. Treasure Hunting: Scatter hidden treasure chests throughout the caves, containing valuable items or exclusive rewards for limited time events. This encourages exploration and provides incentives for fish players to navigate the cave system along with non-aquatic players.

b. Customized fish: Introduce unique aquatic creatures that inhabit the ocean caves for players to fish and make more yen with these rare creatures exclusive to the caves, adding an element of challenge to catch and adventure. These mobs can include cave-dwelling creatures, guardian-like entities, creating memorable gameplay moments for players who enjoy the fishing plugin and are looking for a challenge.

4. Lore and Quests:
Develop an immersive lore surrounding the ocean caves, incorporating them into the existing narrative of your Minecraft roleplay server. Create quests and storylines that revolve around the caves, allowing fish players to engage in thrilling adventures, being part of the lore and mentioned, and uncover hidden secrets within the underwater world.

How will this benefit the server/community?:

By implementing ocean caves tailored specifically for fish players, fishers and adventures, your Minecraft roleplay server can offer a rich and engaging experience that caters to their unique needs. These underwater sanctuaries will provide fish players with a place to live, socialize, and embark on exciting adventures. With careful attention to aesthetics, gameplay mechanics, and immersive storytelling, the ocean caves will become a beloved feature of your Minecraft roleplay server, enhancing the overall enjoyment for all players involved.

Furthermore, the introduction of ocean caves will be a welcome addition to the current state of the deserted ocean in your Minecraft roleplay server. As it stands, fish players may find limited areas of interest and interaction in the vast expanse of sand and seaweed. By implementing ocean caves, you can revitalize the underwater landscape and create a more diverse and engaging experience.

The ocean caves will serve as oases within the barren ocean, offering fish players a respite from the monotonous surroundings. Instead of swimming aimlessly through empty waters, they will have a purposeful destination to explore and call home. These caves will provide a stark contrast to the desolation of the open ocean, becoming a focal point for fish players to congregate, socialize, and embark on exciting adventures.

With the addition of ocean caves, fish players will have the opportunity to discover hidden nooks and crannies, uncover valuable treasures, and encounter unique underwater flora and fauna. The caves will be a sanctuary where fish players can establish their own communities, build their homes, and interact with fellow players in a dynamic and visually captivating environment.

By acknowledging the current lack of features in the ocean and proposing the inclusion of ocean caves, you are not only addressing the concerns of fish players but also enriching the overall gameplay experience. The ocean caves will breathe new life into the previously deserted underwater realm, inviting fish players to dive into a world filled with wonder, exploration, and camaraderie.


Level 70
Shrine Lead
For my friend who’s a dolphin, for folklore and just to make the back some more interesting


Level 20
As an animal player, we need more benefits. It's just a cash grab and pay to lose at this point, so ik staff won't add it since it ain't worth their time, but it's worth the time for the people who pay money


Level 105
this is one of the most unique, amazing, and epic suggestions i've seen on this website, if not the most


Level 142
Never thought I'd see the day where I unironically agree with a suggestion that was suggested for the sake of enhancing FishRP. The ocean has been pretty barren since its introduction, a renovation has been long overdue.

4. Lore and Quests:
Develop an immersive lore surrounding the ocean caves, incorporating them into the existing narrative of your Minecraft roleplay server. Create quests and storylines that revolve around the caves, allowing fish players to engage in thrilling adventures, being part of the lore and mentioned, and uncover hidden secrets within the underwater world.
If you're talking about NPC run quests or just anything that's done automatically without actual engagement between players, then it likely won't happen. SRP mostly stays away from most RPG elements for the sake of allowing real interaction between real people, which I don't see changing at any point soon.


Level 9
Thread starter
Never thought I'd see the day where I unironically agree with a suggestion that was suggested for the sake of enhancing FishRP. The ocean has been pretty barren since its introduction, a renovation has been long overdue.

If you're talking about NPC run quests or just anything that's done automatically without actual engagement between players, then it likely won't happen. SRP mostly stays away from most RPG elements for the sake of allowing real interaction between real people, which I don't see changing at any point soon.
I worded it wrong, by quests I meant as in personal ones, like to reach the end of the caves, catch every fishing creature there, find every secret lore there, etc.


Level 14
+100000000000000000000000000 omfg as a non fish player I even love this! please add! PLEAAASE! <3


Level 14
I worded it wrong, by quests I meant as in personal ones, like to reach the end of the caves, catch every fishing creature there, find every secret lore there, etc.
I'm following u for more amazing stuff u come up with :D


Level 5
+1 at first i thought this was silly when i was pinged on disc about it but omg~ this is amazing~! i 100% agree with all of this, there would be so much more to do, reasons to actually have a fish char, prizebox, your a genius!


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to implement it.

- We will be rolling this out with a feature for Summer!​

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