Out-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
oceannawa (Main - Applying)
80sOcean (Alternate)
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
I’m seventeen. I’ll be eighteen in March
What is your time zone?:
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and British Summer Time (BST)
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m quite frequent when it comes to logging online and being active. I log online for a total of 8-12 hours but this can differ depending on sleep schedule and personal life.
I had a large amount of activity when I was in KPD but quit as of recently due to personal issues and lack of motivation to continue within the faction. But these issues shouldn’t cause a problem toward this application and should there be a problem I’ll make either an inactive log to the required channel or make a small note to oZinth about the issue should it extend outside the recommended inactive time. As much as it would be useful to make a chart display of my activity but this wouldn’t be useful due to how spread out my sleep schedule can be. But I can assure that I’ll be quite active and keep up with the quota as much as I can.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I’ve been banned once. I cannot remember the exact date of that ban but it was for Failure to Comply with Staff which was an hour long ban. It was while my sister and I attempted to purchase an apartment each.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Of course. I do understand this and will be as active as possible!
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Caretakers are the SchoolRP equivalent to a real life Janitors. Caretakers are one of the most important roles when it comes to keeping control of the well-being and cleanliness of the school. Unlike a lot of the different roles within the School, Caretakers are tasked with a lot more responsibilities than most. They’re able to perform a numerous amount of repairs which includes changing a light bulb, repairing burst pipes that might've ruptured and cleaning classrooms. Caretakers are able to patrol the School in order to ensure that there aren’t students having altercations and to ensure that there aren't danger hazards for faculty and pupils. They’re able to print out worksheets for Teachers and Professors. Finally, they're able to handle detentions and hand them out.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I’ve been able to partake in a couple different Factions, both official jobs and unofficial ones.
In 2020 and 2022 I decided to make applications toward the School as a Tutor and became one about a month or two later between either one. I worked there for at least a couple months before I decided it was time to quit and take some new opportunities. It was unfortunate but I knew I would be able to make an application at the chance that I wanted to return to such an environment. The second time around communication between each other was quite different and something I hadn’t been used to, but was able to adjust and form comfort within the role.
A little later after I joined SchoolRP I dove a little deeper into the numerous experiences of roleplay and indulged into GangRP. I joined a couple different organisations throughout the time I had but there’s no notable mentions I can add other than The River and Sonomi both of these had members that were quite close with one another and were able to perform team-work, despite the fact the sometimes there wasn’t an organised plan with the permissions we were acting out. It was all over the place but that’s what suited us all best, plans were boring, as much like they can be now.
In 2023 I applied to Mai-Yume and worked there for a couple months, thoroughly enjoying the experiences I had there. I focused a lot on the openings and tried to attend as many as I could but due to time zone differences that led to a small amount being attended, but regardless I had a blast. A little bit later down the line I was chosen to work as an employee at Oto-Nashi upon the application of its creation being sent out and still work there as of current despite that it doesn’t open as regularly as it used to. A bit after this I was asked to work in Club-Umbra and work there as an Employee. The openings are difficult to attend at the minute due to sleep schedules, but we have cute uniforms to make up for my lacking appearance.
Karakura Police Department
And at last we approach the final faction. I remember the time I applied to the time I was accepted in, there were two of us, one of my closest friends. We both cowered inside a discord call because we had both applied and were nervous for the result. But once that result came through that the two of us had been accepted the excitement we both shared in that call was both overwhelming and reliving. There were a load of stressful situations but there were also a load of wholesome moments between officers, despite the fact that some of us joked around. It all came from a good place! Next month would’ve been an entire year in the Faction but due to a lack of motivation and lack of finding fulfilment in there I quit a month earlier than I wanted to. In hopes that I could find a new experience and path to go on.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I’ve had numerous different experiences within the School Faction both as a student and a Employee. I applied in 2020 and 2022 for Tutor and was accepted a little while after, both led me to have some incredible experiences that I would’ve been without and not been able to have the experiences I’ve had, had I not taken the plunge and not applied. All of these experiences offered me a whale of wonderful times and I’d like to return to experience that again, to the place that has developed me into the person I am now. In 2023 I applied to be a Caretaker and was once more accepted in. Much like the previous times I had an absolute blast with, that time period was rather short and I would like to be able to extend the experience I had with that role, because of the people that I was able to meet and more experiences I was able to have. Of course this doesn’t mean that there weren’t stressful moments, because there were, but despite that I still thoroughly enjoyed my time. I’ve decided to once more return as a Caretaker in hopes to continue that experience and interact with more and more people as time passes.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
oceannawa > Adult
oceannawa > College Bachelors
80sOcean > Grade-12
During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
As much as students are entitled to express their feelings, this sort of behaviour is unacceptable within School Grounds. Schwarz would be quite firm in her words and remind the student that their behaviour is unacceptable on School Grounds, they’ll need to refrain from using such words. If the student continued Akari would warn them and then warn them once more if the student continued. After the original warning, if the student continued after those three entire warnings, Akari would hand out a detention slip to the student and then continue on her day.
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Akari would approach the crowd and shout out for them to stop fighting in order to destress the situation. After the group had halted in theri fight Akari would radio for a couple more members of staff and request that the group be kept there while she’s able to head off and check the cameras (granted there be some where the fight happened) for a more accurate description of what happened and who was involved in the altercation. Once Schwarz was able to gather a proper view of who was involved and who wasn’t. Akari would head back to where the fight had taken place and hand out detention slips to the required students, with a small note that fighting is forbidden on School Grounds.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
In the event that Akari were to come across this sort of situation. Schwarz would speak out with a reminder toward the member of staff that their behaviour is unacceptable and could result in either them or someone else being severely injured, or worse. It wouldn’t matter how serious the situation was or not, Akari would head to the person’s Head Of Department (HD) and inform them about the members actions and let them know who it was. If it's the case that no HD was available Akari would send out a small notice toward them or send out a letter toward an SLT member.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Akari Schwarz would enter the break room as quiet as a mouse, much more timid than Akari used to be, in recent times that has changed. Of course, there would be the occasional head nod toward former and now current co-workers. While Akari used to be someone that would be all for conversations and interactions with others due to a recent event Akari would be much more collected and in her own little word, in her own little corner of the lounge. There would be times that Akari frequented the lounge to retrieve the required coffee or tea but other than that Akari was like a ghost to that specific room.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
Akari was informed about a spill that had taken place in the Nurse’s Office, a simple little water spill. Schwarz collected her equipment and headed on over to the room, both hands occupied upon arrival. A bucket in her left and a cloth and mop in her right. It wasn’t long before the bucket of water and cloth had been lowered toward the ground with the cloth resting toward a table. Schwarz’s hand found a comfortable placement around the handle of the mop and it wasn’t long before Akari would’ve raised the mop into the bucket of water and used the ringer to air out the excess water on the mop, then using it to wipe at the spill of water on the ground. This action repeated until the water was nowhere to be found, later a WET FLOOR sign would’ve been placed down in order to prevent injuries.
A member of SLT had reported a burst pipe to the Caretakers and Akari was around at the time to handle the issue. There had been a tool-box that was left around in the Boiler Room and Schwarz had free access to use such items inside, with a haste in motion the woman strided over toward the tool-box and gathered, as well as numerous other items that would provide and smooth ride with such a problematic issue for the School. God. Akari headed off to the location of the burst pipe and placed down a much needed out of order sign to fend off other members of staff and pupils that might’ve been a bit too nosey. Gathering the tool-box on her side, Schwarz kneeled down beside the broken pipe and unscrewed it with one of the bolt and nut removers that resided inside the box. After the pipe was removed Akari searched for one of the other fixed pieces of pipes that were stored inside the tool box and fitted it back around the pipe in a haste. As soon as the issue was handled Akari used one of the handy-dandy mops to clear any slipping hazards.
It was the final bell and School had ended. Most students and members of the School had headed on home to their respective families after detention had been handled. Schwarz on the other hand remained inside and went around the Boiler Room to collect a couple clothes and a little old rusted broom to clean various places around the School. She headed on toward a couple classrooms that had been in use throughout and entered with her trusted broom and clothes in hand, heading toward each individual table of each classroom to clean the mess and dust off of them. After the tables had been cleaned Akari used that little rusted broom to clean dirt and messes on the floor in an orderly fashion. Once the classroom was clean Akari headed out, shutting their lights down and returning the items borrowed from the Boiler Room. Schwarz headed home to her respective little family.
In-Character Section
Full Name (First & Last only):
“Akari Schwarz.”
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
“Miss Schwarz.’
Age (Minimum is 25):
“I’m twenty-six years old.’
Academic Degree:
“I graduated from College with a Bachelor's Degree.”
“Well. I studied Communications, Mechanical Engineering and Criminal Justice for my majors.’
“I minored in English and Science.”
Known Languages:
“I know German, Spanish and Japanese.”
“Well! Backstory? I won’t include earlier life as that’s not quite that important but I returned to Karakura in late 2023 after having been in the Police Academy in Tokyo, to reunite with loved ones and make new found relationships, friendships and much more. Once I returned to Karakura I made the tough decision to send out an application to the School as a Caretaker because I was conflicted about what I wanted to do in life. I was accepted in and managed to work there for a couple months, in between reuniting with a loved one. As well as this. I’ve had the chance to meet someone I hold dear, Ujarak Katsumi, a psychiatrist at Karakura Hospital.We have two kids with one another, one adopted and the other biological, but we love both as much as each other. We were engaged once but split due to some personal reasons, but have managed to become close once more with one another as of a couple months ago. A little while after Ujarak and I had started a relationship with one another I applied for a career at the Karakura Police Department and was accepted in. I’ve had quite the blast within the Force and have made a load of incredible friends, some that I still speak to, but others that I don’t. Jiro Uemara and Raikou Kirishiki are two that I can proudly name with whole hearted support that I’ve been able to meet during my time in the force. Unfortunately. My time in the Department has ended, as of recently I was involved in an attack that took place in the apartment that I share with my daughter; which resulted in the loss of a hand and a stab wound to the throat, voice-box to be more specific. Both injuries were quite severe in damage and my hand was unable to be returned, whereas my voice box is still in its healing process which can take up to several weeks to months. At the moment this has left me unable to speak without the use of TTS assistance but the issue should be resolved. I made the decision to take time out from the Department and look for something that would be far better for both me and my family, which would be a career at the School. Which is the reason I’ve decided to make an application toward the School as a Caretaker.”
Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
“There are a number of different reasons that I could use to provide when it comes to writing out the motivation I wanted to use toward this application, but if I chose to do that we’d be here for literal hours. So to cut this down shorter! I’ve been here a couple times before and had found utter fulfilment in the roles that I had chosen to take on, despite there being some stressful situations that had been about I managed to flow through and find peace in the career. As well there was a large amount of team-work that flowed through the radios that I’d like to be able to experience once more, due to a recent couple of injuries I cannot return to the Department. But I can return to this career. There has been a desire to return here for a little while and I’m deciding not to let that opportunity go to waste.”
“I want to be able to help the pupils of Karakura once more and create a clean and safe environment in a different career, rather than being in one that places my family at stake. My motivation is the students and staff members.”
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“Well. I’ve had quite the experience when it comes to numerous different careers and opportunities both inside and outside the School Faction. There have been numerous times where I’ve worked inside the school with a couple of the various roles that can be noticed around. I’ve worked as a Tutor a couple times and then as a Caretaker after I returned to Karakura in 2023. A little while after I resigned from Caretaker I applied to the Police Department and worked there for an entire year but resigned as of recently. In the Department I managed to have numerous different interactions with a multitude of different people that both work and are pupils at the School. With these interactions I managed to gain knowledge on the different mindsets of Karakura High’s students and believe that I’ve come to a decent understanding with them. As well. I do believe that both these experiences have allowed me to gather far more experience and have a better quality when it comes to what the School is looking for when accepting applicants in and into their environment. I know for certain that I’ll be able to perform my duties in a timely manner in order to keep up with the School’s environment, cleanliness and safety of both students and faculty.”
Additional notes about your application:
Just a small note for oZinth. Both accounts under the username Lemonaawa and 80sLemon aren’t mine, both belong to my sister.
Do you have any questions?:
What is your Minecraft username?:
oceannawa (Main - Applying)
80sOcean (Alternate)
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
I’m seventeen. I’ll be eighteen in March
What is your time zone?:
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and British Summer Time (BST)
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m quite frequent when it comes to logging online and being active. I log online for a total of 8-12 hours but this can differ depending on sleep schedule and personal life.
I had a large amount of activity when I was in KPD but quit as of recently due to personal issues and lack of motivation to continue within the faction. But these issues shouldn’t cause a problem toward this application and should there be a problem I’ll make either an inactive log to the required channel or make a small note to oZinth about the issue should it extend outside the recommended inactive time. As much as it would be useful to make a chart display of my activity but this wouldn’t be useful due to how spread out my sleep schedule can be. But I can assure that I’ll be quite active and keep up with the quota as much as I can.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I’ve been banned once. I cannot remember the exact date of that ban but it was for Failure to Comply with Staff which was an hour long ban. It was while my sister and I attempted to purchase an apartment each.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Of course. I do understand this and will be as active as possible!
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Caretakers are the SchoolRP equivalent to a real life Janitors. Caretakers are one of the most important roles when it comes to keeping control of the well-being and cleanliness of the school. Unlike a lot of the different roles within the School, Caretakers are tasked with a lot more responsibilities than most. They’re able to perform a numerous amount of repairs which includes changing a light bulb, repairing burst pipes that might've ruptured and cleaning classrooms. Caretakers are able to patrol the School in order to ensure that there aren’t students having altercations and to ensure that there aren't danger hazards for faculty and pupils. They’re able to print out worksheets for Teachers and Professors. Finally, they're able to handle detentions and hand them out.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I’ve been able to partake in a couple different Factions, both official jobs and unofficial ones.
In 2020 and 2022 I decided to make applications toward the School as a Tutor and became one about a month or two later between either one. I worked there for at least a couple months before I decided it was time to quit and take some new opportunities. It was unfortunate but I knew I would be able to make an application at the chance that I wanted to return to such an environment. The second time around communication between each other was quite different and something I hadn’t been used to, but was able to adjust and form comfort within the role.
A little later after I joined SchoolRP I dove a little deeper into the numerous experiences of roleplay and indulged into GangRP. I joined a couple different organisations throughout the time I had but there’s no notable mentions I can add other than The River and Sonomi both of these had members that were quite close with one another and were able to perform team-work, despite the fact the sometimes there wasn’t an organised plan with the permissions we were acting out. It was all over the place but that’s what suited us all best, plans were boring, as much like they can be now.
In 2023 I applied to Mai-Yume and worked there for a couple months, thoroughly enjoying the experiences I had there. I focused a lot on the openings and tried to attend as many as I could but due to time zone differences that led to a small amount being attended, but regardless I had a blast. A little bit later down the line I was chosen to work as an employee at Oto-Nashi upon the application of its creation being sent out and still work there as of current despite that it doesn’t open as regularly as it used to. A bit after this I was asked to work in Club-Umbra and work there as an Employee. The openings are difficult to attend at the minute due to sleep schedules, but we have cute uniforms to make up for my lacking appearance.
Karakura Police Department
And at last we approach the final faction. I remember the time I applied to the time I was accepted in, there were two of us, one of my closest friends. We both cowered inside a discord call because we had both applied and were nervous for the result. But once that result came through that the two of us had been accepted the excitement we both shared in that call was both overwhelming and reliving. There were a load of stressful situations but there were also a load of wholesome moments between officers, despite the fact that some of us joked around. It all came from a good place! Next month would’ve been an entire year in the Faction but due to a lack of motivation and lack of finding fulfilment in there I quit a month earlier than I wanted to. In hopes that I could find a new experience and path to go on.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I’ve had numerous different experiences within the School Faction both as a student and a Employee. I applied in 2020 and 2022 for Tutor and was accepted a little while after, both led me to have some incredible experiences that I would’ve been without and not been able to have the experiences I’ve had, had I not taken the plunge and not applied. All of these experiences offered me a whale of wonderful times and I’d like to return to experience that again, to the place that has developed me into the person I am now. In 2023 I applied to be a Caretaker and was once more accepted in. Much like the previous times I had an absolute blast with, that time period was rather short and I would like to be able to extend the experience I had with that role, because of the people that I was able to meet and more experiences I was able to have. Of course this doesn’t mean that there weren’t stressful moments, because there were, but despite that I still thoroughly enjoyed my time. I’ve decided to once more return as a Caretaker in hopes to continue that experience and interact with more and more people as time passes.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
TokyoRP’s German Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
SeonjoRP’s German Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Suouohn’s French Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
JSL Authorisation Application. | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
oceanmaan’s Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
oceanwomaan’s Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
oceannawa's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - TokyoRP's 2nd Tutor Application ("Re-post") | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - Jeewhuu's Tutor Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - oboLneeecO | Caretaker Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
oboLneeecO | KPD Application #1 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Korean Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
ShrekRP’s German Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
ShrekRP’s Spanish Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Amaterassuu’s Russian Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
oceanmaan’s Latin Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Employee Application - [ROLE SWITCH] | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - oceanmaan’s Nurse Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Doctor Application | OceeenLobo | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Staff Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
TokyoRP’s German Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
SeonjoRP’s German Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Suouohn’s French Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
JSL Authorisation Application. | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
oceanmaan’s Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
oceanwomaan’s Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
oceannawa's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - TokyoRP's 2nd Tutor Application ("Re-post") | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - Jeewhuu's Tutor Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - oboLneeecO | Caretaker Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
oboLneeecO | KPD Application #1 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Korean Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
ShrekRP’s German Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
ShrekRP’s Spanish Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Amaterassuu’s Russian Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
oceanmaan’s Latin Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Employee Application - [ROLE SWITCH] | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - oceanmaan’s Nurse Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Doctor Application | OceeenLobo | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Staff Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
oceannawa > Adult
oceannawa > College Bachelors
80sOcean > Grade-12
During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
As much as students are entitled to express their feelings, this sort of behaviour is unacceptable within School Grounds. Schwarz would be quite firm in her words and remind the student that their behaviour is unacceptable on School Grounds, they’ll need to refrain from using such words. If the student continued Akari would warn them and then warn them once more if the student continued. After the original warning, if the student continued after those three entire warnings, Akari would hand out a detention slip to the student and then continue on her day.
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Akari would approach the crowd and shout out for them to stop fighting in order to destress the situation. After the group had halted in theri fight Akari would radio for a couple more members of staff and request that the group be kept there while she’s able to head off and check the cameras (granted there be some where the fight happened) for a more accurate description of what happened and who was involved in the altercation. Once Schwarz was able to gather a proper view of who was involved and who wasn’t. Akari would head back to where the fight had taken place and hand out detention slips to the required students, with a small note that fighting is forbidden on School Grounds.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
In the event that Akari were to come across this sort of situation. Schwarz would speak out with a reminder toward the member of staff that their behaviour is unacceptable and could result in either them or someone else being severely injured, or worse. It wouldn’t matter how serious the situation was or not, Akari would head to the person’s Head Of Department (HD) and inform them about the members actions and let them know who it was. If it's the case that no HD was available Akari would send out a small notice toward them or send out a letter toward an SLT member.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Akari Schwarz would enter the break room as quiet as a mouse, much more timid than Akari used to be, in recent times that has changed. Of course, there would be the occasional head nod toward former and now current co-workers. While Akari used to be someone that would be all for conversations and interactions with others due to a recent event Akari would be much more collected and in her own little word, in her own little corner of the lounge. There would be times that Akari frequented the lounge to retrieve the required coffee or tea but other than that Akari was like a ghost to that specific room.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
Akari was informed about a spill that had taken place in the Nurse’s Office, a simple little water spill. Schwarz collected her equipment and headed on over to the room, both hands occupied upon arrival. A bucket in her left and a cloth and mop in her right. It wasn’t long before the bucket of water and cloth had been lowered toward the ground with the cloth resting toward a table. Schwarz’s hand found a comfortable placement around the handle of the mop and it wasn’t long before Akari would’ve raised the mop into the bucket of water and used the ringer to air out the excess water on the mop, then using it to wipe at the spill of water on the ground. This action repeated until the water was nowhere to be found, later a WET FLOOR sign would’ve been placed down in order to prevent injuries.
A member of SLT had reported a burst pipe to the Caretakers and Akari was around at the time to handle the issue. There had been a tool-box that was left around in the Boiler Room and Schwarz had free access to use such items inside, with a haste in motion the woman strided over toward the tool-box and gathered, as well as numerous other items that would provide and smooth ride with such a problematic issue for the School. God. Akari headed off to the location of the burst pipe and placed down a much needed out of order sign to fend off other members of staff and pupils that might’ve been a bit too nosey. Gathering the tool-box on her side, Schwarz kneeled down beside the broken pipe and unscrewed it with one of the bolt and nut removers that resided inside the box. After the pipe was removed Akari searched for one of the other fixed pieces of pipes that were stored inside the tool box and fitted it back around the pipe in a haste. As soon as the issue was handled Akari used one of the handy-dandy mops to clear any slipping hazards.
It was the final bell and School had ended. Most students and members of the School had headed on home to their respective families after detention had been handled. Schwarz on the other hand remained inside and went around the Boiler Room to collect a couple clothes and a little old rusted broom to clean various places around the School. She headed on toward a couple classrooms that had been in use throughout and entered with her trusted broom and clothes in hand, heading toward each individual table of each classroom to clean the mess and dust off of them. After the tables had been cleaned Akari used that little rusted broom to clean dirt and messes on the floor in an orderly fashion. Once the classroom was clean Akari headed out, shutting their lights down and returning the items borrowed from the Boiler Room. Schwarz headed home to her respective little family.
In-Character Section
Full Name (First & Last only):
“Akari Schwarz.”
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
“Miss Schwarz.’
Age (Minimum is 25):
“I’m twenty-six years old.’
Academic Degree:
“I graduated from College with a Bachelor's Degree.”
“Well. I studied Communications, Mechanical Engineering and Criminal Justice for my majors.’
“I minored in English and Science.”
Known Languages:
“I know German, Spanish and Japanese.”
“Well! Backstory? I won’t include earlier life as that’s not quite that important but I returned to Karakura in late 2023 after having been in the Police Academy in Tokyo, to reunite with loved ones and make new found relationships, friendships and much more. Once I returned to Karakura I made the tough decision to send out an application to the School as a Caretaker because I was conflicted about what I wanted to do in life. I was accepted in and managed to work there for a couple months, in between reuniting with a loved one. As well as this. I’ve had the chance to meet someone I hold dear, Ujarak Katsumi, a psychiatrist at Karakura Hospital.We have two kids with one another, one adopted and the other biological, but we love both as much as each other. We were engaged once but split due to some personal reasons, but have managed to become close once more with one another as of a couple months ago. A little while after Ujarak and I had started a relationship with one another I applied for a career at the Karakura Police Department and was accepted in. I’ve had quite the blast within the Force and have made a load of incredible friends, some that I still speak to, but others that I don’t. Jiro Uemara and Raikou Kirishiki are two that I can proudly name with whole hearted support that I’ve been able to meet during my time in the force. Unfortunately. My time in the Department has ended, as of recently I was involved in an attack that took place in the apartment that I share with my daughter; which resulted in the loss of a hand and a stab wound to the throat, voice-box to be more specific. Both injuries were quite severe in damage and my hand was unable to be returned, whereas my voice box is still in its healing process which can take up to several weeks to months. At the moment this has left me unable to speak without the use of TTS assistance but the issue should be resolved. I made the decision to take time out from the Department and look for something that would be far better for both me and my family, which would be a career at the School. Which is the reason I’ve decided to make an application toward the School as a Caretaker.”
Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
“There are a number of different reasons that I could use to provide when it comes to writing out the motivation I wanted to use toward this application, but if I chose to do that we’d be here for literal hours. So to cut this down shorter! I’ve been here a couple times before and had found utter fulfilment in the roles that I had chosen to take on, despite there being some stressful situations that had been about I managed to flow through and find peace in the career. As well there was a large amount of team-work that flowed through the radios that I’d like to be able to experience once more, due to a recent couple of injuries I cannot return to the Department. But I can return to this career. There has been a desire to return here for a little while and I’m deciding not to let that opportunity go to waste.”
“I want to be able to help the pupils of Karakura once more and create a clean and safe environment in a different career, rather than being in one that places my family at stake. My motivation is the students and staff members.”
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“Well. I’ve had quite the experience when it comes to numerous different careers and opportunities both inside and outside the School Faction. There have been numerous times where I’ve worked inside the school with a couple of the various roles that can be noticed around. I’ve worked as a Tutor a couple times and then as a Caretaker after I returned to Karakura in 2023. A little while after I resigned from Caretaker I applied to the Police Department and worked there for an entire year but resigned as of recently. In the Department I managed to have numerous different interactions with a multitude of different people that both work and are pupils at the School. With these interactions I managed to gain knowledge on the different mindsets of Karakura High’s students and believe that I’ve come to a decent understanding with them. As well. I do believe that both these experiences have allowed me to gather far more experience and have a better quality when it comes to what the School is looking for when accepting applicants in and into their environment. I know for certain that I’ll be able to perform my duties in a timely manner in order to keep up with the School’s environment, cleanliness and safety of both students and faculty.”
Additional notes about your application:
Just a small note for oZinth. Both accounts under the username Lemonaawa and 80sLemon aren’t mine, both belong to my sister.
Do you have any questions?:
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