Kazuko Fukuda Biography
(For OOCly use, don't use the info ICly unless you know from interacting with Kaz)
(For OOCly use, don't use the info ICly unless you know from interacting with Kaz)
Kazuko Fukuda Canonical playlist
Kazuko Fukuda Canonical playlist · Playlist · 22 songs

First Name
Preferred Name
18 years old
5 foot 5 inches | 1'65 meters
142 pounds | 64 kilograms
Kazuko has long curly hair with a blonde streak on the left side of his bangs
His long hair is tied midway downwards so it kinda looks like a fox's tail
Hair Color
Mostly dark brown and slight blonde
Eye Color(s)
Right eye: Deep Green
Left eye: Deep Blue
Besides the different colored eyes, he has lots of freckles on his face
Date of Birth
2005 October 14th
Place of Birth
Karakura, Japan
Sexual Orientation
Religious Beliefs
Political Beliefs
Other random things
KYjazuko kind of resembles a fox which is somewhat ironic as his father's family believed
that the Fox Spirit would lead them to good fortune and luck.
Kazuko is prone to zoning out in such a level that he could be on a whole
different universe within 2 minutes.
Cooking anything helps him calm down as he is in full control of what he does
He specifically likes three artists those being, Vundabar, Cavetown and BoyWithUke
He loves all sorts of animals whether they have scales, fur, claws, paws he loves them all and gets very intrigued by them
Kaz finds bugs and insects to be interesting, he even made small artificial-ecosystems with bugs inhabiting them
Kazuko likes being up high since he lacks height, and usually people who are tall so he can climb them
Kazuko is quite good at climbing things, especially his friends, he climbs his friends no matter their size
He played in Airsoft tournaments with his old group of friends, but he retired as he lost interest in playing but he still enjoys watching
Sudden loud noises
The sudden sound of something loud often starttles him
A select few people from the Hayashi family
A few very specific sons from the family
Being called a nickname he doesn't like
Kaz absolutely hates any nickname he doesn't like because it's something no one can mess up about him

Kazuko would seem younger than he is due to his height and characteristics, he'd be slightly below average in height.
He also usually wears clothing 1 or 2 sizes too big for him but he'd always have elbow and kneepads along with fingerless gloves
Kazuko can be confusing, one minute he can be bubbly and energetic and the next he'd be very gloomy
Character Voice
Kazuko usually speaks in a soft monotone voice
Bat backpack
For storage
Toy BB Gun
For intimidation, usually doesn't work most of the time
Smart phone
Communication and other junk
Kermit stickers
The only thing showing the slightest innocence he has left
Wet wipes
To be sanitary
Hand sanitizer
To be sanitary
Spray bottle full of lemon juice
For annoying people
Kazuko's go-to color combo is dark green and black

along with his usual kneepads, elbowpads and glove
He usually gets his energy out doing acrobatics and callisthenics
Kazuko worked at La Casa Nostra when he was 16, and he learned how to cook food as he worked
When Kazuko was younger, he used to visit his grandmother on his father's side of the family and would always roam and take in the beauty of his grandmother's garden, where he also learned how to properally tend to different kinds of plants
Serious Problems/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities
Inheirited it from his parents, not to mention he goes by without any sort of treatment
Diagnosed after he reached his early teenage years
His grandfather from his father's side also had heterochromia which skipped his father and went to him
Injuring himself
Kazuko ends up hurting himself on a weekly basis, whether it's a small thing like getting cut from thorns to bigger things such as almost breaking his arm, but despite his size he can be quite durable and survived falls that could've sent him to the hospital
Not knowing how to appriciate himself
Ever since he was a child he was bullied for having two different colored eyes, which slowly built up to his current state of self-hatred
Kazuko isn't the brightest bulb in the room, he tends to misunderstand what people say or even flat out not know what they meant, taking a while to grasp the situation
Upper body - Small scratches and scars
Shin - A large scar along his shin that has stitch marks
Arms - He has two long scars and stitch marks on both arms, one on each arm after a hiking accident
Kazuko is double jointed, which means he can do some weird shit. He's also naturally stupidly flexible
Kazuko is full of different acrobatic moves which he uses on his friends just to mess with them
Stated above
Zoning out
If Kazuko is left alone in a crowd of people he'll undoubtably space out and end up on his own plain of thoughts
Wondering off
Kazuko can be easily distracted by anything, a tree, a single blade of grass or even a leaf being blown away by the wind

Tezuko Fukuda | Biological father | Deseased
"I know I was still a baby when you died but I still have vivid memories of you holding me and comforting me . . .
I know it sounds impossible but I still see you sometimes dad."
Owusu Family | Disbanded and Left
"I . . . Don't have anything to say about that."
Fukuda extended Family | Most relatives are alive and well
"Ever since dad passed away they always check up on me and make sure I'm healthy and they always tell
me that I really pick up after my dad, just less frail and shorter."
Ivankov Family | Disbanded
"Although the family disbanded, they were nice people while it was still together."
Maxi F.|Pet dog|Alive
"She's always so happy... no matter what she has a smile on her little face, it comforts me."
Ha-Rin Park | Close friend | Alive
"She's much denser than me but she's still a cool person."
Su-Ri Lee | Close friend | Alive
"She's like an older sister, she cares about me a lot and sometimes a bit protective."
Kyo-Chu Hangul | Close friend | Alive
"She's just a slightly larger toddler, I swear."
Mina Yoshi-Kata | Close friend | Alive
"She is a pain everywhere."
June Ellenberger |Close friend|Alive
"She's so optimistic about everything... it's kind of envious. And she is waaaaay to set on finding me a girlfriend."
Chén Yao|Close friend/Roommate|Alive
"If he hides my step-stool again I'm gonna snap his ankles I swear."
Amora Hayashi | Ex-Girlfriend | Alive
"I wish her brothers weren't such a pain. Maybe we'd still be together if it was true."
(let me know if I forgot to mention you here)
(This is a W.I.P because I'm a lazy motherfucker)
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