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oInfi | Disorder Authorization Application Suggestion


Level 272
I mean I guess. . . but mental disorder is a large umbrella term, maybe disorders like Schizophrenia, DID, major disorders like those that can REALLY affect RP, and are often misinterpreted then I guess.. but a lot of characters gain these mental disorders from RP and I feel like you shouldn't have to apply to get your character PTSD if they've just been through something really traumatic because a lot of people I feel like won't bother, and so people will have their limbs chopped off, being shot, watching people die, etc, and have no mental repercussions and therefore it becomes unrealistic
tell me, does it make sense to have
bipolar + clinical depression + mania + PTSD + schizo + ADHD?


Level 88
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. It makes NO SENSE to have so many disorders. Most of the people who HAVE those disorders icly don't have them oocly. There should be something where the person has to describe the disorder to be able to have it icly. I always feel like some people who make their chars have a disorder just do it to make a joke. Disorders aren't funny and people should know how to play out those disorders. If someone does not know how to play that disorder out, then they shouldn't have it.
[EDIT] - IF the char has gained something as in PTSD from a RP scene, then it makes sense, BUT the person who owns that char should know how to make their char REACT. If you do not, then sorry to say it... but you shouldn't be allowed to say your char has PTSD.


Level 34
Most people give their characters multiple disorders without even knowing half of them or giving a proper backstory towards how they even got the disorders. Some don't even know how to roleplay most disorders properly.


Level 19
IGN: oInfi
DATE: 3/22/22
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would like to suggest a new authorization application! This is in regards to the amount of mental disorders your character is able to have. I believe you should have to apply to have more than 3 or 4 mental disorders for your character if you would like to up the amount of disorders you can display.
Controversial, I know! After speaking to some psychiatrists and being an EMS myself, it’s been brought to our attention that players are somewhat abusing the fact that they can have as many mental disorders as someone in a psychiatric hospital would have and be able to walk around freely. The purpose of this authorization application is to ensure that the player knows exactly what their mental disorder means and how it will benefit their roleplay not only for themselves, but for others as well. It’s one thing having 3 different mental disorders, that seems somewhat realistic and easy to manage. However we’ve (as in the EMS) have seen multiple accounts of people abusing or misinterpreting the fact that they have 13 mental disorders and can roleplay out whichever one they want.

How would this application work? Well great question! Here would be a plausible format:

Roleplay Name:
Requested disorder:
List all current disorders:
How did your character obtain this disorder?:

Characters who have more than 3 mental disorders would have to display it in either their character biography or their description. However I see the flaw of not being able to properly track how many disorders someone has. It would be up to the community to report such things.

Once again the purpose of this application suggestion is to not only make the roleplay more realistic, but also enjoyable for others and to make sure no one abuses the title of a disorder.

I’m very curious to see what you all think!


Level 19
Honestly yeah.. people tend to just give their characters random disorders, and most of the time it’s just out of boredom?? And it doesn’t even really go into lore that much. +1 this suggestion all the way.


Level 97
I agree with this and will be giving it a +1 but at the same time a -1, I think they should really have a way to track them but also 3 is a lot for one person so I think it should be limited further to 2 seeing as people will walk in a want therapy to get diagnosed for something and then the next day will have something different and not even properly roleplay out what they had already came in for.


Level 199
IGN: oInfi
DATE: 3/22/22
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would like to suggest a new authorization application! This is in regards to the amount of mental disorders your character is able to have. I believe you should have to apply to have more than 3 or 4 mental disorders for your character if you would like to up the amount of disorders you can display.
Controversial, I know! After speaking to some psychiatrists and being an EMS myself, it’s been brought to our attention that players are somewhat abusing the fact that they can have as many mental disorders as someone in a psychiatric hospital would have and be able to walk around freely. The purpose of this authorization application is to ensure that the player knows exactly what their mental disorder means and how it will benefit their roleplay not only for themselves, but for others as well. It’s one thing having 3 different mental disorders, that seems somewhat realistic and easy to manage. However we’ve (as in the EMS) have seen multiple accounts of people abusing or misinterpreting the fact that they have 13 mental disorders and can roleplay out whichever one they want.

How would this application work? Well great question! Here would be a plausible format:

Roleplay Name:
Requested disorder:
List all current disorders:
How did your character obtain this disorder?:

Characters who have more than 3 mental disorders would have to display it in either their character biography or their description. However I see the flaw of not being able to properly track how many disorders someone has. It would be up to the community to report such things.

Once again the purpose of this application suggestion is to not only make the roleplay more realistic, but also enjoyable for others and to make sure no one abuses the title of a disorder.

I’m very curious to see what you all think!
To add on, if you get an accepted application, there should maybe be a /disorderlist command to keep track

gold fish

Level 286
tell me, does it make sense to have
bipolar + clinical depression + mania + PTSD + schizo + ADHD?
yeah, i see what you mean, i guess im just so weirded out that people use disorders like that that i never though it was necessary?


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Thread starter
Personally I don't think it's necessary to have authorization to have a mental illness, it should just be one of those things allowed to all players.
The purpose of the authorization is to allow more than 3 mental illnesses for one character. It seems the more people add on with their disorders and whatnot the more they don’t roleplay it realistically. Yes it should be allowed to all players, but I believe it should only be allowed to a certain extent.


Level 22
mmm. . heavily leaning towards -1. ^^;

if someone's abusing something like that, you can easily just tell staff. same with people who fail to portray certain disorders correctly, like DID/OSDD, Schizophrenia, etc. — just report it & state your concerns + explain how they're misrepresenting it & catering to stereotypes surrounding said disorders.

imagine someone asks you to prove or explain why you suffer from mental illness &/or have physical disabilities. or they tell you that there's no way you have more than 4 disabilities. . would you not feel uncomfortable? invalidated? even disrespected & afraid they're going to judge you? there are people who are like that IRL & i don't believe that's something that needs to be added to the server as well because it's basically the same thing, just about your character & not you, the one playing as said character.

along with that, there are some people who project their own illnesses / disorders onto their characters as a means to either cope or feel more connected to them. that wouldn't be fair to them, either.

i understand that yes, there are people who abuse it icly. however, this can be said about people IRL who FAKE having disorders for attention or because they think it's a 'trend' / 'quirky', & so on. it'd be better to just report it or ask staff about it if you're concerned.


Level 22
tell me, does it make sense to have
bipolar + clinical depression + mania + PTSD + schizo + ADHD?
does it make sense to have Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder + Panic Disorder + Social Anxiety, Major Depressive Disorder, suspected OSDD & suspected Borderline Personality Disorder? to you, maybe not, but to assume it's impossible to have a multitude of disorders, some being sub disorders that come from bigger ones, is incredibly ignorant & insensitive. you cannot assume such a thing when everyone's situation is different.

& again, if people have concerns about any of it, they can contact staff.

/nm for this in case this seems aggressive.


Level 183
does it make sense to have Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder + Panic Disorder + Social Anxiety, Major Depressive Disorder, suspected OSDD & suspected Borderline Personality Disorder? to you, maybe not, but to assume it's impossible to have a multitude of disorders, some being sub disorders that come from bigger ones, is incredibly ignorant & insensitive. you cannot assume such a thing when everyone's situation is different.

& again, if people have concerns about any of it, they can contact staff.

/nm for this in case this seems aggressive.

Good argument... Basically everything I wanted to say. Here though, let me simplify it

SRP is supposed to be realistic and if someone is being too abusive or too unrealistic it could be brought up with staff.. Even if there isn't a specific rule about it, staff can make their own decisions to keep a roleplay fair sometimes, and so they wouldn't allow 1 to have multiple major disorders and all that.. We could also add a rule about not "misinterpreting" it (or whatever the word is)

However, I don't think we should strict how many disorders can a person have, because and sometimes, some major disorders lead to other disorders that are all connected.. Just like what yumsmores said above.

To give another example, having a power or being some weird creature isn't allowed and is considered against rules. However, some greenies do it still. What happens now is a staff speaks to them and informs them that they're supposed to be realistic- same idea for this. We shouldn't restrict disorders on applications or anything, but make a rule to keep it realistic, like the one I mentioned above.. A new rule "not misinterpreting disorders" or something


Level 200
I agree with this and will be giving it a +1 but at the same time a -1, I think they should really have a way to track them but also 3 is a lot for one person so I think it should be limited further to 2 seeing as people will walk in a want therapy to get diagnosed for something and then the next day will have something different and not even properly roleplay out what they had already came in for.
It really depends on what the disorder is and why


Level 272
Generalized Anxiety Disorder + Panic Disorder + Social Anxiety
all of this 3 can be under 1 disorder -> saying it as a person with social anxiety; when you have social anxiety ofc you will get panic attacks at some situations because of a trigger. But again, it doesnt make sense to come to a person and yeah I have 108492848 disorders deal with that. remember that EMS are also teenagers(col or hs, doesnt matter really). . .Nobody can to expect from us to deal with 100 stuff and give all the prescription for the pharmacy. the max we can give is 2 and I understand why. We're NOT real psychiatrists, there's a limit how much can we handle and even our faction lead agreed with that. I can understand there're few stuff thats going together(e.g shcizo with ADHD) But when a person coming to me wirh 1000000000 disorders I cant to help them and nobody cant


Level 22
all of this 3 can be under 1 disorder -> saying it as a person with social anxiety; when you have social anxiety ofc you will get panic attacks at some situations because of a trigger. But again, it doesnt make sense to come to a person and yeah I have 108492848 disorders deal with that. remember that EMS are also teenagers(col or hs, doesnt matter really). . .Nobody can to expect from us to deal with 100 stuff and give all the prescription for the pharmacy. the max we can give is 2 and I understand why. We're NOT real psychiatrists, there's a limit how much can we handle and even our faction lead agreed with that. I can understand there're few stuff thats going together(e.g shcizo with ADHD) But when a person coming to me wirh 1000000000 disorders I cant to help them and nobody cant
all of this falls under a very simple solution: instead of trying to limit what people struggle with, there should be a rule that says not to misrepresent disorders nor to make it unrealistic.

the percentage of people who have characters with the amount of disorders you say they come to you with, is probably small in comparison to the entire population of players on the server. the whole should not be limited simply because a few go overboard with it.

it's a valid concern, yes. but limiting how many disorders everyone can have & making them apply for them is unrealistic & a bit much.


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
mmm. . heavily leaning towards -1. ^^;

if someone's abusing something like that, you can easily just tell staff. same with people who fail to portray certain disorders correctly, like DID/OSDD, Schizophrenia, etc. — just report it & state your concerns + explain how they're misrepresenting it & catering to stereotypes surrounding said disorders.

imagine someone asks you to prove or explain why you suffer from mental illness &/or have physical disabilities. or they tell you that there's no way you have more than 4 disabilities. . would you not feel uncomfortable? invalidated? even disrespected & afraid they're going to judge you? there are people who are like that IRL & i don't believe that's something that needs to be added to the server as well because it's basically the same thing, just about your character & not you, the one playing as said character.

along with that, there are some people who project their own illnesses / disorders onto their characters as a means to either cope or feel more connected to them. that wouldn't be fair to them, either.

i understand that yes, there are people who abuse it icly. however, this can be said about people IRL who FAKE having disorders for attention or because they think it's a 'trend' / 'quirky', & so on. it'd be better to just report it or ask staff about it if you're concerned.
this is a roleplay server- not IRL, and it shouldn't be confused between the two, Character authorization applications exist for a reason to specifically stop abuse of certain things, for example this should definitely be added to something you have to apply for in my opinion, again referring to you stating "imagine someone asks you to prove or explain why you suffer from mental illness &/or have physical disabilities. " this is Roleplay, so its not a personal attack at you, you're playing a character that isn't yourself.


Level 22
this is a roleplay server- not IRL, and it shouldn't be confused between the two, Character authorization applications exist for a reason to specifically stop abuse of certain things, for example this should definitely be added to something you have to apply for in my opinion, again referring to you stating "imagine someone asks you to prove or explain why you suffer from mental illness &/or have physical disabilities. " this is Roleplay, so its not a personal attack at you, you're playing a character that isn't yourself.
as i stated before, it's essentially the same exact scenario but with the character & not you, the one playing said character. it's also pointless to have that limit & have to apply, & only gives the staff even MORE applications to look through. on top of the fact that, as someone else said, they have rules against fantasy-based characters & what-not, yet some people — usually new players — still make nonhuman, fantasy characters.

not to mention, if someone is applying for their character to have a certain disorder, i don't believe someone should be dictating whether or not 'how they got that disorder' is good enough for the application to be accepted. because if you're going to view it realistically, only an actual the****** or psychiatrist can determine something like that. staff could see some applications where the reason is actually valid, but may not be informed enough about the disorder & how it manifests, leading them to deny an application due to ignorance.

hence why i believe simply adding a rule to not overdo / be extreme & misrepresent the disorder(s) would be the better option. along with encouraging players to do thorough research on these disorders, basically educating themselves, so they'll (hopefully) gain a proper understanding of it & how to portray it through their character(s). assuming they don't already have the disorder themselves IRL, of course.

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