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oInfi | Rule Suggestion


Level 62
and before you guys say this is japan, there's a LARGEEEE capacity of foreign students and karakura has a high crime rate.


Level 202
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Of course you can write something without conflict, but conflict ultimately drives a story. You aren't always going to be happy with everyone & it's fun having a variety of different relationships with different characters rather than omg!! We're all besties!!!

But it doesn't have to be conflict! You aren't always going to be against everyone either!!!
Receptionists/teachers/professors/other employees can be anywhere at any time, they aren't contained to their classrooms. . What's the point of restricting certain areas when school employees will probably see you either way?

I feel like restricting this wouldn't solve the issue though. It's still going to happen either way, it'll still be FailRP either way, and it'll still have to be dealt with either way. This is like- stacking rules. You already can't FailRP, you already can't bait, and you have to obey FearRP- if none of these rules are preventing them from happening, how is restricting CombatRP in these areas going to do the job? Rulebreaking and baiting are inevitable. From what I understand, this rule would ban CombatRP from taking place in the cafeteria, anywhere near the reception, anywhere near classrooms (that do take up most of the school). . and on top of that, you have to worry about the faculty & Councilors that are patrolling around the entirety of the school. Again, it's unnecessarily restrictive.
It is being slightly misunderstood here, as it'd only restrict those outside ongoing classes, just in front of the reception desk. Not quite anywhere near though.

I'd also propose we allow other people to have their input on the suggestion instead of everyone discussing back and forth


Level 86
the whole 'RP is more fun with conflict' doesn't have to be the case! RP can be more fun when making solid relationships, things that DON'T involve being at odds with other players
+1/-1 leaning towards -1

I do want to point out currently the only major "conflict" that's easy to engage with is the supposed rivalry between schools, and as long as we advertise that I'm sure people are going to want to have action filled conflict alongside melodramatic or romantic drama. But on to the suggestion itself

The suggestion itself does limit roleplay, and I'm not a huge fan of that however, I do think some places it should be heavily advised you don't fight in unless it's an actual roleplayed out fight. This would be the outside of active classrooms (due to how it disrupts a class, but i do think fights started IN a class should stay IC) and maaaybe reception too? The only issue is that a lot of fights get picked at reception start as verbal disagreements which should not be stopped. In order to look for solutions or more nuance to this problem we have to look at how these fights even start to begin with. Roleplay, insults being thrown, etc.

Out of those two, only the active classroom one should be a set in stone rule. The reception desk should be dealt with in character.

My biggest concern is how this affects the players who do want to have violent characters who start fights, or people on teams who want to throw people in the pool. We cannot say "There's a school rivalry! Participate!" and then say "but you can't fight here, here, here and here." because it gets more and more limiting. Not everyone wants to constantly have to be creative with how their characters show their distaste for another. The implementation of this rule will hinder the wrong people's experience, just like that thread about FearRP a while ago, we need to be careful to not impose rules on the people who are just roleplaying and having fun.

As for the baiters, there really is no easy fix to getting them to go away outside of warning them or asking staff for help. Even if we implemented this, people would still start fights and whatnot. Implementing this might become more complicated due to boundaries having to be established. The school is structured vertically, is me fighting my rival in the bathroom against the rules if its near an active classroom? How do you make sure you're not in range?


The argument for/against realism seems a little redundant here. I think we need to let go of realism and go back into fiction, we are in a roleplay after all. Fictional conflicts shouldn't need 1:1 accuracy with reality.
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Level 151
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i square can be a rectangle, but a rectangle cannot be a square


Level 90
I feel like I've been getting a tad too rude with this, my apologies. It's very very annoying seeing more things trying to be implemented that do nothing but limit people who do want to properly rp something out, though.

Of course conflict isn't always combat, but it can be- and especially with jockrp it often is. As I've said before, you're just posing to limit people who do want to rp because of the vast minority of people who are just logging on to fuck around.

But it doesn't have to be conflict! You aren't always going to be against everyone either!!!
Conflict drives a story, whether you like it or not. Of course being in conflict with everyone isn't great, but some of the funnest times I've had rping WERE when things were actively being messed up between characters. Breaking relationships & having to deal with the mess caused by it. The more variety you have in your rp, the more fun you'll have.


Level 151
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Conflict drives a story, whether you like it or not. Of course being in conflict with everyone isn't great, but some of the funnest times I've had rping WERE when things were actively being messed up between characters. Breaking relationships & having to deal with the mess caused by it. The more variety you have in your rp, the more fun you'll have.
(it's not prohibiting conflict, just the act of assaulting someone in front of faculty) (physically)


Level 90
(it's not prohibiting conflict, just the act of assaulting someone in front of faculty) (physically)
Moreso just debunking that a story could be fine without conflict with that, but regardless I don't think people should be limited from doing so. Of course it shouldn't happen often, as I said before. Encourage not fighting directly in front of faculty, but sometimes stuff does happen. Things can escalate much faster than you'd expect & that shouldn't be limited in the heat of the moment


Level 3
MAAASSIVE -1. Limits RP for players just because you don't want to deal with it. I was a caretaker for 6 months and you could tell when people were baiting vs not, it wasn't hard to just ignore those players. Banning combat is a bad move that wont add to roleplay at all and is just because people are lazy and avoid roleplaying back (not in relation to people trolling). Cant have plot without conflict and you'd be bold to force a town of teenagers to avoid arguments/fights.


Level 100
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Whether it be combatrp or conflict, it’d be limiting rp.

Baiting is not as much as a prominent issue from what I’ve viewed.

This is just a band aid solution that wouldn’t work regardless. If you want to get rid of people baiting detention, you’d need to get rid of conflict. People who’re baiting detentions don’t resort to fights because it takes a lot to even find someone they have perms on + they have to find them in the spots you mentioned. Chances are low.

Now, if we learned anything from the removal of KPS, it’d be that if one way is removed, another will be found. They’ll resort to other conflicts, and then those conflicts will have to be banned.

Lastly, this punishes people such as myself that actually roleplay things like this. Limiting delinquentrp (not gangrp. delinquents, school bullys- etc) is not the solution to this. When people do bait it, they usually use other methods anyways (such as getting drunk, smoking, profanity, being rude to teachers, etc).


Level 200
Okay, I'm changing my vote. +10000. I've gone through a majority of the replies and want to reinstate something Infi said that multiple people are failing to realize, this is only 10% of the school and there is quite literally SO MANY other places people can go. It is completely insane how many fights, not little jockrp situations, but full on combatrp situations. We (as in the faculty, as a whole) simply want people to stop idioticly starting fights in these small areas, because its annoying and its getting old. This will not at all restrict your roleplay because you have to move ten blocks just to not be in a small area. While this might seem useless or uneeded or anything else to those who aren't faculty members, you have to look at it from our perspective.

As someone who has been a member of the faculty twice now, around 2 years apart, nothing has changed. Situations like these have been happening constantly for multiple years now. Along with this, I've spoken to multiple members who have quit due to the stress. So please, don't go disliking this post just because it has nothing to do with you (if it does than great!). Anyways, back to the point. Most jockrp situations don't even happen in the areas we are mentioning!!! That shouldn't even be a worry!!

Now here, have a list of places you can roleplay in (if this is accepted) to your hearts content.
• Bathrooms
- All of them?!
• The roof
- both sides
- the connecting walk ways
• Hallways that are not too close to these zones
- Lockers (shove kids into them!)
- Big windows
- One near the gym
- The ones that lead into the bathrooms
• Back of the school
- the small ponds
- Behind the trees
- The back gate?!
• Front of the school
- Courts
- Near the trees
- The pool
- The pool locker room
- The corners of the front
• Sides of the school
- The picnic area
- The other side of the picnic area
- The side nearest to the houses
• The courtyard (the middle)
- The center
- One of the corners
- Off to the side of the cafe
• The gym!
- The boiler room
- The mini-gym
- club rooms?!
- Closets
- Media room
- Art room

And literally so many other places and all the areas in-between them.
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Level 231
Let characters make fully realised decisions, aka don't limit roleplay overbearingly. If players try to bait suspension, then that's kinda what a /warn is for.
there is nothing that makes sense of just
*body slams someone in the ground right in front of the receptionist* "oh why did i get detention?!"


Level 331
I think this is an issue that has to do with the fact that players haven't quite adapted to the new rulebook. This is in fact a rule that is enforced and shouldn't take place. If you encounter any student trying to actively start a conflict IN FRONT of a school employee (Leaving consented situations with employees aside), they should be referred to this post, regardless of the location:

Adding In-School public areas to restrict CombatRP is probably gonna make things more overcomplicated than necessary (What happens if a chase ends up in the reception? What happens if a bunch of people want to start a food fight at the cafeteria? What happens if two friends wanna test who slaps the hardest?) There's a lot of variables that would honestly overcomplicate roleplay (and considering the community is already struggling to comprehend the current rules, I don't think adding more would help)

A common misconception is also the belief that if you see someone breaking a rule, you will always need Staff to be there to deal with it. While it's recommended to call for assistance, you also have the ability to point out if a player is breaking a rule as long as you're 100% sure of it (while also away from the realm of modding). For example, if you find someone starting a fight in front of you, you can tell them they're breaking rule 9.1b (which is explicit enough for anyone to easily understand it). If they still continue to break that rule, that's when your only card will be to call for staff. However, at that point their offense would be worse than just starting a fight. At that point they'd be aware of the fact that they're breaking a rule, which probably will result in a GangRP / CombatRP blacklist (Which is, in fact, one of the most effective punishments that make people want to follow the rules)

To summarise, if you ever see someone trying to start a fight in front of a faculty member, you can refer them to 9.1b. This also applies to trying to drink alcohol in front of a teacher, pulling out a weapon in front of a police officer for no reason, etc.
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