Level 8
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
oIXuanderIo (Account im applying on)
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Describe your activity on the server:
I am an active member on the server, spending around 4-5 on the server a day. Although if it’s a holiday, these hours can increase depending on if I’m busy or not. While spending my time on the server, I spend a lot of my time on the server on my main account xXXuanderXx in which I play my swim captain character along with my adult character, which I used to gangrp on. Although, I now spend most of my time on the server wandering around and interacting with different players on my swim character as gang roleplay is something that no longer interests me much anymore and I have wanted to experience the opposite side and try out the KPD Side of the server. I do play on my oIXuanderIo account that I have applied on, although that hours are less than my main account due to me not having much to do on the oIXuanderIo account. However if I got the role my hours would significantly increase and take over my xXXuanderXx account as I will have something to do on the account which is what I have been looking for and decided that this faction would be the best for me.
What is your motivation for applying?:
The first thing that motivated me and makes me want to attempt at joining this faction, is that I personally want to experience something new on the server and one of the things that I always believe I would enjoy and well wanted to try out being a part of is the KPD faction. The reason behind this is because I have been on the server for a year and a half now and for the longest time I have been a part of gangrp on the server and I have always wondered what it would be like to be on the opposite side of things and being the ones stopping the crimes instead of committing them and after a few of my interactions with officers while in gangrp and crimerp I decided that I wanted to leave and try experience this side of it.
Another thing that makes me motivated and want to join the faction is that I would overall like to take part in another faction on the server as I previously was a part of the government faction as a governor for around 4-5 months in which I had a whole lot of fun with. However I later decided to leave as I wanted to try exploring different options on the server. After becoming the swim captain of the Highschool team, I have now found myself wanting to apply to the KPD as I know the rules that within gangrp and I believe that it’s the right fit for me as I have experience within combatrp which would help me out a lot as a cop when chasing criminals and so on. This would also help me develop a character with good lore and backstory which will not entirely be based around being a criminal and committing crimes although I could do this while being a part of the government faction, Kpd would give me the chance to make a character that can feel like he is making a difference by being there for the people who need it.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Although I do not have the greatest knowledge of what the police do IRL I still know things that they do, one of these being responding to calls for things such as crimes or even fires. Their jobs roles when doing this are to make sure the people are safe and to make sure that the criminal is caught and arrested if the situation is right. Along with this the police also have to do things such as investigate into crimes committed trying to find the person who has done it or maybe even why that person has done the crime in the first place, there are a whole lot of things that would factor in what they are investigating into. They also do other things like search places and so on if they have the right permissions and legal things from the government. Overall I know the goal of being an officer isn’t just to look for someone to arrest and fine whenever you can but to ensure the best outcome for the place the town or city the officers is. They are there as they are looking to make the city a better place while also making life better for everyone, including those who may get involved in crime. Police should just overall show that there is a better path for everyone instead of falling into a life of crime where someone's family or theirs could get seriously injured and they will help guide these people to a better place. The last thing that is important for an officer is morale as while they may need to keep peace within a city or town during a riot or public gathering they also need to remember that the safety of others is their top priority.
I know a whole lot more about the SRP police due to my interactions with a few of them and the people who have been involved within the faction before but also due to the fact that I also have gangrped in the past and have some knowledge from that.
Basic things the police do
Patrols - This is one of the most basic things that officer’s do within the KPD and they can even do it while they are cadets as long as they are with a higher up of the KPD. When on patrols, the officers will go out in a group of any amount and patrol around Karakura making sure that no crime is going on and if they find a crime being committed they will obviously go out of their way and deal with it, rather arresting the individual depending on the crime they have committed.oIXuanderIo (Account im applying on)
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Accepted - Governor app - Italian lang app 2 - JSL lang app - Governor app - Italian lang app 2 - JSL lang app
Denied - Black market dealer app - Teacher application - Italian lang app 1 - Black market dealer app - Teacher application - Italian lang app 1
I am an active member on the server, spending around 4-5 on the server a day. Although if it’s a holiday, these hours can increase depending on if I’m busy or not. While spending my time on the server, I spend a lot of my time on the server on my main account xXXuanderXx in which I play my swim captain character along with my adult character, which I used to gangrp on. Although, I now spend most of my time on the server wandering around and interacting with different players on my swim character as gang roleplay is something that no longer interests me much anymore and I have wanted to experience the opposite side and try out the KPD Side of the server. I do play on my oIXuanderIo account that I have applied on, although that hours are less than my main account due to me not having much to do on the oIXuanderIo account. However if I got the role my hours would significantly increase and take over my xXXuanderXx account as I will have something to do on the account which is what I have been looking for and decided that this faction would be the best for me.
What is your motivation for applying?:
The first thing that motivated me and makes me want to attempt at joining this faction, is that I personally want to experience something new on the server and one of the things that I always believe I would enjoy and well wanted to try out being a part of is the KPD faction. The reason behind this is because I have been on the server for a year and a half now and for the longest time I have been a part of gangrp on the server and I have always wondered what it would be like to be on the opposite side of things and being the ones stopping the crimes instead of committing them and after a few of my interactions with officers while in gangrp and crimerp I decided that I wanted to leave and try experience this side of it.
Another thing that makes me motivated and want to join the faction is that I would overall like to take part in another faction on the server as I previously was a part of the government faction as a governor for around 4-5 months in which I had a whole lot of fun with. However I later decided to leave as I wanted to try exploring different options on the server. After becoming the swim captain of the Highschool team, I have now found myself wanting to apply to the KPD as I know the rules that within gangrp and I believe that it’s the right fit for me as I have experience within combatrp which would help me out a lot as a cop when chasing criminals and so on. This would also help me develop a character with good lore and backstory which will not entirely be based around being a criminal and committing crimes although I could do this while being a part of the government faction, Kpd would give me the chance to make a character that can feel like he is making a difference by being there for the people who need it.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Although I do not have the greatest knowledge of what the police do IRL I still know things that they do, one of these being responding to calls for things such as crimes or even fires. Their jobs roles when doing this are to make sure the people are safe and to make sure that the criminal is caught and arrested if the situation is right. Along with this the police also have to do things such as investigate into crimes committed trying to find the person who has done it or maybe even why that person has done the crime in the first place, there are a whole lot of things that would factor in what they are investigating into. They also do other things like search places and so on if they have the right permissions and legal things from the government. Overall I know the goal of being an officer isn’t just to look for someone to arrest and fine whenever you can but to ensure the best outcome for the place the town or city the officers is. They are there as they are looking to make the city a better place while also making life better for everyone, including those who may get involved in crime. Police should just overall show that there is a better path for everyone instead of falling into a life of crime where someone's family or theirs could get seriously injured and they will help guide these people to a better place. The last thing that is important for an officer is morale as while they may need to keep peace within a city or town during a riot or public gathering they also need to remember that the safety of others is their top priority.
I know a whole lot more about the SRP police due to my interactions with a few of them and the people who have been involved within the faction before but also due to the fact that I also have gangrped in the past and have some knowledge from that.
Basic things the police do
CCTV - CCTV is a big thing within the KPD faction as it allows the officers to be able to see what is going on around the city. Along with this, the plugin that the KPD have access to allows them to see through the camera’s from a live point of view, to access the camera’s they would need to go to the camera access area. Due to this the officers would need to use the information given to them by the people calling to pinpoint the location of the crime. However if the plugin is broken at the time, then the officer will need to make a ticket and ask the staff member where the character was last seen on cctv. They will then use all this information and rather give it to the other officers or use it for themselves to stop the crime or catch a wanted person who had previously escaped.
Deskwork - Deskwork is another basic thing that the officer’s do within the KPD as they will sit at the desk and do a few things. One of the main things that they do while at the desk is do bail’s rather this be someone asking about one and then telling them how much the bail is and then how long until they can bail them. However if they are bailable they will also take the money and release the inmate if paid. Another thing that they will do while at the desk is take any reports that a person has made and then file them, which they will then later go over. Depending on if the report is made from someone after a situation has happened will depend on what they will do. As if it's going on at the time of the report they will go to the location and stop it, if not they will file it before getting enough evidence of the situation.
Things they do with the government - When something like a criminal trial takes place, the officers will all go to the town hall and be let into the courtroom before they will all get into position rather this be inside the courtroom just incase something goes wrong like the criminal tries to attack someone or outside the courtroom to control the crowd of people who swarm in. At the court cases they will just stand guard and protect the government workers in the room who cannot protect themselves. Along with this, when a governor, deputy mayor or even the mayor do a speech, the KPD officers will turn up at the speech and stand around where the person doing the speech is just incase a riot takes place so they can handle them and make sure that peace is kept and nobody is hurt.
Responding to calls - Calls and responding to them is a big part of an officer's job as when someone has called for help, the officer or officers on duty must get prepared for the right situation and then respond as quickly as possible. The reasons for why the KPD would respond to calls are all varied and depends on the situation taking place. Most of the time it's due to assaults, however there are many other reasons like when criminal events take place and the police need to deal with the situation. Along with this they also can respond to calls for someone to come to the front desk if nobody is there.
Arrests - One of the most basic things that a cop will do is arrest people for the right reason. The reasoning and length of the arrest always will depend on the crime that has been committed, this also goes along with the price of the arrest.
Court cases - Court cases are something that can happen against an officer if the inmate or person they have arrested pleads not-guilty. If this happens, the arresting officer will have to go to a court case as a defense against the opposing side since they are the ones who have arrested the inmate. Although this is not something that happens commonly it is something that can happen and is a part of the job sometimes.
Rankings and divisions
Within the KPD, there are two different divisions. One of them being the main division which you are automatically brought into upon acceptance of an application and the other being the detective division that is obtained through hard work and dedication towards the faction along with this, the detective division is not obtainable through applications.
Main Division
This is a list of the rankings and what they are. Other than this depending on the ranking of the officer it can also depend on the items they are given.
This is a list of the rankings and what they are. Other than this depending on the ranking of the officer it can also depend on the items they are given.
Rankings | Explanation to my knowledge |
Cadet | These are new officers who have just joined the kpd and are yet to pass their exam. These rankings to my knowledge are not allowed to go on patrols on their own without a higherup. |
Patrol Officer | These are officers that have passed their exams and have the ability to now go on patrols without other higher ups of the force. |
Corporal | These are members of the kpd who have been there for a while and shown that they are worthy of a rank up. They are higher than a normal patrol officer and cadet. These also gain access to the ability to use a crowbar at this rank. |
Sergeant | Although I'm not exactly sure of what the rank does and what it changes. I do know to obtain this rank within the KPD you need to show that you are willing to dedicate yourself to it. This is also a rank that is just before higher up and along with this they have access to the Tranquilizer. |
Lieutenant | This is another higher up rank of the force and only three people can hold this rank although other than this I don’t know much more on what other things they do. |
Captain | The captain is basically second in command of the main division and is also a higher up of the force. So they may have extra duties like giving a speech to the public like in the most recent corruption event. |
Commissioner | This is the highest ranking member of the force and they are the person that controls the kpd overall and is in charge of it all. They will make changes if necessary. |
Detective Division
This is a division that is only accessible once you have applied for kpd and been in it for a while. You cannot apply for the role and have to take an exam just like when you move from cadet to patrol officer.
This is a division that is only accessible once you have applied for kpd and been in it for a while. You cannot apply for the role and have to take an exam just like when you move from cadet to patrol officer.
Rankings | Explanation to my knowledge |
Detective Constable | This is the lowest ranking you can possibly be in the detective Division and this is for those who have been chosen and worked their way up to become a part of this side of kpd. |
Detective Inspector | Although I don’t know much about this rank either, these are those who have shown themselves worthy of a rank up in the force. |
Detective Chief Inspector | Although I don’t know much about this rank, these are another higher up within the detective section of the Kpd. |
Detective Superintendent | This is the highest ranking member of the detective Division, they are like the captain and are just under the commissioner. |
Physical items
Item name | Information |
Baton | - Illegal to carry unless you are a officer - Muggable - Two hit Ko like other blunt weapons. - To be used it needs to be actioned to pull out unless they are out of range. - Close range weapon (2 block range) |
Handcuffs | -Only officers can have this item. - Not muggable at all - Used to arrest a criminal although you have to action it and they can roll to resist. -Range of the tool is one block. |
Police Radio | -Waterproof communication tool. - This is another item that only the police can have. - Cannot be mugged - If in range you need to act to use the radio. - It can be broken with blunt weapons along with sharp ones. - Has a code 0 button that would need to be pressed in emergency situations. |
Breathalyser | - Another item that is restricted to the police and ems. - This item is also not muggable - Must be actioned to be used and it will test the amount of alcohol on someone's breath - Its accuracy varies depending on its proximity to the kpd. |
Police Badge | - Like other factions this is the badge that proves your character is an officer icly. - Cannot be mugged - Right click to show it to someone. |
Taser | - Another item that only officers can have. - Does not knock out a player however it leaves them stunned for a minute. - This item is not muggable however once fired at a player it grants them majors on you. -Must be actioned to fire if in range. - It is a long range tool that has an 8 block range. |
Pepper Spray | - Another item that the police have that is not muggable. - This does not knock out players but instead blinds them. - Has to be actioned to take it out and once it is used then it is honors - It has a Two block range and blinds them for 30 seconds unless they have a gas mask. - It can only be used 3 times and cannot be stolen from the player. |
Crowbar | - Illegal to own unless you are a member of the kpd. - Two hit Ko just like any other crowbar - Has a two block range like the baton - Has to be actioned to pull out if in range and used. - Can pry open doors, this is normally used for raids on apartments. |
Riot Shield | - Accessible to all officers - Illegal for members of the public to hold as to get one they need to mug it. - As previously stated it is muggable but only after the officer is knocked out. - Must be actioned to be taken out unless out of range this also counts when swapping hands with it. - When switching hands of the riot shield it has two different modes one being offensive (Main hand) and the other defensive (offhand). -When in the off hand the no attacks are deflected but can knock someone out in three successful hits -when in the main hand all attacks from the front and side are reflected from any weapon used on it. However you cannot fight back and only push people out of range. - This is normally used with the riot gear that the kpd have to do things such as raids or when the crime level is up. |
Tranquilizer | - This is a plastic device that is used by the police to stop people from being a threat. - It is accessible to Police Sergeants and detective inspectors. - It requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out in range. - On a successful hit it will knock the target out for around 2 minutes with no roll required. - Requires an action and roll to reload if in range. - Has a capacity of two darts before it needs to be reloaded. - It cannot be stolen - It is a long ranged weapon and has a 30 block range. |
Police Bike | -This is a vehicle that is restricted to the police only. - Since it is a vehicle that means it is also not muggable. - Only one person can ride on it. - Used as a fast way to respond to important calls |
Police Cruiser | - Another vehicle that is restricted to the police this time it is a car - It can hold up to 4 people at once. - fast way to respond to calls quickly. |
Gas mask | -Accessible to all on-duty officers. - A police-Issued gas mask used to protect themselves from threats. - Can be stolen with a successful roll with the right mugging permissions |
Itemrp tools
Item name | Information |
Luminol Spray | - Accessible to all on-duty officers - A substance container that is used to identify blood on surfaces, this is mainly used on weapons unless they are cleaned with Hydrogen peroxide. - It cannot be stolen. |
Disposable Latex Gloves | -Accessible to all on-duty officers - Disposable non-fingerprint- proof gloves worn by all officers. All on duty police carry these on them by default. -Cannot be stolen |
Fingerprint Scanner | -This tool is a part of the police ItemRp. -Accessible to all officers -Used to scan a suspect’s fingerprints. It can be used to tell if a fingerprint sample matches the targeted person. |
First-Aid Kit | -This is accessible to all on-duty officers. -It is a small-sized kit used when an ambulance/EMT service isn’t available. When it is used on someone it will increase a bleedout timer by 5 minutes. |
Body Camera | -Accessible to all on-duty officers -This is a constantly recording camera that is live streams and is waterproof. It is attached to the front of an officer's uniform. - Video’s that the camera records are accessible from a cloud database. - The camera is not able to be removed however it can be destroyed with 2 hits with blunt force or 1 stab hit. - The camera has the same properties as a CCTV and can view anything from a players point of view. |
Extra information
The KPD and also the EMS both have code words that they use to communicate with each other without people outside of the factions knowing what they mean most of the time. Although I do not have a great knowledge of what all the code words mean, they are used a whole lot in situations that require them to be used. Along with this there is code zero which isn’t exactly something that is said, however it is a code that is pressed on the radio that alerts all officers to the current location because something serious has happened, this is normally used when an officer is hurt or been injured by a member of the public or during an event, overall code 0 is a panic button. Overall, each code has a certain meaning that is used to talk to other officers without non officers knowing.
Crime levels
Depending on the amount of crime that has taken place within the past few days to weeks, the crime level of the city that the KPD determines can rise or lower depending if little or a whole lot of crime has taken place. The crime levels can affect certain things that happen within the KPD. One of these things being the equipment that they patrol with as depending on if the level is a high one, they will patrol with things that they don’t normally patrol with like a riot shield or even riot gear as a whole. This is because the crime level is so high and the chances of them being in danger has risen. However this can also go the opposite way as if it's lower, the officers will not patrol with riot gear on lower crime warning levels and may even find themselves in smaller groups when on patrols compared to a big group when the crime level is high. The things that can affect the levels raising is things such as large crime events that cause people of the public to possible be injured, an officer getting injured and finally a large amount of crimes happening around the city of Karakura this goes the opposite way too as if little to no crime is happening then the KPD crime level will lower. There are other factors that play into the crime level although I do not exactly know all of them.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police are important in school as they are there to create more realism on the server as with a crime faction and a gangrp faction, there is a need for a faction that combats these and makes the server more realistic. Along with this they are important as they bring a sense of risk to gangrp as without them there would really be no risk in committing crimes or even making money that crimerp and gangrp can bring you. Another thing they do is help stop the large amount of gangrpers on the server as because of the risk that is given while doing crimprp and gangrp some people may not do it due to the risk of their characters being arrested. Another thing that makes them important is that although governors and some other government officials give speeches, officers or higher ups of the police give important speeches based on things like the crime rate and sometimes the laws that are changed within the server or addressing something important and example of this would be the corruption with the officers that happened quite recently. Finally they have an important role in roleplay events when something goes wrong as they are a response team that helps the people of Karakura and makes sure they are as safe as they possibly can be. Overall the kpd are there in Srp to give everyone a better roleplay experience and to make Karakura a safer place.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I understand this and will attend the training to the best of my ability.
The KPD and also the EMS both have code words that they use to communicate with each other without people outside of the factions knowing what they mean most of the time. Although I do not have a great knowledge of what all the code words mean, they are used a whole lot in situations that require them to be used. Along with this there is code zero which isn’t exactly something that is said, however it is a code that is pressed on the radio that alerts all officers to the current location because something serious has happened, this is normally used when an officer is hurt or been injured by a member of the public or during an event, overall code 0 is a panic button. Overall, each code has a certain meaning that is used to talk to other officers without non officers knowing.
Crime levels
Depending on the amount of crime that has taken place within the past few days to weeks, the crime level of the city that the KPD determines can rise or lower depending if little or a whole lot of crime has taken place. The crime levels can affect certain things that happen within the KPD. One of these things being the equipment that they patrol with as depending on if the level is a high one, they will patrol with things that they don’t normally patrol with like a riot shield or even riot gear as a whole. This is because the crime level is so high and the chances of them being in danger has risen. However this can also go the opposite way as if it's lower, the officers will not patrol with riot gear on lower crime warning levels and may even find themselves in smaller groups when on patrols compared to a big group when the crime level is high. The things that can affect the levels raising is things such as large crime events that cause people of the public to possible be injured, an officer getting injured and finally a large amount of crimes happening around the city of Karakura this goes the opposite way too as if little to no crime is happening then the KPD crime level will lower. There are other factors that play into the crime level although I do not exactly know all of them.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police are important in school as they are there to create more realism on the server as with a crime faction and a gangrp faction, there is a need for a faction that combats these and makes the server more realistic. Along with this they are important as they bring a sense of risk to gangrp as without them there would really be no risk in committing crimes or even making money that crimerp and gangrp can bring you. Another thing they do is help stop the large amount of gangrpers on the server as because of the risk that is given while doing crimprp and gangrp some people may not do it due to the risk of their characters being arrested. Another thing that makes them important is that although governors and some other government officials give speeches, officers or higher ups of the police give important speeches based on things like the crime rate and sometimes the laws that are changed within the server or addressing something important and example of this would be the corruption with the officers that happened quite recently. Finally they have an important role in roleplay events when something goes wrong as they are a response team that helps the people of Karakura and makes sure they are as safe as they possibly can be. Overall the kpd are there in Srp to give everyone a better roleplay experience and to make Karakura a safer place.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I understand this and will attend the training to the best of my ability.
In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?:
Junichiro Taeteki
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male, He/Him
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
Grade 12
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Currently only knows Japanese although he is teaching himself to do Jsl as its a good communicate with people who cant speak.
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Standing at 6’3, Junichiro towers above the average person. He would have a rather muscular build due to all of the training that he has done in the past and would weigh around 170lbs along with this. He had jet black hair that would be rather short for the most part other than his fringe that would curl up around his face and cover the left side of his cheek, the hair would barely cover up a little scar that was on the side of his cheek. Junichiro’s eyes were both different colors due to him having heterochromia. His left eye would be dark blue and the right one would be dark brown. Although his eyes color is one thing that would make him unique compared to others would be his constant determination to better himself as a person but also to better the community.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In a professional situation, Junichiro’s demeanor would be less casual. Leaving his face and tone of voice to be rather heavy and serious. As the situation would need Junichiro to be more professional and serious. During this time, Junichiro would not be the type to joke around with his fellow co-workers, instead he would act 100% serious. He does this because he knows that if he jokes around while working or on the job it could cause someone to get hurt rather than a fellow officer or a member of the public.
In a casual situation however. Junichiro would find himself being more light-hearted and less serious as he would try to crack jokes with his fellow friends and even co-workers if the time is alright for him to do so. While sometimes the male might be a bit quiet and difficult to follow sometimes, he is a social person and would love to get to know those around him, helping him build closer relationships with those around him and gaining the trust of others. If it was with other civilians Junichiro may still keep himself professional to a degree depending on if he knows them or not as he is still an officer but overall he would be more laid back and less serious.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Junichiro Taeteki looks upon his co-workers as a team. He bases his ideals off his own upcoming due to having a strict but good moral set of parents. Growing up, Junichiro was taught that teamwork was something that made someone succeed in life. At a young age he was set in line and strictly made to act like a soldier by most of his family, however his father taught him while discipline matters if you are living in someone else’s idea of living then it is not really living at all. Following this idea that his father gave him, Junichiro broke out of his shell while keeping some of the aspects of his family’s upbringing. His ideals of working with others is something that he looks at positively as he finds that while by himself he may be capable of many things rather this be small and large things however he knows that with himself and others he will be able to achieve even greater things in any situation which will lead to better outcomes of situations. Everytime that he begins to doubt himself, he constantly recites the words “The greatest minds put together can achieve great things.” This reassures him that as long as others are with him he is able to achieve almost anything and make any situation better. Although Junichiro knows that team work will be a big part to becoming an officer, he also knows that without his co-workers' trust then he may also not be able to achieve these great things. This would lead Junichiro to try build trust with him and his fellow co-workers by getting to know them more along with building a friendship with them regardless of rank, Junichiro would try his best to get to know them better leading to better teamwork and communication at the end of the day rather this be in general or while working.
What's your character's backstory?
Junichiro Taeteki
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male, He/Him
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
Grade 12
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Currently only knows Japanese although he is teaching himself to do Jsl as its a good communicate with people who cant speak.
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Standing at 6’3, Junichiro towers above the average person. He would have a rather muscular build due to all of the training that he has done in the past and would weigh around 170lbs along with this. He had jet black hair that would be rather short for the most part other than his fringe that would curl up around his face and cover the left side of his cheek, the hair would barely cover up a little scar that was on the side of his cheek. Junichiro’s eyes were both different colors due to him having heterochromia. His left eye would be dark blue and the right one would be dark brown. Although his eyes color is one thing that would make him unique compared to others would be his constant determination to better himself as a person but also to better the community.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In a professional situation, Junichiro’s demeanor would be less casual. Leaving his face and tone of voice to be rather heavy and serious. As the situation would need Junichiro to be more professional and serious. During this time, Junichiro would not be the type to joke around with his fellow co-workers, instead he would act 100% serious. He does this because he knows that if he jokes around while working or on the job it could cause someone to get hurt rather than a fellow officer or a member of the public.
In a casual situation however. Junichiro would find himself being more light-hearted and less serious as he would try to crack jokes with his fellow friends and even co-workers if the time is alright for him to do so. While sometimes the male might be a bit quiet and difficult to follow sometimes, he is a social person and would love to get to know those around him, helping him build closer relationships with those around him and gaining the trust of others. If it was with other civilians Junichiro may still keep himself professional to a degree depending on if he knows them or not as he is still an officer but overall he would be more laid back and less serious.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Junichiro Taeteki looks upon his co-workers as a team. He bases his ideals off his own upcoming due to having a strict but good moral set of parents. Growing up, Junichiro was taught that teamwork was something that made someone succeed in life. At a young age he was set in line and strictly made to act like a soldier by most of his family, however his father taught him while discipline matters if you are living in someone else’s idea of living then it is not really living at all. Following this idea that his father gave him, Junichiro broke out of his shell while keeping some of the aspects of his family’s upbringing. His ideals of working with others is something that he looks at positively as he finds that while by himself he may be capable of many things rather this be small and large things however he knows that with himself and others he will be able to achieve even greater things in any situation which will lead to better outcomes of situations. Everytime that he begins to doubt himself, he constantly recites the words “The greatest minds put together can achieve great things.” This reassures him that as long as others are with him he is able to achieve almost anything and make any situation better. Although Junichiro knows that team work will be a big part to becoming an officer, he also knows that without his co-workers' trust then he may also not be able to achieve these great things. This would lead Junichiro to try build trust with him and his fellow co-workers by getting to know them more along with building a friendship with them regardless of rank, Junichiro would try his best to get to know them better leading to better teamwork and communication at the end of the day rather this be in general or while working.
What's your character's backstory?
Early life
While Junichiro’s brother had a slightly easier life, Junichiro was brought up mainly by his father in Hokkaido, Japan. The two grew up together learning discipline but Junichiro's brother Takato had things easier than him. A lot of family surrounded the two brothers, including the Korean side of the family. The Korean side of the family brought Junichiro and his brother Takato up to be like soldiers forcing them to do what they say and become what the parents of the Korean side wanted them to be. He was constantly told what to do, not really learning much about the world other than what they wanted him to learn, however due to this he was rather intelligent when it came to most things as he had a rich education and ended up with high grades. However due to Junichiro being made into a soldier by the Korean side of his family, his father always reassured him that when he grows up he could be anything that he wanted to be though at the time, Junichiro only kept the same words in his mind over and over but he never could understand why. Junichiro sat with it and many restless nights came for him. However, Junichiro could not betray the rest of the family that wanted all the same things from him. The male could never understand why his father wanted him to group up this way so instead he continued to be the soldier he was and went back into line with the rest of his family and brother. He continued to be an obedient soldier growing up.
Junichiro’s motivation
Around the age of seven, Junichiro’s father joined the police force in Hokkaido, Japan. Due to this, Junichiro found himself learning little bits about how the police worked from his father and slowly began to grow an interest in it. At the age of thirteen, the tragedy of Junichiro’s father taken place. The man who stood for a free life and good morals in which he had attempted to pass down to his kids, had now passed away and moved on. In a flash, Junichiro’s father was killed in a fight between himself and a mugger that had gone wrong and caused his death. In a heated fight, Junichiro’s father was taken by surprise by a knife, which unfortunately led to the death of his father. When Junichiro got the word of his father’s death, his mind went blank. He couldn’t come to terms with the loss of someone he loved yet alone his father passing away. Yet with all the emotions that were hitting him, the same words that his father told him were playing on repeat in his head. From his childhood these words had caused him many sleepless nights but at this point, Junichiro had began to understand them. Only now had he begun to understand what his dad meant as a new burning passion passed over him one that made him become motivated and dedicated to one thing and that was to become like his father and help those of the public. Junichiro, had now figured out what he wanted to do with his life and the soldier that his family had made broke and instead of doing what his family wanted him to do, he decided to go against them and do what he wanted to. As when he entered college, he decided to take a college course that would help him become an officer. He studied hard during this time of his life, always replaying the words that his father said every moment in his head, Junichiro was motivated and willing to do anything to become an officer and even protect those of the public so that they did not suffer the same fate as his father.
Moving to Karakura
A few years after finishing college, Junichiro and his brother moved out to Karakura. This was mainly because his brother Takato and his wife Hei-Ran had sent their triplets along with their oldest children to Karakura for them to learn independence and also to stop them from being raised as soldiers. Soon after, Junichiro and Hei-Ran moved to Karakura to support the kids meanwhile, Takato stayed behind due to his strong belief that the triplets must have independence and make themselves who they are by not following any of the previous family rules. To the triplets, Junichiro was almost like a father as he was supporting them in any way he could by trying to guide them along the right path without forcing them into doing what he wanted them to do. Junichiro’s goal while there was to make sure his family was safe while he was there however after spending a month or so around he noticed that the crime in Karakura was high and noticed that gangs were running wild and were basically everywhere in the city. Due to this, Junichiro wanted to become an officer of the KPD as he wanted to make the city a safer place for his nephews and niece, allowing them to grow up in a safe city and environment.
While Junichiro’s brother had a slightly easier life, Junichiro was brought up mainly by his father in Hokkaido, Japan. The two grew up together learning discipline but Junichiro's brother Takato had things easier than him. A lot of family surrounded the two brothers, including the Korean side of the family. The Korean side of the family brought Junichiro and his brother Takato up to be like soldiers forcing them to do what they say and become what the parents of the Korean side wanted them to be. He was constantly told what to do, not really learning much about the world other than what they wanted him to learn, however due to this he was rather intelligent when it came to most things as he had a rich education and ended up with high grades. However due to Junichiro being made into a soldier by the Korean side of his family, his father always reassured him that when he grows up he could be anything that he wanted to be though at the time, Junichiro only kept the same words in his mind over and over but he never could understand why. Junichiro sat with it and many restless nights came for him. However, Junichiro could not betray the rest of the family that wanted all the same things from him. The male could never understand why his father wanted him to group up this way so instead he continued to be the soldier he was and went back into line with the rest of his family and brother. He continued to be an obedient soldier growing up.
Junichiro’s motivation
Around the age of seven, Junichiro’s father joined the police force in Hokkaido, Japan. Due to this, Junichiro found himself learning little bits about how the police worked from his father and slowly began to grow an interest in it. At the age of thirteen, the tragedy of Junichiro’s father taken place. The man who stood for a free life and good morals in which he had attempted to pass down to his kids, had now passed away and moved on. In a flash, Junichiro’s father was killed in a fight between himself and a mugger that had gone wrong and caused his death. In a heated fight, Junichiro’s father was taken by surprise by a knife, which unfortunately led to the death of his father. When Junichiro got the word of his father’s death, his mind went blank. He couldn’t come to terms with the loss of someone he loved yet alone his father passing away. Yet with all the emotions that were hitting him, the same words that his father told him were playing on repeat in his head. From his childhood these words had caused him many sleepless nights but at this point, Junichiro had began to understand them. Only now had he begun to understand what his dad meant as a new burning passion passed over him one that made him become motivated and dedicated to one thing and that was to become like his father and help those of the public. Junichiro, had now figured out what he wanted to do with his life and the soldier that his family had made broke and instead of doing what his family wanted him to do, he decided to go against them and do what he wanted to. As when he entered college, he decided to take a college course that would help him become an officer. He studied hard during this time of his life, always replaying the words that his father said every moment in his head, Junichiro was motivated and willing to do anything to become an officer and even protect those of the public so that they did not suffer the same fate as his father.
Moving to Karakura
A few years after finishing college, Junichiro and his brother moved out to Karakura. This was mainly because his brother Takato and his wife Hei-Ran had sent their triplets along with their oldest children to Karakura for them to learn independence and also to stop them from being raised as soldiers. Soon after, Junichiro and Hei-Ran moved to Karakura to support the kids meanwhile, Takato stayed behind due to his strong belief that the triplets must have independence and make themselves who they are by not following any of the previous family rules. To the triplets, Junichiro was almost like a father as he was supporting them in any way he could by trying to guide them along the right path without forcing them into doing what he wanted them to do. Junichiro’s goal while there was to make sure his family was safe while he was there however after spending a month or so around he noticed that the crime in Karakura was high and noticed that gangs were running wild and were basically everywhere in the city. Due to this, Junichiro wanted to become an officer of the KPD as he wanted to make the city a safer place for his nephews and niece, allowing them to grow up in a safe city and environment.
General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“No, within Karakura you are not legally able to own a pocket knife under any type of circumstances. If you are found to be in possession of one then you will be charged for possession of illegal weaponry and depending on if it has anything like blood on it or clear signs of it being used then additional charges could be added like assault with a weapon or even attempted murder.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
“Five medical items that someone is able to have on them without a prescription is Paracetamol, Cough syrup, Wooden cane, an Eye patch and finally Multivitamins. Although there are a few more that you don’t require a prescription for.”
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“The first thing I would do upon seeing my co-worker physically abusing an inmate would be to first of all rush to the inmate, telling my co-worker to back off them before telling my fellow co-worker to leave the cell. After that my next move would be to go and look at the cameras along with the bodycam footage of the officer assaulting them to get a full grasp on the situation and to understand why it happened. If the situation was something like the inmate started attacking my fellow co-worker first, then I would add an extra charge onto their sentence which would be assault on a government official. However if I found out that the officer started the situation and was the one who caused the problem, I would collect all of the necessary information before passing it on to a higher up or even the commissioner of the KPD allowing them to take control of the situation and deal with it.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“Upon seeing my co-worker getting assaulted I would quickly assess the situation and see if there were enough people for myself to handle. If it was only around one to two attacking the officer, I would draw my taser instantly yelling for the people assaulting them to back away. If they did not back away, I would unholster my taser before aiming it and tasing them rendering them harmless and if they had a weapon I would disarm them. However if there was a lot of people assaulting the officer my plan of action would change, I would instantly call for backup by pressing the code 0 button to let all of the other officers know that we need immediate backup. I would then instantly unholster my taser before yelling at them all to back away. If once again they don’t listen I would aim my taser before tasing them rendering them harmless while backup arrived. I would just be slowing them down till more of my co-workers could arrive on the scene to help me out and handle the situation. Once apprehended they would all receive assault on a government official charge and depending if they broke anything or used a weapon, additional charges such as assault with a weapon and tampering with government equipment could be added. Overall in this situation my co-workers safety would be the most important thing.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“If I found out my co-worker was corrupt, my first instinct would be to gather proof of it. I would do this by using something such as a phone or my bodycam to record them helping the criminal organization, along with making sure at the same time I don’t get caught. Once I have gained enough evidence proving that the officer is corrupt and helping a criminal organization, I would pass it onto a higher up of the KPD or even the commissioner letting them deal with it from there.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“After first hearing their offer, I would then deny it before telling them that they are being fined in a professional manner since I would be working. After this I would follow the appropriate conduct rather than just letting them go or arresting them depending on the crime that they committed. Depending if they walk away or not I would also explain to them that bribing an officer does not help with the crime that they committed.”
Additional notes:
As of posting this application, I have left the gang I was previously in.
“No, within Karakura you are not legally able to own a pocket knife under any type of circumstances. If you are found to be in possession of one then you will be charged for possession of illegal weaponry and depending on if it has anything like blood on it or clear signs of it being used then additional charges could be added like assault with a weapon or even attempted murder.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
“Five medical items that someone is able to have on them without a prescription is Paracetamol, Cough syrup, Wooden cane, an Eye patch and finally Multivitamins. Although there are a few more that you don’t require a prescription for.”
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“The first thing I would do upon seeing my co-worker physically abusing an inmate would be to first of all rush to the inmate, telling my co-worker to back off them before telling my fellow co-worker to leave the cell. After that my next move would be to go and look at the cameras along with the bodycam footage of the officer assaulting them to get a full grasp on the situation and to understand why it happened. If the situation was something like the inmate started attacking my fellow co-worker first, then I would add an extra charge onto their sentence which would be assault on a government official. However if I found out that the officer started the situation and was the one who caused the problem, I would collect all of the necessary information before passing it on to a higher up or even the commissioner of the KPD allowing them to take control of the situation and deal with it.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“Upon seeing my co-worker getting assaulted I would quickly assess the situation and see if there were enough people for myself to handle. If it was only around one to two attacking the officer, I would draw my taser instantly yelling for the people assaulting them to back away. If they did not back away, I would unholster my taser before aiming it and tasing them rendering them harmless and if they had a weapon I would disarm them. However if there was a lot of people assaulting the officer my plan of action would change, I would instantly call for backup by pressing the code 0 button to let all of the other officers know that we need immediate backup. I would then instantly unholster my taser before yelling at them all to back away. If once again they don’t listen I would aim my taser before tasing them rendering them harmless while backup arrived. I would just be slowing them down till more of my co-workers could arrive on the scene to help me out and handle the situation. Once apprehended they would all receive assault on a government official charge and depending if they broke anything or used a weapon, additional charges such as assault with a weapon and tampering with government equipment could be added. Overall in this situation my co-workers safety would be the most important thing.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“If I found out my co-worker was corrupt, my first instinct would be to gather proof of it. I would do this by using something such as a phone or my bodycam to record them helping the criminal organization, along with making sure at the same time I don’t get caught. Once I have gained enough evidence proving that the officer is corrupt and helping a criminal organization, I would pass it onto a higher up of the KPD or even the commissioner letting them deal with it from there.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“After first hearing their offer, I would then deny it before telling them that they are being fined in a professional manner since I would be working. After this I would follow the appropriate conduct rather than just letting them go or arresting them depending on the crime that they committed. Depending if they walk away or not I would also explain to them that bribing an officer does not help with the crime that they committed.”
Additional notes:
As of posting this application, I have left the gang I was previously in.
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