Level 0
What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Unable to find them due to losing my previous account. I got a new computer and was not able to get my old password or user.
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I’m very active on srp, I am on 4-5 hours a day during the week. Weekends I may be on 1-2 hours due to sports.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
My role-playing experience dates back to Roblox 2020, where I frequently played role-playing games with friends, including medical, school, and family role-plays. I began playing SchoolRP in 2022 because I found the concept of roleplaying to be entertaining and intriguing. It was considerably different to join SchoolRP than it was to join a Roblox game. I gradually made acquaintances, played role-playing games frequently, and gradually improved my skills and comprehension. I've been playing RobloxRP games and other MinecraftRP servers ever since.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Primary: [Grade-12] Leru Monteiro
Alt: [College] Kadez Minori
Alt: [Grade-12] Seiryu Belinsky
What is the subject you want to teach?:
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
Classes, particularly those on cooking, have always piqued my interest during my time playing SchoolRP. It's just something I've wanted to do since I joined SchoolRP in early 2022, engaging with people in classes and later watching my friends teach. For me, classes have always been engaging, entertaining, and interactive. I've wanted to apply for a while, but my schedule has prevented me from doing so. I thought now would be a perfect time to attempt and apply for the position because my calendar has opened and is more flexible.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. Groups of two to three students compete against other student groups to prepare a dish in this entertaining team culinary challenge. giving each person a sheet of paper with a list of ingredients and instructions on how to create the food at the specified time. Students will compete to win small award for the best-looking and best-tasting food, much as in a culinary show. A friendly competition, practicing their cooking skills and teamwork in groups. They will be showcasing their creativity while creating a challenging cake—a marble cake—and decorating it as best they can.
2. Creating a popular food. Another team effort Two students will work together to prepare cheese pull coin, a popular street dish. With a recipe to follow, the students will create this from scratch. The materials required to create the cheese pull coin will be provided to the students at their station. In addition to following a recipe, students will learn basic cooking techniques like frying, preparing, and trying to make the ideal cheese pull. Students are encouraged to collaborate and manage their time through this activity.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
As they strolled through the forest, Leru would point out edible plants to the students. Students would be given pages, and Leru would ask them to list every plant they came across. For instance, a picture of the plant's appearance and its name to help identify it would be included in the book. For instance, the book's pages might describe its look, use, and typical growing location. Students should be able to answer three basic questions on this walk: "Where did you find it?" "How do these plants grow?" and a brief description of the plant that they wrote.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Calmly, Leru would approach them, pausing just in front of the students. Glancing down to the high school student, speaking loudly above the students. "Why are you guys surrounding this student?" Speaking again after glancing around at the students. "How about we give some personal space, okay?"
What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Unable to find them due to losing my previous account. I got a new computer and was not able to get my old password or user.
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I’m very active on srp, I am on 4-5 hours a day during the week. Weekends I may be on 1-2 hours due to sports.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
My role-playing experience dates back to Roblox 2020, where I frequently played role-playing games with friends, including medical, school, and family role-plays. I began playing SchoolRP in 2022 because I found the concept of roleplaying to be entertaining and intriguing. It was considerably different to join SchoolRP than it was to join a Roblox game. I gradually made acquaintances, played role-playing games frequently, and gradually improved my skills and comprehension. I've been playing RobloxRP games and other MinecraftRP servers ever since.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Primary: [Grade-12] Leru Monteiro
Alt: [College] Kadez Minori
Alt: [Grade-12] Seiryu Belinsky
What is the subject you want to teach?:
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
Classes, particularly those on cooking, have always piqued my interest during my time playing SchoolRP. It's just something I've wanted to do since I joined SchoolRP in early 2022, engaging with people in classes and later watching my friends teach. For me, classes have always been engaging, entertaining, and interactive. I've wanted to apply for a while, but my schedule has prevented me from doing so. I thought now would be a perfect time to attempt and apply for the position because my calendar has opened and is more flexible.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. Groups of two to three students compete against other student groups to prepare a dish in this entertaining team culinary challenge. giving each person a sheet of paper with a list of ingredients and instructions on how to create the food at the specified time. Students will compete to win small award for the best-looking and best-tasting food, much as in a culinary show. A friendly competition, practicing their cooking skills and teamwork in groups. They will be showcasing their creativity while creating a challenging cake—a marble cake—and decorating it as best they can.
2. Creating a popular food. Another team effort Two students will work together to prepare cheese pull coin, a popular street dish. With a recipe to follow, the students will create this from scratch. The materials required to create the cheese pull coin will be provided to the students at their station. In addition to following a recipe, students will learn basic cooking techniques like frying, preparing, and trying to make the ideal cheese pull. Students are encouraged to collaborate and manage their time through this activity.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
As they strolled through the forest, Leru would point out edible plants to the students. Students would be given pages, and Leru would ask them to list every plant they came across. For instance, a picture of the plant's appearance and its name to help identify it would be included in the book. For instance, the book's pages might describe its look, use, and typical growing location. Students should be able to answer three basic questions on this walk: "Where did you find it?" "How do these plants grow?" and a brief description of the plant that they wrote.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Calmly, Leru would approach them, pausing just in front of the students. Glancing down to the high school student, speaking loudly above the students. "Why are you guys surrounding this student?" Speaking again after glancing around at the students. "How about we give some personal space, okay?"
-Did move- “All right, good," Leru would say with a kind smile to the gathering. I'm glad you can all act like the young adults you are and respect and value personal space. "We don't want this happening again," she said, putting her hands together.
-Didn't move- Leru sighed, a little let down by their inaction. Moving forward one more step. "I advise you all to start moving. Or do you all want to get detention over something silly like this?” Grabbing her radio, speaking into it. "Could I get some help with students? They aren't listening.”.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Leru would approach silently and kneel so that they were at eye level. “Can we revisit these questions another time? It's time to write now, not to ask questions. Please don't interrupt other students with all these questions.” She would then slowly raise herself. Not wanting to interrupt any more, she spoke quietly. Tapping the page with her nail lightly. "Go on." She turned on her heel and walked back to the front of the classroom.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Leru paused what she was teaching, turning to look over at the noisy cheerleaders, speaking firmly. "You don't talk while I'm teaching; I'm teaching now. Turn it off, It's impolite. Nor is this a music class. Turn off the music, or I'll remove you out of class or, worse, give you detention for disturbing the class. People want to learn, so please be quiet.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
My character would quickly radio in for assistance after an unsuccessful attempt to break up the conflict. "I need some help breaking up some fights between students." She would try to defuse the situation as best she could while she waited for help to arrive. Talking loudly but firmly. “Everyone needs to take a step back or there will be more repercussions.” Until assistance came on the scene, Leru would keep trying to break up the students.Leru would approach silently and kneel so that they were at eye level. “Can we revisit these questions another time? It's time to write now, not to ask questions. Please don't interrupt other students with all these questions.” She would then slowly raise herself. Not wanting to interrupt any more, she spoke quietly. Tapping the page with her nail lightly. "Go on." She turned on her heel and walked back to the front of the classroom.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Leru paused what she was teaching, turning to look over at the noisy cheerleaders, speaking firmly. "You don't talk while I'm teaching; I'm teaching now. Turn it off, It's impolite. Nor is this a music class. Turn off the music, or I'll remove you out of class or, worse, give you detention for disturbing the class. People want to learn, so please be quiet.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
- Physical Appearance -
Leru Monteiro is a Brazilian woman, approximately around 5’4”, with a pear body type. Her eyes are a light yet warming brown; her eyes are framed with long dark lashes. Leru’s hair fell to her hips, a flowy, wavy, dark brown, silky hair. Two freckles on the right side slightly below her eyes, a small scar on her right hand. An easy smile often on her face, she carries a quiet confidence.

- Outlook -
On students:
Leru believes that every kid, regardless of background, has potential and is brilliant and distinctive. She is aware that each student has unique stories, difficulties, and abilities.
- Outlook -
On other teachers:
Leru maintains a healthy balance by showing other teachers a great deal of respect and kindness. As she works with them, she looks up to them and is willing to learn from them as well.
- Leru's Personality-
Leru is an extremely sweet, generous, and kind person who wants the best for everyone, even herself. Leru prefers to be upbeat and share optimism despite her more troubled past.
- Future plans -
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Early Life and Childhood (1994-2006)
On December 12, 1993, Leru Monteiro was born in Seoul, Korea to devoted Brazilian parents. Despite their lack of cash, the Monteiro family remained steady enough to maintain a modest three-room apartment. Their mother became ill at home while their father worked long shifts. Since Ms. Monterio was unable to work at the time due to her illness, Mr. Monteiro was balancing several jobs. Santiago, the oldest, so frequently kept an eye on Leru and Mariano. When their mother was unable to care for them, Santiago would cook and clean.
Years of High School (2007-2011)
Leru's little world expanded as she progressed from her cramped bedroom apartment to a new, larger school. As Leru began high school, she was an outstanding student who was eager to study. To Leru, high school was a chance to pursue something even greater. She was a motivated student who was focused on making the most of her limited existence. When Leru took her first cooking class, she became interested. Leru cooked for herself and her mother every day in her flat, practicing endlessly. She developed a great fascination with the ways that food, which felt personal to Leru, offered tales of identity, culture, and history. Leru's life took a drastic turn for the worst when she turned sixteen; everything in her world fell apart. After a heated disagreement, her older brother Santiago killed their little brother Mariano. It finally surfaced after years of the brothers' tension being hidden. Tragically, a member of the family died of their own blood. Mariano, her favorite and closest sibling, was now permanently gone. Despite all of Santiago's love and concern for them, he lost his temper. Leru was devastated; she felt an indescribable void in her heart without Mariano. Because her father was working twice as hard and her mother was sick, Leru found herself cooking more frequently. She discovered that cooking allowed her to express her emotions and find solace in her broken environment. Because of the overwhelming grief, she was unable to carry out her daily duties and routines. Leru threw herself into learning more after discovering that food connects people. Leru discovered that cooking helped her forget about the agony and was her getaway. Throughout it all, Leru looked toward the kitchen. Her passion for cooking grew as she prepared meals. Even in these difficult circumstances, it was the only thing that felt right. Leru chose to pursue this new passion even though she was still in shock at the loss.
Years in College (2012–2016)
Leru had a lengthy college experience, she had gotten a job at a small clothing store, saving up money for college at. She enrolled in a renowned university's Bachelor of Science in Culinary Arts program after high school to further her love of cuisine. Leru discovered that the kitchen provided her with calm during the cacophonous world around her, even though the memory of her brother's passing continued to weigh heavily on her. Given that cooking has supported her through nearly everything, Leru reasoned that it wasn't simply a way to calm her mind but also a way to secure her future. She pushed herself to study as much as she could about the history of food, cooking methods, and the science of flavors. Leru also studied Food History and Culture as a minor. These topics gave Leru a deeper understanding of food than merely a means of subsistence; it allowed her to investigate her cultural heritage. Her lecturers frequently asked her to help with food-related studies and cooking demonstrations after noticing her enthusiasm and academic prowess. During these periods, Leru's desire to learn and impart her knowledge only intensified. Because her mother was too ill to teach her, Leru wanted to give back to the students what she had not growing up. Notwithstanding her challenges and setbacks, Leru earned a bachelor's degree in culinary arts with honors in 2016, along with minors in nutrition and food Science.
. For Leru, it was a thrilling moment, realizing her aspirations that she had thought were unattainable.
Life as an adult (2017–2025)
Following graduation, Leru was hired by a local college in Korea as an official professor. Leru shared her expertise and passion for food by teaching culinary arts as planned. She felt good about providing kids with a quality education, which made her love her work as a professor. Until her father called to tell her that Mariano's two children, whom she was unaware of, lived in Karakura, Japan. Following six years of teaching in Brazil, Leru made the decision that family came first. To locate her niece Yasmin and nephew Yazan, Leru relocated to Karakura. Leru wants to get in touch even if she hasn't met them yet. Leru discovered they were homeless when she got there. She made the decision to move quickly and take issues into her own hands. Leru paid for the two of them an apartment with the money she had earned at her previous college job. For both, it was all new. Leru applied at Karakura High in the hopes of pursuing her teaching career because she was still passionate about it.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name:
Leru Monteiro
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Gender & pronouns:
Female, she/her
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
Working Experience (# of years):
Academic Degree:
Bachelor of Science in Culinary Arts
Year of Graduation:
Culinary Arts
Nutrition, Food Science
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese, JSL
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Additional notes about your application (if any):
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