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Onrain suggestion


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
IGN: oInfi
DATE: 8/15/23

I'm suggesting to disallow multiple characters to be able to run one Onrain account, as well as disallowing accounts to change characters behind the user. Perhaps adding a feature for when you register an account; you will have to state your character's name and that cannot be changed at any time unless a request is made to the Onrain admins.


There have been rising issues with multiple characters running one onrain account, specifically revolving around the government factions. It's been brought to my attention that multiple characters are being placed under one account to evade IC punishment with the police. Often times police need to track down who made an onrain post, and in the process of getting a warrant the player claims to have had multiple characters running the account and "that wasn't the character that made the post", hence rendering the government factions unable to do anything about social media posts when it can be easily evaded.

Disallowing multiple characters to use one single onrain account will greatly benefit the factions and prevent any loopholing with IC punishments.


Level 6

I have a question abt this (srry if this doesn't make sense):

by 'Onrain accounts' do you mean profiles or the account signed in via the sign-in/register buttons or Discord?
I ask bc if you mean the sign-in/register accounts, then would that mean if you have multiple Minecraft accounts, you'd need to sign up each in a different registered account, and that linking them under the same one would be punishable?
If you mean the profiles, would this then apply to organization/business accounts who might use the 'Manage Members' option to add employees to it?

(Edited: Neutral on this now, not rlly too sure-)
Last edited:


Level 2
IGN: oInfi
DATE: 8/15/23
I'm suggesting to disallow multiple characters to be able to run one Onrain account, as well as disallowing accounts to change characters behind the user. Perhaps adding a feature for when you register an account; you will have to state your character's name and that cannot be changed at any time unless a request is made to the Onrain admins.

There have been rising issues with multiple characters running one onrain account, specifically revolving around the government factions. It's been brought to my attention that multiple characters are being placed under one account to evade IC punishment with the police. Often times police need to track down who made an onrain post, and in the process of getting a warrant the player claims to have had multiple characters running the account and "that wasn't the character that made the post", hence rendering the government factions unable to do anything about social media posts when it can be easily evaded.

Disallowing multiple characters to use one single onrain account will greatly benefit the factions and prevent any loopholing with IC punishments.


Level 28
-1, we already don't get more than two, and for those of us who run an organization and might "pass it off" to our next character, this would completely wreck it. Imagine having to delete an account you've had for a while, hundreds of posts, hundreds of followers, just because people don't like it. I personally might be biased since I've recently passed an account from my old main onto my new main, but if I was forced to delete the account I'd be pretty screwed roleplay-wise, as most of the people I roleplay with are from onrain.


Level 153
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I have a question abt this (srry if this doesn't make sense):

by 'Onrain accounts' do you mean profiles or the account signed in via the sign-in/register buttons or Discord?
I ask bc if you mean the sign-in/register accounts, then would that mean if you have multiple Minecraft accounts, you'd need to sign up each in a different registered account, and that linking them under the same one would be punishable?
If you mean the profiles, would this then apply to organization/business accounts who might use the 'Manage Members' option to add employees to it?

(Edited: Neutral on this now, not rlly too sure-)
So I'm talking about profiles, not the actual accounts :D


Level 153
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-1, we already don't get more than two, and for those of us who run an organization and might "pass it off" to our next character, this would completely wreck it. Imagine having to delete an account you've had for a while, hundreds of posts, hundreds of followers, just because people don't like it. I personally might be biased since I've recently passed an account from my old main onto my new main, but if I was forced to delete the account I'd be pretty screwed roleplay-wise, as most of the people I roleplay with are from onrain.
This is why I offered a solution to that which would have been to get permission from the onrain admins (Tippie) to be able to change characters on that account if that situation occured


Level 95

I'm not sure if I've understood this correctly or not, However I think multiple people should be able to use one account. Take news for example, News reporters can post about their news ETC. However I think they could do something that twitter does, At the bottom of a twitter post it usually says "Posted from twitter on iphone" or something along those lines. It could do something like same, For example "Posted by 'Onrain username' " Since accounts are usually linked/2nd profiles to their normal accounts. I don't know if this all makes sense since I've just woken up but here's my take on it


Level 62
I think it's kinda unnecessary and that the whole name-changing thing would be a lot to moderate/keep track of, I've dealt with an account run by multiple characters with KPD before, and while I admit the thing with 'Oh! That's not the character that runs the account' argument is annoying, I think it could just be more like as long as the phone number is linked to that character, whatever character they're on would be guilty or could be prosecuted for whatever they do. . becuz technically, when investigating the post and finding out who posted it, the phone number would just come up and regardless of what character the player is on - So they'd just have to deal with the consequences ICly no matter what. . because loopholing isn't really allowed


Level 86
-1 because it'd be a logistical nightmare. (Not really, but it'd be less convenient for the casual users who have more than 2 characters.)

Right now Onrain is set up to where you need a phone number in order to create an account, accounts only get one phone number each regardless of characters on it. Profiles circumvent that by letting you have two+ characters tied to the same account with the same phone number. Even if you could DM an admin, or staff to have a character changed, what about the people who go back and forth? It's gonna get kind of annoying having to dm someone every other week or something on both ends. (And it's not wrong or a problem to change characters frequently)

There's two other reasons outside of logistics that implemented this would mess with.

Profiles are there to help with the phone number problem, and also out of convenience, I don't want to have to log in and out of all 3 of my onrain accounts every time I want to check my character's dms. It's much easier to swap profiles which I can do in one click vs like the what 3? to log in and out. Making things accessible and quick is incredibly important, or else it gets tedious fast.

As for not having multiple characters on one account, Markoos mentions that some players run businesses out of onrain. I for one have my faction members all added to the shrine account because it's something we all share. Implementing this would put the burden of upkeeping a company account on one person, which can feel tiring. It's easier to keep things the way they are and not mess with the rhythm players have created, and for the most part the profile system hasn't been problematic outside of like one recent situation.


Level 146
This is an issue that will be solved once sim cards are added, but there is literally no issue in making this a rule. Plus one


Level 64
-1 / neutral
honestly would be better to make it a rule where only one character can use said onrain-account/profile (Ex; John can only use Johns account not Stacys account even if ran by the same person oocly)
if its a business than leave it icly, many people have business accounts already with multiple people attached to it (You could also add what ozzy said where you make it 'Posted by (Onrain account) and you have to very it was you by someway so somebody can't blame another for an Onrain post THEY did make)


Level 153
Government Lead
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-1 / neutral
honestly would be better to make it a rule where only one character can use said onrain-account/profile (Ex; John can only use Johns account not Stacys account even if ran by the same person oocly)
if its a business than leave it icly, many people have business accounts already with multiple people attached to it (You could also add what ozzy said where you make it 'Posted by (Onrain account) and you have to very it was you by someway so somebody can't blame another for an Onrain post THEY did make)
That’s what I am suggesting

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