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Open college applications (temporarily)

Open apps for college?

  • Yes open

    Votes: 20 71.4%
  • No dont open

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • Idk i just got here

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters


Level 29
IGN: DeyeetMe
DATE: 27/08/3023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Open applications for college role, at least temporarily.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It has been around 6-7** months since college exams were last hosted. I'm not sure if something is being done with the plugin, but it would be nice to at least know if exams are being worked on or if we shouldn't expect them for another several months.
**(EDIT: it has been nearly 5 months, but that's still a lot longer than the usual 3 months it should be. Forgive me for the exaggeration, I am but a single cell organism)

Benefits include:
1. The ability to develop your characters age-wise without having to wait an unspecified amount of time for exams.
2. Replenishing college tab. I know school has started for a lot of people, meaning that there will generally be less people on, but (as a professor) I worry that we'll run out of college students soon. I need students to teach, please.

I know applications will require more work from staff members to read and check them, but I believe they considered opening college applications when they were developing the new plugin, so it might not be that big of an issue.

Edit: I'm also pretty sure that sports teams no longer do scholarships (so you can't go to college tryouts as a high-schooler for a chance to get college role) so there's even less of a chance to get the role.

anyway thanks 4 rading pls like n susbscribe n hit that bell
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Level 18
Community Team
+1!! As a professor as well, I'm sick of seeing 3-4 students in my classroom most of the time. And in another hand, it's refraining character development, joining teams, such as aging up. I WANT TO SEE MORE COLLEGE STUDENTSS


Level 174

Its been months. Many players are getting annoyed that college exams are being left for so long, and are even trying to join college teams purely so they can age up for character development.


Level 95
-1. The only college role you should be able to apply for is like how it is now with PHD
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Level 44
I kinda hope this could be a permanent thing as well, as someone who used to wake up at 4 am to participate in the college exams, but thats another essay for another time


Level 174
-1. The only college role you should be able to apply for is like how it is now with PHD
They're suggesting this be a temporary change, due to college exams having practically disappeared. Since it's been such a long time since exams, its probably right to assume something has happened to the plugin, seeing as they promised exams every other month, and its been almost 6 months. This could be an alternative until whatever has happened to the exams plugin is fixed.


Level 14
+1 Yeah, I can’t see a major downside for anyone involved. The initial problem seemed to be an excess of college students which definitely doesn’t track anymore because I hardly see any of them. Professors won’t have their material wasted on only a few students and there won’t be any complaints about the wait for exams while the plugin is worked on. As suggested, it doesn’t have to be a permanent change. The application process could be stricter or more selective to prevent too many people applying. Alternatively, there could be a cap on how many people can apply for college per xyz months. I don’t see the point in restricting players to the extent they’re completely unable to get their characters into college. I’d like the college side to feel more active, revived in a way, and I can’t see any harm in implementing this short-term. Granted, it will be more applications for staff to read, although I feel like enough time is used constantly answering the questions and criticisms about exams anyway.


Level 125

School exams have not disappeared, and it has not even been 5 months since the last one. While yes, we do need a more active college side for teams and such, having yet another set of applications will only make it even more difficult as checking constant applications is already a task with authorization. Adding college onto that is adding more work to SLT and authorization than there already is.

Now that we have 8 SLT, with 7 having different factions and 1 focused on school events and student support, exams will be more frequent. It is only a matter of time; do not forget that questions have to be written, and since former suggestions and calls from the community asking to make exams more Karakura-inclusive rather than having random questions from nowhere, it takes time. This includes questions from all SLT and collecting material from teachers/professors, including the abundant part of the exam where lore has to be added. Yes, exams are taking a while, but we ask you to be a little more patient

Edit: I'm also pretty sure that sports teams no longer do scholarships (so you can't go to college tryouts as a high-schooler for a chance to get college role) so there's even less of a chance to get the role.
Replying to scholarships, they are still a thing. What was restricted was their frequency, as it was open for all the weeks prior to the tournaments to ensure teams had enough slots that were full for players to attend


Level 113

School exams have not disappeared, and it has not even been 5 months since the last one. While yes, we do need a more active college side for teams and such, having yet another set of applications will only make it even more difficult as checking constant applications is already a task with authorization. Adding college onto that is adding more work to SLT and authorization than there already is.

Now that we have 8 SLT, with 7 having different factions and 1 focused on school events and student support, exams will be more frequent. It is only a matter of time; do not forget that questions have to be written, and since former suggestions and calls from the community asking to make exams more Karakura-inclusive rather than having random questions from nowhere, it takes time. This includes questions from all SLT and collecting material from teachers/professors, including the abundant part of the exam where lore has to be added. Yes, exams are taking a while, but we ask you to be a little more patient

Replying to scholarships, they are still a thing. What was restricted was their frequency, as it was open for all the weeks prior to the tournaments to ensure teams had enough slots that were full for players to attend
love that ur actively replacing your signature banner (just wanted to point that out lol)

yah. oli is right.
just wait it out.
don't be a nerd.


Level 47
They promised 6 exams per year but we've only had one so far. I'm hoping that increases because college apps don't sound like a good idea


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team
I agree with Oli!
Give it a bit guys, they're doing a lot already, we just got the business park as well as having the tournaments not even a month ago!!!

And don't forget about the PHD and ADULT applications just 2 months ago :3

gold fish

Level 286
+1!! As a professor as well, I'm sick of seeing 3-4 students in my classroom most of the time. And in another hand, it's refraining character development, joining teams, such as aging up. I WANT TO SEE MORE COLLEGE STUDENTSS
as a professor i had on average maybe 5-10 students at a time

when you HAVE to plan lessons its kind of stupid when:
A. students dont pay attention or care
B. the students that do are 20% of the 10 kids that join my class.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We've working on a couple of exam papers which will be used over the course of the year. We apologise for the delay in exams this past month, however we'll get an exam out as soon as possible with a higher acceptance rate to compensate.​

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