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"Operation: CHANGE", a revamp thread. (I'll take this L here...)


Level 70

all stated by others! i agree with the others!
(resists the inevitable urge to spread the word of projectmoon)


Level 12

coming from an EMS worker. everyone put their points very well. it's just unrealistic to ask EMS workers to be online constantly. As Alex said, if EMS were forced to be online every day so that people can be tended to, it would become a great demotivator. automating the ID process limits roleplay and eliminates a crucial aspect of the governor's job. metagaming AT ALL is against the rules, and although I see your point as to prevent it in the first place, it's just not realistic and players already face the consequences. simply report it if you suspect metagaming.


Level 47

It's already been stated enough but it is impossible to have all the EMS workers (or what you had mentioned) be online 24/7, we have lives outside of SRP and there are plenty of other implementations now to make sure players do get IC help.

1. You can just sit and wait for one of us to stop working with a patient.
2. If you are in a dire situation such as bleeding out you HAVE the option to just SkipRP.
3. We have now brought back appointments, if the department you seek is not currently online you can book an appointment for another time where it's guaranteed you'll be treated.
4. We have times where it'll be broadcasted if we need more EMS on-duty, however sometimes we have things on and cant make that. In that case you'll have to be patient with us.


Level 10
Thread starter
As a Governor on the server(My main is my Governor, I am Eli Zennix), We are required to Log every ID that is given out to members of the community. This allows people to get roleplay with the Government and just ask other general questions that people might have to a Governor/Government member. An NPC would negate any type of roleplay/system we have set up within the faction. Also if no one is at the desk, just call the number. It's on the board just outside of the doors(020-555-9000).
Agreeing with the government part, I mean to add a part where the NPC would be able to detect if a governor is online, then disappear (eg. and ID is needed and Governors are offline)


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Agreeing with the government part, I mean to add a part where the NPC would be able to detect if a governor is online, then disappear (eg. and ID is needed and Governors are offline)
Adding an NPC would defeat the purpose of Governors being able to hand them out. Just call the number and ask for a Governor, a Governor if they are around and able to take the call will answer it and give you instructions.


Level 10
Thread starter
Since some people may have taken a different way because I was awake at the hour of 1 AM lol, I would like to clarify some things:

I am not requesting that staff "force" every EMS worker to be online at all times, I was requesting that if any EMS workers were online but AFK for an extended period of time, they shouldn't be online (e.g. an EMS worker is doing something OOCly that takes time away from IC interaction for a long time) and that if anyone was actually available, they should be at the front desk like now.

I was not aware KPD was required to have tags off due to word of mouth of KPD metagaming Guang Feng's location nor was I aware this was even in-place due to my ignorance for not being in KPD, and I apologize for accusing KPD of metagaming.

For the Government ID NPC, I would say "yeah, it's a bad idea" because of not just roleplay interaction reasons, but also timing reasons. Nobody is going to ask for an ID at 2 AM. Though, if anything, I advise at least experimenting with it for a week or so.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Since some people may have taken a different way because I was awake at the hour of 1 AM lol, I would like to clarify some things:

I am not requesting that staff "force" every EMS worker to be online at all times, I was requesting that if any EMS workers were online but AFK for an extended period of time, they shouldn't be online (e.g. an EMS worker is doing something OOCly that takes time away from IC interaction for a long time) and that if anyone was actually available, they should be at the front desk like now.

I was not aware KPD was required to have tags off due to word of mouth of KPD metagaming Guang Feng's location nor was I aware this was even in-place due to my ignorance for not being in KPD, and I apologize for accusing KPD of metagaming.

For the Government ID NPC, I would say "yeah, it's a bad idea" because of not just roleplay interaction reasons, but also timing reasons. Nobody is going to ask for an ID at 2 AM. Though, if anything, I advise at least experimenting with it for a week or so.
EMS are able to go afk while on duty, IRL happens while you are trying to roleplay and IRL is more important than a block game. Then there are times where EMS are online but they are off-duty. Just give them sometime.

Government side of things, an NPC will never be a thing for testing or otherwise. Changed have happened due to other reasons and along with Governors, Lawyers and Judges are able to give out IDs as to encourage roleplay with the faction.


Level 10
Thread starter
EMS are able to go afk while on duty, IRL happens while you are trying to roleplay and IRL is more important than a block game. Then there are times where EMS are online but they are off-duty. Just give them sometime.

Government side of things, an NPC will never be a thing for testing or otherwise. Changed have happened due to other reasons and along with Governors, Lawyers and Judges are able to give out IDs as to encourage roleplay with the faction.


Level 121
you must SkipRP treatment if EMS aren’t available whilst on a bleedout timer. If you’re not bleeding out, you can always come back later for treatment
this is funny because a certain character of mine died bc of ems neglection and my skiprp didnt count mainly because the ems WAS there, just busy.
the one that got killed by the ghost.

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