-First Name-
5'4 / 162.6 cm
Average but leaning towards pear shape
-Skin Color-
Warm brown
-Eye Color-
-Hair Style-
Loose and straight down
-Hair Color-
-Date of Birth-
Nov 3
-Place of Birth-
Kyoto, Japan
-Sexual Orientation-
Nov 3
-Place of Birth-
Kyoto, Japan
-Sexual Orientation-
She tends to stay off on her own. When it comes to being social, she usually talks to anyone who approaches her first without having to approach the other person. You'll come to find that she's a pretty chill person who actually really enjoys talking to people. It's only approaching them that provides problems. It's not anxiety, she just doesn't feel like it. She's also not the type to befriend a person after first meeting them. You'll have to talk to her for more than one day to be considered a friend or even a close acquaintance.
She has a secret hobby of drawing whenever she's alone, in an anime inspired art style no less, but she's too embarrassed to admit such a thing. Admitting she likes cartoons would be like admitting a crime. Other than that, she also enjoys reading books and peeping in on people's conversations.
Just like her, her style is pretty casual with a little twist to it.
Her main fit would consist of
A green sweater crop top
Ripped jeans
White sneakers
Nosey, can't mind her business for the life of her. If she hears an interesting convo she will hang around the area a little longer than she usually would.
Insecure about liking anything deemed nerdy
Always running away from her problems.
Keeping secrets
(likely forgets the next day depending on the secret)
Making jokes no matter the situation.
She tends to stay off on her own. When it comes to being social, she usually talks to anyone who approaches her first without having to approach the other person. You'll come to find that she's a pretty chill person who actually really enjoys talking to people. It's only approaching them that provides problems. It's not anxiety, she just doesn't feel like it. She's also not the type to befriend a person after first meeting them. You'll have to talk to her for more than one day to be considered a friend or even a close acquaintance.
She has a secret hobby of drawing whenever she's alone, in an anime inspired art style no less, but she's too embarrassed to admit such a thing. Admitting she likes cartoons would be like admitting a crime. Other than that, she also enjoys reading books and peeping in on people's conversations.
Just like her, her style is pretty casual with a little twist to it.
Her main fit would consist of
A green sweater crop top
Ripped jeans
White sneakers
Nosey, can't mind her business for the life of her. If she hears an interesting convo she will hang around the area a little longer than she usually would.
Insecure about liking anything deemed nerdy
Always running away from her problems.
Keeping secrets
(likely forgets the next day depending on the secret)
Making jokes no matter the situation.
The sound of rain
Basil Green
Obvious scammers
Overly loud people
Getting called on in class
Being dragged into things she doesn't want to be apart of
Thunder and lightning
The sound of rain
Basil Green
Obvious scammers
Overly loud people
Getting called on in class
Being dragged into things she doesn't want to be apart of
Thunder and lightning
Melena grew up in Kyoto, Japan up until after junior high. She left because of her fear of what could rather than anything that actually happened to her.
As a kid and later a preteen, she had always been able to get along with anyone with ease. She'd been able to make friends fairly easily. So easily that she had become popular among most friend groups and cliques around the school, from the mean girls to the art kids. It felt like you could tell her anything and she'd start a conversation about it.
Good traits right?
Well unfortunately for her, bullying is a common thing, and it ran rampant when junior high started. Due to her still keeping her popularity with her peers, she had managed to stay in a spectator's spot for most of the bullying and drama but she had to cut off people if she wanted to keep her status. Anyone who had more people against them than with them she'd break it off with. Now to be fair, it did start working out for her.
But then something happened. In her 8th grade year, one of the most beloved girls in class was suddenly shattered to pieces over a false accusation. One she tried so desperately to disprove, one that started over an online post, one that drove her to delete everything and never show up to school again. Some say she committed suicide while others say she simply moved school.
It's not like it mattered what happened, everyone eventually forgot about her.
This was an eye opener for Melena. It showed her both her kindness and her number of allies don't matter. That everything can change in a matter of seconds. It doesn't matter whether what someone said was true or not. Trying to deny everything makes things worse, your proof would be called faked and staged. She didn't matter to these people as much as she thought she did.
Real friends wouldn't abandon someone so foolishly.
This gave Melena a fear of her own classmates. While she continued to act normally and do everything she'd normally do, that being talking to people and overall being a social butterfly, she'd be more cautious about what she said and who she said it to. She used her information on their various likes and dislikes to her advantage. This continued to be her saving grace but then a year later, in 9th grade, she had managed to replace the girl who disappeared by sheer accident.
With her newfound popularity and how easy she was able to get along with everyone, she thought she was safe. Safe enough to even let go of her fear of her classmates and start being normal Melena again.
That was until she found a message hidden in her locker one day. "You're a fucking fake and soon everyone will know how you used them to replace[REDACTED]. How dare you be so selfish!" Sure, it wasn't true, but that didn't stop everyone last time did it? After finding the note she'd spend her days being bombarded with random text in the middle of the day and sometimes even night. All telling her how much of a phony she was and how evil her heart is.
Melena started being cautious around her classmates again. They'd ask her "What's wrong?" and she'd reply with "I'm just feeling a little off today. Don't worry!" with a smile. She'd been good at putting on a mask last year, what's another year added? Every time she heard her name being brought up in conversation she'd peer in to see what was going on. It was mainly positive or neutral things though, talking about either how she looked today or how she'd been a little distracted lately. It felt like being a sheep in wolf's clothing. Wondering if the wolves will ever be told that the person in their pack is really a sheep.
It doesn't matter if it's true or not, she's nothing to these people. They'd turn on her at the drop of a hat.
The random messages never had a name or a face to them, the culprit remained anonymous. And they purposely bragged about how they were gonna "show everyone the truth" but never said when or how.
This filled Melena with anxiety. Everyone would be turned against her when she least expected it and she just had to sit there and wait? Eventually, she stopped coming to school. She stopped texting her friends. All the while this stalker continued harassing her. She didn't even know how they got her number; each time she blocked them they'd come back either the same or the next day with another one. It was frustrating just how much this anonymous person continued pursuing her even at her lowest point. Even after she had stopped coming to school too.
They didn't do this because she was POPULAR. did they? No, they're doing this because they enjoy tormenting HER in general. It might've started off that way, but it clearly wasn't the case anymore.
She didn't tell her parents what was happening. She let them come up with the almost true conclusion that she was getting bullied at school. So, out of concern for their daughter, her parents decided it be best to move her to Karakura and continue her 9th grade year there. Melena decided to get rid of her phone on the way to the airport as well. To try and start off new. She rolled down the window and dropped her phone onto the road and hoped they didn't notice.
And so, just like the girl before her, she disappeared. Running away out of fear that one day her life would be turning upside down and then she'd be FORCED to run away. What happened to her was her choice, it might seem cowardly to most, but it was still hers.
TL;DR: Melena used to be a popular social butterfly but left to start over because of a stalker threatening to spread rumors about her at school.
Melena grew up in Kyoto, Japan up until after junior high. She left because of her fear of what could rather than anything that actually happened to her.
As a kid and later a preteen, she had always been able to get along with anyone with ease. She'd been able to make friends fairly easily. So easily that she had become popular among most friend groups and cliques around the school, from the mean girls to the art kids. It felt like you could tell her anything and she'd start a conversation about it.
Good traits right?
Well unfortunately for her, bullying is a common thing, and it ran rampant when junior high started. Due to her still keeping her popularity with her peers, she had managed to stay in a spectator's spot for most of the bullying and drama but she had to cut off people if she wanted to keep her status. Anyone who had more people against them than with them she'd break it off with. Now to be fair, it did start working out for her.
But then something happened. In her 8th grade year, one of the most beloved girls in class was suddenly shattered to pieces over a false accusation. One she tried so desperately to disprove, one that started over an online post, one that drove her to delete everything and never show up to school again. Some say she committed suicide while others say she simply moved school.
It's not like it mattered what happened, everyone eventually forgot about her.
This was an eye opener for Melena. It showed her both her kindness and her number of allies don't matter. That everything can change in a matter of seconds. It doesn't matter whether what someone said was true or not. Trying to deny everything makes things worse, your proof would be called faked and staged. She didn't matter to these people as much as she thought she did.
Real friends wouldn't abandon someone so foolishly.
This gave Melena a fear of her own classmates. While she continued to act normally and do everything she'd normally do, that being talking to people and overall being a social butterfly, she'd be more cautious about what she said and who she said it to. She used her information on their various likes and dislikes to her advantage. This continued to be her saving grace but then a year later, in 9th grade, she had managed to replace the girl who disappeared by sheer accident.
With her newfound popularity and how easy she was able to get along with everyone, she thought she was safe. Safe enough to even let go of her fear of her classmates and start being normal Melena again.
That was until she found a message hidden in her locker one day. "You're a fucking fake and soon everyone will know how you used them to replace
Melena started being cautious around her classmates again. They'd ask her "What's wrong?" and she'd reply with "I'm just feeling a little off today. Don't worry!" with a smile. She'd been good at putting on a mask last year, what's another year added? Every time she heard her name being brought up in conversation she'd peer in to see what was going on. It was mainly positive or neutral things though, talking about either how she looked today or how she'd been a little distracted lately. It felt like being a sheep in wolf's clothing. Wondering if the wolves will ever be told that the person in their pack is really a sheep.
It doesn't matter if it's true or not, she's nothing to these people. They'd turn on her at the drop of a hat.
The random messages never had a name or a face to them, the culprit remained anonymous. And they purposely bragged about how they were gonna "show everyone the truth" but never said when or how.
This filled Melena with anxiety. Everyone would be turned against her when she least expected it and she just had to sit there and wait? Eventually, she stopped coming to school. She stopped texting her friends. All the while this stalker continued harassing her. She didn't even know how they got her number; each time she blocked them they'd come back either the same or the next day with another one. It was frustrating just how much this anonymous person continued pursuing her even at her lowest point. Even after she had stopped coming to school too.
They didn't do this because she was POPULAR. did they? No, they're doing this because they enjoy tormenting HER in general. It might've started off that way, but it clearly wasn't the case anymore.
She didn't tell her parents what was happening. She let them come up with the almost true conclusion that she was getting bullied at school. So, out of concern for their daughter, her parents decided it be best to move her to Karakura and continue her 9th grade year there. Melena decided to get rid of her phone on the way to the airport as well. To try and start off new. She rolled down the window and dropped her phone onto the road and hoped they didn't notice.
And so, just like the girl before her, she disappeared. Running away out of fear that one day her life would be turning upside down and then she'd be FORCED to run away. What happened to her was her choice, it might seem cowardly to most, but it was still hers.
TL;DR: Melena used to be a popular social butterfly but left to start over because of a stalker threatening to spread rumors about her at school.
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