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Oven and cooking fish


Level 1
IGN: Xein000
DATE: 2023-03-15
An better way to cook more fishes at the same time.

1. The problem:
Atm I am limited to just 1 single oven, even if I've placed down several ovens I can only use 1 at the time and must wait 1 min (60 seconds) for 1 single fish to cook in the oven. This is an long and boring way to cook when you got like 20-30 of the same fish kind that you want to cook, but instead it takes 30 min or more to cook it all. And then you might have different kinds of fish to cook and you can't do anything but wait for 1 fish at the time to cook. Sure, you get something to do, but it might take time to get it all done.

2. My suggestions
A. The oven have a ton of space in it, the fish takes up 1 tiny space atm, let us cook more of the same fish kind to make things easier and more realistic.
B. Allow us to use more than 1 single oven, like a few at least, even if it might be limited as well to 4 or something.
C. A mix of my A & B suggestions, and at least 2 ovens as minimum that we can use for cooking.


Level 174
I'm not sure if this would work, seeing as you're cooking to things at once with the possibility of burning, it might end up becoming glitched.


Level 1
Thread starter
I'm not sure if this would work, seeing as you're cooking to things at once with the possibility of burning, it might end up becoming glitched.

Atm I've not burnt a single fish in the oven, even if it has passed 60 seconds (you also can't grab the fish before it is ready/done). Something I'm glad for as I need to open it to keep an eye on when the fish is done so I can take it out. And if the oven worked in the same way as an Frying pan I'm not sure how things would look and they would need to add some kind of animation to tell us when the food is ready. Atm I'm good with just the Frying pan doing this or I would have a lot more to think on and worry about while making food. That or I would need to set an clock/timer on whenever I want to warm something in an oven, then make sure I ain't 1 second too late grabbing it before it get burnt.

Note: To make things clear, this ain't about the Frying pan part that's fine, even if it would be nice if we could use more than 1 single oven at the same time to make things more interesting if we ever end up have an cooking contest one day in the server.
My post is mostly about the oven part where fish is heated up inside it.

Note 2: You use the oven, or you use the Frying pan, you can't use both at the same time.
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Level 17

It's realistic to be able to cook 2-3 fishes in a normal-sized oven in real life
Being able to use at least two ovens at a time isn't unrealistic, so why not


Level 2
IGN: Xein000
DATE: 2023-03-15
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: An better way to cook more fishes at the same time.

1. The problem:
Atm I am limited to just 1 single oven, even if I've placed down several ovens I can only use 1 at the time and must wait 1 min (60 seconds) for 1 single fish to cook in the oven. This is an long and boring way to cook when you got like 20-30 of the same fish kind that you want to cook, but instead it takes 30 min or more to cook it all. And then you might have different kinds of fish to cook and you can't do anything but wait for 1 fish at the time to cook. Sure, you get something to do, but it might take time to get it all done.

2. My suggestions
A. The oven have a ton of space in it, the fish takes up 1 tiny space atm, let us cook more of the same fish kind to make things easier and more realistic.
B. Allow us to use more than 1 single oven, like a few at least, even if it might be limited as well to 4 or something.
C. A mix of my A & B suggestions, and at least 2 ovens as minimum that we can use for cooking.
I know this does'nt make any sense but suddenly I dont want be alone, i can't be alone!


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- Whilst I think allowing more than 1 oven to be used by a player isn't inherently a bad thing, it comes with addition issues such as the blocks being unbreakable. I'll look into adding something that doesn't have any negatives​

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