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Accepted Owhoe's counselor application


Level 35
[OOC section]
In Game Name: Owhoe

School Employee Role you are Applying For:
I'm applying for guidance counselor (Ingame tag is just counselor) role
How often do you log onto the server?:
Every day, I start around 8-9 AM, and log off around 12 AM (15-16 hours a day) , The only times I'm not logging onto the server is when I'm not home. (Which isn't very likely), when I'm at my dad's place I'll be online less as I don't see him much and spent less time on my PC
Do you have discord?
Yes I do, Cosmical#0001
Do you have a microphone?
I do own a microphone, I'm not comfortable using it right now but It's not needed as a counselor
Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?:
No, I haven't been banned and I always check the rules when I think an action is punishable
Can you ensure that you will often come on:
I definitely can, I'm don't do much else and I'm almost addicted to this server, I absolutely love the server, that's why I log on (almost) every day. I try to come online whenever I can and if I become inactive I'll report it to a higher up school staff, explaining how long I'll be inactive and why.
Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?:
I recognise that and I totally understand, It makes it more realistic and If this were ever to be the case I won't be toxic about it. I'm generally not a toxic person and I'll make sure to be mature about it if this would ever happen.
In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee:
Counselors help students develop social and academic skills. They can help a student if they were having trouble in school. They can prepare students for life after graduating. Students could also talk to them if they were having personal issues or issues at home, with the counselor talking back to the student, they could give them advice or a methods to handle their problems, if a students feels the need of a counselor they could ask to talk to a counselor and the counselor would listen to them, give them advice, and basicly just help them and try to fix these issues.
Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?:
I don't have experience being a counselor exactly but I do have experience giving people advice and helping them with personal issues. As to being a school employee, I do not have experience.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I've been roleplaying since I was very young, I used to roleplay on a small game everyday, after a while I had 15 days of playtime, I've not been on srp that long but I've very quickly got to know the server and It's rules. I've been roleplaying since the day I joined and in the beginning I had some issues but now roleplaying is going great, I can seriousrp, fearrp, detailrp, etc.
I'm familiar with the rules, looc, ooc, ic, etc.

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it:
A school counselor helps students with academic, social or personal issues, they're very important to students who may struggle in school or at home. The counselor's role is helping those students resolve those issues and develop academic and social skills which may be needed in the future.

During a workshift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?:
I'd stay calm and depending on how the student acts, if the student is litterally cursing at me, I'll have no choice to have to send them to detention, if I feel like there's personal reasons the student might have said this I could offer them a counseling session, as a part of the counselor job is noticing when students have struggles without them having to say it themselves
You are doing a hazadrous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?:
I'd get to know the job a bit more, ask the principal questions if I feel the need to and after knowing what it is, if I think that the job could damage me into a state where I can't function correctly I'd politely decline the job and ask if there's more qualified persons for the job.
Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?: I'd talk to the employee and try to understand the situation, from there I would write down exactly what happened with a lot of detail, a name of the employee and possibly a picture of the employee. then I'd either inform the dean or principal about it and exactly what happened, if I don't know the employee's name then I'd describe what they look like and hope the principal or dean can take it from there.

[IC section]
Applicant Name: Mari Dot
Chosen Job: Counselor
(Looking back I see I answered some answers oocly, I apologize for that)
Motivation for Joining KHS: Mari spent a lot of time trying to help others as a child, she used to have mental issues herself, she managed to get over those issues and felt incredibly lucky. She has gone to KHS herself and she's gone to counselors, seeking for help. the counselors at the time could provide that help but she'd always feel like there's a lack of counselors, she'd spend time in college trying to learn from counselors and study what they'd do and how they'd do it. Again she'd see a lack of counselors, after some part time jobs she'd finally decide to apply for counselor at KHS

Age (Minimum age is 25): 26

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: Mari is a very calm, respectful and nice individual, she'll listen to you even if she dislikes you, she doesn't get strong opinions and is willing to forgive people for their actions, not just icly but oocly I love helping others and trying to understand them. I'd also like to note that I feel like there's not a lot of active counselors on SRP right now (for what I've seen, timezone is GMT+1), even now doughlah is a vice-dean there'll be almost zero counselors around my timezone (again, I don't know how it is when It's night for me), I'm applying on my main account which means I'll spend around 13-14 hours a day playing, I'll try to make a positive impact on KHS, and not just say that I'll try but actually try my best to do good to KHS and SRP in general
Aswell I'll be very dedicated, If I have an appointment at 1am in my local time or even later I'll try my best to stay online until then, when I'm asked to do something by a higher school staff I usually wont question it and just do it.
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Level 105
Thank you for applying!

Fortunately enough, your application has been ACCEPTED!
It's up to par with what I look for in applications & I'm willing to allow you a chance at this role.


- DM Sun#0040 over Discord for further information.
- Please ensure you're in the Academics Discord! (


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