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oZinth's Surgeon Application!


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:

Describe your activity on the server?:
I play SRP practically every day, across my three accounts, playing majoratively on my main Adult account, for around 5-6 hours a day+.

Which timezone are you in?:

Do you have discord? If so what is your tag?:
Yes! my discord is: oZinth#0001

Do you have a microphone?:

List your current and past applications: - [DENIED] - [ACCEPTED] -[ACCEPTED] - [ACCEPTED] - [ACCEPTED]

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?:
I have lots of experience with DetailRP, being in multiple P2L oriented gangs, which primarily focus on DetailRP and longer actions, instead of just simple actions, alongside being a fighter in 'Fight Club' which is a DetailRP oriented club, I've always lovely detailing my actions, enjoying writing to the fullest, making sure that I always leave nothing vague, Trying my best to work on the fly, adapting my actions to different scenarios.

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our current team?:
Ever Since I learned that you could apply to be an EMS character I've always loved the concept of it, being able to help others is my passion out of character, and if I'm able to do this in character then it would be my dream! I offer my complete motivation and commitment, to work and try my absolute best for the faction, I believe these are the main benefits of having me on the current team, having a very active new member, that will attend any all all trainings, working and doing my best to help all of the player base.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Psychiatrist):

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:
Surgeon's mainly focus on life-saving work, Having to perform difficult tasks that normal methods cannot help with, such as performing in-depth surgeries on patients, either to diagnose issues, or to resolve them, they normally only take action, when modern medicine or therapy have proven insufficient, These Surgeons are also trained to deal with morgue work, handling deceased patients, preparing them for their final rest. They also have to deal with telling the family & friends of the patient what is going on, and determine the bets course of action for everyone involved. Having to speak with KPD at times, filling them in on the injuries of those they are treating.

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:


The sole main overseer of the Entire hospital, Managing everyone else in the hospital are executing their roles effectively.
Clinical manager

These Operate just underneath the Sole Hospital Director position, holding a position of authority over every other member member of staff, ensuring that everyone is doing their jobs correctly, and efficiently, prioritising the care of the public. And directly monitoring all the of Clinical Leads.
Clinical lead

These are staff members who focus on training and monitoring the other employees, working just below the Clinical Managers, ensuring everything is completely up to standard.

One of the more physically and emotionally Taxing of jobs, These typically deal with patients who are on the brink of death, or those with ailments that cannot be helped by mere medicene and therapy, on any part of the body, also maintaining the responsibility of regularly checking up on patients after they have gone under any procedures. Also dealing with any Morgue work needed, after any patients have passed away.

These are one of the more versatile roles, although incredibly important, they typically deal with non life threatening injuries, although they are trained to deal with such. These are able to prescribe medication, equipment, being able to carry out the vast majority of tasks.

These deal mainly with patients that have mental health issues, or are recovering from traumatic incidents that leave a lasting impact that isn't physical, offering several courses of treatment through 1 on 1 therapy.

Are you aware of the basic medical emergency color codes? If so, with their meanings, specify all those you’re aware of:

RED - This code declared that there is normally a fire inside/around the hospital. This normally calls for an evacuation to a pre-determined assembly point.

ORANGE - This code indicates that hazardous material has been spilled in an open/enclosed area.

GREEN - This code indicates that the situation has been deemed Emergency protocol worthy, typically due to a large disaster.

BLUE - This code indicates that there is a medical emergency somewhere in the hospital that usually entails cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest.

PINK - This code usually indicates that a child has been abducted from the hospital.

BLACK - This code is usually indicating a bomb threat

GRAY - This code usually means there is a dangerous group or individual outside or around the hospital.

SILVER - There is an individual with a weapon inside the hospital.

WHITE - This code indicates an infant or child is going into cardiac arrest.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I fully acknowledge this.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
I have always wanted to participate within the EMS faction since hearing anyone could apply, and will absolutely give it my all being 100% dedicated.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?
Indeed, and I will make absolutely every effort to attend any and all trainings.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I 100% acknowledge this, and will keep ICly situations ICly.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Mao Tsu is a well built man, regularly going to the gym treating his body like a temple, you'd never see him NOT on a diet, and he's always trying to push this on others, to eat healthy, "A healthy body is a healthy mind!" he always says, standing at a colossal 6'4 he'd tower over the majority of his peers, and he weighed a respectable 210lbs, with sleek brown hair that was always either in a man bun, or allowed to flow freely behind him just below his collar. Always seen running either to- or from somewhere whenever he's off duty, never seeming to want to rest. He'd have a pair of mysterious blue eyes that looked like two small galaxies... with a deep and soothing voice tone, offering a perfect amount of re-assurance, but also assertiveness if the time ever called for it.

What are they like on and off the job?
Mao can vary between what he is like on and off the job, majoratively staying the same, but never likes to let himself go, never fully able to relax, he'd have a drive to help people, which is what got him through medical school. Whilst in work, he'd have a friendly persona always being the head of conversations, typically starting them even when the other staff don't really want to- although as soon as a patient came in he'd almost change, just like a light switch, having complete focus on his task, working incredibly well with others, although he really did flourish when working on his own.

Whilst off the job he was always seen in some form of sporty gear, normally having fun with friends, and wearing casual jeans, etc when going on nights out, he wasn't afraid to have a little fun, although he never fully let go, he was always weary of those around him, ready to help at a moments notice, no matter the time nor place, he was ready.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Mao has no children or partner, he believes that there isn't any time in his life for that, he wouldn't want to hurt them by not giving them enough attention as he struggles enough to keep friends outside of work, as he practically spends all his time there, this being the case, he has no struggle to make friends, having a very likeable personality, doing absolutely everything he can for others. Specifically going above and beyond for anyone and everyone, no matter who they are.

Mao's main plan for the future is to progress through the hospital hopefully one day working toward clinical lead far, far into the future, believing that if he sets his goal high enough, everything he gains along the way will just be another win! he'd love to eventually have a family one day, although he cannot see this happening ANY time soon, as his work is his passion, and he couldn't have something getting in the way of that

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgment to?
Mao has no Mental issues, however he does have one previous sporting injury from when he was a child, having completely shattered his lower three ribs on his right side from being tackled, having surgery on these and getting them replaced was what drove him to pursue medicine as a career, seeing how helpful he COULD be and everything that he could do for others!

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

Mao was born in the Southern Kanto region of Japan, however both of his parents were Chinese, and growing up he was never the most popular, never the strongest, never the one who stood out, although he was more so in the background, making friends, although not specifically close- with everyone even those who didn't like each other, he had a knack for bringing those who had oppositions against one another together, through group activities, always wanting to help people, whether it be organising small events, going bowling which was one of his many talents, or even studying academically, which he absolutely thrived at, spending time getting to know the Librarians at his school becoming good acquaintances with them, running errands for them and such.

Throughout his working life, he left school after passing all his subjects with flying colours straight into university securing a long-term internship at one of the most prestigious hospitals working through several different departments wherever he was needed but took great interest in the surgeons, taking every opportunity he could to assist is any way he could, watching the surgeries, studying their movements intently, reading up on it as much as he could, specifically tailoring his Minor's and Majors to become a surgeon, he had found his calling. after completing his education he was then employed by the second most prestigious hospital in Tokyo, St. Luke's Int. Hospital, through connections he made during his internship, absolutely thriving there becoming one of the most esteemed members of staff they had.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Mao Tsu
Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):

Characters Given Name(s):

Characters Preferred Name:

Characters Age:

Characters Gender:

Characters Religious Domination:

Characters Marital Status:

Characters Nationality:


SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:

7 years
Working Experience(s):

Internship (2010-2015) @ NTT MEDICAL CENTRE
Full time surgeon (2015-2022) @ St. Luke's Int. Hospital
Academic Degree:

Bsc Degree x2
Human Physiology Degree x1
Year of Graduation:


Health Sciences + Human Physiology

Organic Chemistry + Biology
Native Languages:

Other Languages:


Last edited:


Level 193
We appreciate you taking the time to apply, and we hope you're glad to hear your application has been accepted!
Refer to the Emergency discord upon seeing this.​

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