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Accepted P.A Professor Application | speppep


Level 2

What is your Minecraft username?:

What is your time zone?:
PST [Pacific Standard Time]
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I'm rather active on SRP. I use many of my characters to roleplay with as I learn more and different types of roleplaying people portray, I would say I'm on for a good couple hours! It's hard to say only due to school. But in general I'm a very active person on SRP and hope to stay more active during the time I'm with SRP allowing me to gain more roleplay with others.
Down below is a rough estimate of how long I usually am on SRP during the whole week


Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
While SRP is so far the only network I have roleplayed on I have been on SRP for 3 years, I still need to learn somethings on SRP but in general SRP is my main source of SRP and will probably be for awhile as I really like the community and find it a enjoyable place to learn. And that the server is frequently updated with new rules and roles!

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Grade-12 [speppep]
What is the subject you want to teach?:
P.A (Drama)

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

What is my motivation for being a professor? Well for starters I have been playing SRP for some time learning all different types of role play experiences out there, as for currently I have found more interest in going more into the experience of teaching! I think this will be something new for me to learn and to explore in general, as for other reasons! I have a passion for drama and drama is a subject I would love to teach people in SRP. I think it's more important only because recently looking at the roster there are not a lot of performing art professors! This is my main motivation that would be for becoming a professor

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

I would have them break into individual groups of 2-3 students and have the students discuss what kind of short improv scene from a film, musical, or theater production they would like to reenact. After each group finishes their discussion, each group will one by one come up in front of the class and perform their small piece to the class.

Splitting the class into 2 groups, each group will write a script and rehearse all together, allowing them to write a play for the class of their own imagination and creation. For when the next class would be hosted, they would show their piece to me and the other group.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
I will direct the class to the forest campsite, and instruct each of them to pick up an inanimate object from the forest, not too far from the camp sight and will perform an improv scene with that said object. Letting them run around, and be creative with last minute ‘props’.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Latte finch would walk up to the group of college jocks, “Is there something going on here?” Latte announces her presence to the group, crossing her arms, waiting for an answer from both parties. Both being silent on the situation, Latte turns to the bobcat jock, “are there any injuries they may have inflicted on you?” The bobcat jock nods, and Latte turns to the college jocks, asking them back up and for the details of the situation. Having received the details of the situation at hand, she hands each of the college jocks a detention slip, telling them to come to the detention room once school is over. Having chased away the college jocks, Latte helps bring the bobcat jock to the nurses office for treatment. If it was a fight initiated by both parties, she would do the same but instead of just the college jocks, Latte will hand the bobcat jock a detention as well, sternly telling them they will be seeing her after school in the detention room.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbed by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Latte would let out a loud sigh, standing up from her seat and begins to walk forward the disturbing student’s desk, looking down with a stern look on her face, making eye contact with them as they sat in their seat, “How long will you keep disturbing other students peace and quiet while they work on their assignments?” Before allowing the student to speak up, she cuts him off with another sentence “I don’t think you would enjoy working on your assignment with a Principal or Dean beside you all day?” Having the student stay quiet, she lets out a gentle smile, walking back to her desk, sits back down, crossing her arms across her chest at her desk and continues to observe the students along with the other professors present if any, especially the student she sternly warned.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Latte would turn around, scanning which students would be interrupting her class, once spotted, “thank you for interrupting my class, shall we continue the lesson once you’re done putting your phones away?” smiling as she spoke to those interrupting students, once the phones were away, she’d continue explaining the lesson. If this behavior continues even after warning the cheerleaders, this time with a stern, loud voice, “Have I or have I not warned you about interrupting my class? People genuinely would love to learn. One more time, you are to leave my classroom without complaints.” sighing, and goes back to her explanation of the lesson.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Still trying to break the students, attempting to deescalate the fight, taking her radio out of her pocket, lifting up near her mouth, “Can I have assistance at the front desk! There is a fight happening and I am in need of more hands!” speaking into her radio. Once the backup arrives, each school faculty member helps to break up the fight, each faculty member takes a hold of a student trying to separate them. When the heat finally cools down, Latte would begin handing out detention slips to the students near her. Telling them why they each have a slip and must attend the detention after school.


Latte Finch originally stood at 4 '11”, with raven colored hair going down to her waist and with a black bow on the back of her head. Wearing a dark navy blue blazer with a matching pair pencil skirt along with a white shirt underneath. Her navy blue heels give her some height, allowing her to stand at 5’2. A rose pink matter colored lipstick ran along her lips, light pink blush across her cheek bones and her black liner. Her voice sounded like a sweet soft tone, sounding gentle to those she encountered and also having a scent of cherry wandering around her with every step she took.
Latte, doesn’t have any unique features but she learned JSL while she was young to be able to communicate to various different students. If the situation calls for it, her tone can change from the learn and experience from acting during her time in college.
Outlook on Students
Her view on students varies to their behaviors, if one is respectfully, she will reciprocate, but if a student is rude to her and disrespects others, she won’t have much high regard for them. Doing her best to use different methods of learning to help various types of students as some might not learn as quickly as others do. Hoping for the best for them in their future ensuring that they need to know some stuff, supporting them through through when they don’t understand some ares. Giving equal enough attention to each of her students is important to her, as she takes care of them as her own, caring for them even if they are too rowdy at times.
Outlook on Teachers
Lattes view on her peers as a teacher has a positive sight to it. She loves to get along with people around her age to talk with, talking about similar subjects and of how teaching is going for them. Wishing them all the best outside of their teaching life, she hopes to build friendships with them to where they hang out outside off of school grounds. She enjoys teaching along her peers, as she can lend a hand if need be, also when she needs help. If a teacher is wrongfully doing something, she wouldn’t think twice to step up and point out what they are doing, in hoping that would help them improve as a teacher, ensuring both teachers and students.
Latte is a gentle woman, who gives out a lot of kindness even when not asked. She knows where her boundaries are and puts a line when things get out of hand. She loves teaching and being around enthusiastic kids, expressing it in a way where in hopes her students will reciprocate the energy. During her classes, Latte has an upbeat energy, as to wake everyone up and hyped, turning into a serious expression when students aren’t behaving very nicely, warning them sternly. She doesn’t like to scold students, but the love for her students is big, hoping that some punishment will help them grow into a better person in the near future.
As Latte doesn’t know what will happen in the future, she wishes to still be teaching until she reaches the age of retirement with a loving husband and children of her own, Doing theater acting or directing as a side job if the opportunity rises. Latte loves teaching and watching children grow up, helping through hard times, makes her happy as she feels like she’d doing something for these students. Hoping to still teach as a drama professor with her new and old peers, seeing new students walk and graduating ones, walk out in their own future.
Latte Finch was born on the day of February 25th, 1997, in the city of Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. She was put up for adoption by her parents as they were teenagers but decided they couldn’t take care of a child as they were too young. Latte was taken by in the orphanage up until the age of 5 months, a young married couple unable to produce children of their own, Iris Finch, a professional pianist and Miles Finch, a real estate agent. The couple flew from Karakura, Japan for vacation, and stumbled across an orphanage. Out of curiosity, they decided to look look around, once they spotted the young baby, Latte, they fell in love immediately and decided to adopt her from then on. Flying back to Karakura, Latte was a cheerful child growing up, with various different dreams, and aspirations, the couple, loved Latte and couldn’t have it any other way, even if she was not their birth child. As she grew up to the age of 15, she wanted to pursue into becoming a teacher, teaching the subject Drama, as she lives acting and performing various different people or roles. She studied hard, took acting classes outside of school, to get her dream job, going through a lot of fails and successes. At the age of 17, there happened to be a fire at a nearby apartment while Latte was at school, unknowing that her parents dove into the fire to help the residents within the building, unfortunately breathing in too much smoke, and passes away within the building, as all the residents were safe outside. Latte wasn’t aware until she came home, seeing the incident, scurring through the crowd to find her parents, panicked, she asked a nearby officer if they had seen them, describing their appearances. The officer explained about them going into the fire, trying to save everyone, and never came back out. Distressed, she tried going into the fire smokey fire, but was held back by the officer present, sobbing, screaming “They’re all I have..!! NO..!!” unable to hold it together, fearing what could happen to them. After a few hours without news, and the fire dying down, she broke free of the officers, running into the ashy apartment building, searching frantically for her parents. Latte, froze, at the sight of her parents laying on the ground, holding each others hands, not breathing. She broke down, crying nonstop as firefighters ran towards her cries. Latte was in distraught at the funeral, but overcame that sadness, remembering on how much they loved her, finding her own strength, going through hardships, she continued to pursue her dreams, in hopes her parents stay happy. Wanting to help students as the same as her parents helped others.



Full Name:

Latte Finch
“My full name as of Current is Latte Finch”
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“I would like to be addressed as Miss Finch”
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Gender & pronouns:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura City

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

2 years
“I was an assistant teacher for Two years after I graduated college. I would have gone to college classes to help and observe later on I also helped at some high school classes!”
Working Experience (# of years):
5 years
Academic Degree:
Drama Degree
‘I received my Drama degree in 2021 finishing college”
Year of Graduation:
HS: 2016
College: 2021
“I graduated highschool in 2016 and then took a break for a bit! After that I graduated college in 2021”
“Literature and Drama”
Native Languages:
“As I grew up in Japan, Japanese is the only Native Language I know”
Other Languages:
“I learned some JSL things while growing up!”
Preferred Teaching Subject:
P.A (Drama)​


Level 95
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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