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Denied P.E Teacher Application

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IGN (In Game Name): Amarigaming_YT
Previous bans: none

Describe your activity on the server:

Do you have TeamSpeak3? On PC, And Mobile

Do you have a microphone? Yes

List your current and past applications:
What is your motivation for applying?:
Just to have an army...

Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise):
I've never been a teacher but I know what it looks like and how to do it.

Your Teachers In Game Name (Make it relevent to your Minecraft Name): Mr.Amari
Your Teachers In Game Age:29
Teachers Subject: P.E

Have you read & understood the megathread?
Yes, The coin thing yes

From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the Teacher Group. Why would you change that?

The amount of bulling and Gangsters.


Present to us your knolledge about Teachers in game and out of game, what purpose to they serve, what salary they get. Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in there spare time in general.
That all teachers have their sides a good one, and a bad one, but my character is a changing one. Teachers just want to teach so if no one talk, their job would be 10x more easier. Special Education Teacher, Preschool, Kindergarten, or Elementary School 1977 salaries, about a year $44,878. They teach an exact way the county teaches the teachers. For example, like the mathematical ways and the ELA on too. There's still a ton of them though, including the ones above this sentence. They well, have their time, it like a sort of recess, I guess.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server:
Because it's a school, that's were you get tought.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?

He looks like a man that parkours his way to school. He fights Gansters for his life and he has actual eagle eyes.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
I'll be like.... No, get out of here before I make you...

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?
No they will be listening they don't have anything else to do.
When in a teacher lounge, how does your character act?
He acts chilled out.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom.
/me is pushing you past your limit
/me is proud to be your teacher
/me is grading you test
/me is starting up the fitness test soundtrack
/me is counting how many people are here today
Back when I was 10 I was a nerd but broke through it and became a fighter, a Gangsters fighter... the time it happen was when I was in an ally way getting to my apartment until I was stopped by a group of gangsters. They took my laptop, my phone my watch, my old gloves, and my money. That's when I couldn't take it anymore... I.. I... snaped... I went full street fighter mode and fought the to the death. They barely suvived out of it. So I broke my laptop in the process. My phone and watch were ok, and I retrieved my money. Then the next day fights happend and lots of people got hurt from trying to fight me. They were... weak. Well to me atleast. So finnishing up elementary school and on to middle school. Still everyone was trying to fight me. I don't know why but I kept it to minimum as much power as I could possible to not kill them... but they'ed still come out pretty hurt. No mader how less I tried I couldn't do it I was to strong. Then, my mom got me Te-kwan-do to cool me down. Then in an impossible 2 months I became a black belt. The possibilities after that were limitless! So I decided to do parkour to up my get away just in case. I know it sounds weird but I know it will come in handy at some point in my time of life or even help others. Now I'm in high school not as many people fought with me than in elementary school, but now I'm in college and tons of fights, I mean tons!! So then I realized wait if I fight so much then why not teach it! So, now finnishing up my studing, I keep it right to finish and put it in first while everyone is behind and then bam, I realized it's been 2 weeks already and time for the results! I did it WOOOOHH 100% on it too, and that's how I'm here today.

Additional notes about your application (if any): thank you for taking your time reading this app.
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