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pash too | Don't take roles upon temporary bans or

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Level 87
kii was respectful, sweet, caring, and always stayed away from harm and she just couldn't report her friend because she felt bad and she didn't involve at all
Well see with this case you’re talking about, I understand from both sides but she had every right in that point to tell said friend to stop trying to break rules and educate them. Even if she doesn’t wanna be involved, the moment you know about the situation, you’re stepping on an iceberg, especially when other people KNOW that you know. Not sure what the friend did but I guess that doesn’t matter. It only matters about Kii. I understand Kii is hardworking based on your description but rules are rules at the end of the day. I’m not saying that she should have her role revoked if only banned for a few days but someone else made the main point [they ask on applications about your punishment history] and that’s for a reason. They need someone in high positioning roles to be a role model oocly at the very least.

Level 40
+1, depends on the severity. if someone was ERPing, bypassing or sum, obviously it's only reasonable to lose their roles. If it was a false ban and they've appealed or they just didn't break a suuper bad rule, I don't see why they have to lose their faction roles.


Level 331
This is a reminder for everyone in these forums threads not to bring up specific situations concerning banned players. There is a lot of background to these bans that cannot be revealed to you. Asking for someone to get unbanned in the feedback forums will not change anything, not to mention that it is not the right place to report any sort of staff misbehavior

When responding, please take a general point of view instead of giving your opinion on a particular situation, as this should be kept privately in DMs to avoid instigating drama


Level 183
Thread starter
There is a lot of background to these bans
u mean her status that she spoke with the person abt and they handled it and figured it wasn't targeted towards anyone? Not a very long background.. I don't think there's anything else to this, kii wouldn't harass anyone.. And I was just giving kii as an example, come on xo


Level 151
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
This is more of a complaint rather than a suggestion (respectfully). There’s always the ability to submit a staff report should you want to argue a ban rather than take the entire staff team to a public forum.


Level 183
Thread starter
This is more of a complaint rather than a suggestion (respectfully). There’s always the ability to submit a staff report should you want to argue a ban rather than take the entire staff team to a public forum.
I've been repeating myself over and over, you can't report the staff because what they did rules-wise is correct, but humanity-wise isn't.. If it was you, you would've understood.. If it was you, I would've done this for u too

Anyways, let's stay on the feedback topic and not get back to the complaint in that case!


Level 151
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I've been repeating myself over and over, you can't report the staff because what they did rules-wise is correct, but humanity-wise isn't.. If it was you, you would've understood.. If it was you, I would've done this for u too

Anyways, let's stay on the feedback topic and not get back to the complaint in that case!
Once again, you can still make an official report. I’ll repeat myself again. It is up to the faction lead’s final decision to remove someone from a faction, not anyone else’s decision. Should you have an issue with a role in particular being removed, there is a forum to report that.


Level 183
Thread starter
I'll rephrase my suggestion in any case though!

Do not remove people from faction people until the denial or fail of their ban appeal, and in the case it does fail can the faction think they're a bad representation for their faction and remove them..


Level 183
Thread starter
Once again, you can still make an official report. I’ll repeat myself again. It is up to the faction lead’s final decision to remove someone from a faction, not anyone else’s decision. Should you have an issue with a role in particular being removed, there is a forum to report that.
Once again, read my other replies to understand why the hell u don't make any sense. I'll repeat myself again, let's stay on the thread's topic and not add more replies related to the situation before I get too toxic on u c:

If you have an argument against the feedback not the situation that you do not have any involvement in, go ahead and give a reply, the rephrase is above!


Level 184
News Lead
Thread locked

Thread has been locked due to unnecessary comments being made. This for Feedback, not arguments.


Level 353
HS Sports Lead
This is solely up to the faction lead, it's not a rule in our rule-book and certainly isn't in any guideline.

Logically, if you're banned permanently or for 14 days+ the likely-hood of you reaching your quota for any specific faction is slim to none, hence why some faction leads may remove players for getting themselves banned
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