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Pennysgone | News Reporter Application


Level 1
[OOC Section]

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:

None, I've never been banned.

Describe your activity on the server:

I'm usually online for a solid chunk of the day unless I have something else going on that keeps me away from my computer.

Do you have Discord?

Yes, it's Pennysgone#2700

Do you have a microphone?

I certainly have a microphone!

List your current and past applications:

Korean Language: Accepted
College Application: Accepted
Russian Language: Accepted

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying for the news is to try out something new! I feel like I need to expand my experiences on the server and what better way than to get a job? I've been on the school scene for quite a while and feel that a different environment might give my roleplay a fresh coat of paint and a new purpose.

What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?

Journalists research and report information to the public. They collect as much reliable information that they can and compose an article to inform people on topics and situations.

Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?

Reporters are important to SchoolRP because they inform the citizens of Karakura of what's going on around them. This can either provide insight into a situation that they've witnessed, inform them of certain groups or businesses, or provide information on a specific person or event.

[IC Section]


Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:

Jiyoo is a 5'6" Korean female with both bright eyes and a smile! She has brown hair and dark eyes, with a light amount of makeup painted on her face. She's very caring and can be a little overprotective at times. On the job, she's very professional, trying her best to come across friendly rather than rude. Off the job, she's a lot more bubbly and hangs out with friends. She aims to be fairly friendly with her co-workers and avoid causing any problems that would affect her work performance. Her plans for the future include moving up in the business world, since pursuing an entertainment dream has sailed and sunk.

Jiyoo Lee is a Korean girl born on January 29, 1996. In her early years, Jiyoo’s sole goal was to become an idol, but her ideas were quickly shot down. Her parents only wanted the best for their daughter and thought the best way to succeed was through a good education, not through fame and glory. So, the decision was made that she was to live with her mother’s sister and pursue a better education for the duration of her high school years, and eventually her college years. Once she arrived, and much to her surprise, her aunt encouraged Jiyoo to pursue her dream of becoming an idol and offered to pay for lessons. The catch, however, was that she had to keep her GPA up to keep her parents pleased. At first, it was a struggle to improve her grades, considering she wasn't all that concerned with her grades until that point. Although over time, she developed a mutual relationship with studying. She didn't hate it but she didn't favor it either. But she pushed through everything with her eye on the prize, and luckily enough it paid off. Her grades were decent, her parents were happy and unaware that she was training for something else, and her life was put together.
Sadly, tragedy struck, and her beloved aunt passed away two years into living with her. She was kicked out of the apartment, lived in the streets, and starved for around a month. Her parents, because of their financial situation, couldn't fly her home. For another 2 months, she searched for jobs, let her grades drop tremendously, and suffered through several nights on a park bench. When she returned to school the following year, she was a different person. She dyed her hair, cut off connection with her parents, worked three jobs, and had a less agreeable demeanor. Eventually, she got herself out of the hole she was in, and still kept her promise to her aunt by keeping her grades up.
Obviously, Jiyoo has gone through her phases and reverted back to the friendly person she was before the chaotic events occurred. However, she's become more practical and merely pursues her dreams as hobbies rather than a full-time job.

[SECTION 1: Personal Details]

Full Name:

Jiyoo Quinzelle Lee

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:





Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:

Karakura, Japan

Phone Number:


[SECTION 2: Academic Details]

Years of training:


Working Experience:

Considering she had to focus on her studies, Jiyoo never found the time to get a job. She's never had any experience working in a shop, restaurant, or store.

Academic Degree:

Bachelor's Degree in Journalism

Year of Graduation:






Native Languages:


Other Languages:



Level 165
╰──➢ ;── [ACCEPTED] ──;

╭ ⁞ ❏. You should get door perms to the building soon. ;

┊ ⁞ ❏.You will receive all of your roles eventually. ;

┊ ⁞ ❏.Contact me once you’re online for your rank on the server (And door perms). ;

┊ ⁞ ❏.Read all chats listed under the “REPORTER” category. ;

┊ ⁞ ❏. Post a message in general of the K-News discord in order to receive your role quicker.;

Dm me on discord once you have read this message.

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