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Accepted Performance Arts Teacher App

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Do you have a microphone?:
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I'm aware and understand.
Describe your activity on the server:
Just got back into it, I'm finna be way more active.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

12th Grade


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Performance Arts
What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I love the SRP community and the people who are apart of it most of the time. I've always seen teachers around the school hosting classes and teaching students as well as hosting fun exciting activities that people in the class can get involved in and have honest fun. I have always wanted to try out a part of SRP that includes teaching others and become a teacher being able to host classed and teach students about things as well as host fun entertaining classes that draw people in and keep them interested. I also want to give myself a bit of a challenge and try and teach people as well as deal with problems that may come up in roleplay. I want to be able to be someone the community looks up to and some one people enjoy attending my classes and being taught by me. love to teach and also show people how to do it. I'm usually helping out in and out of roleplay and feel as being able to teach would be such a fun and Golden opportunity to be apart of.
Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes I understand and I will attempt to enjoy every moment of it I'll enjoy it so much and be happy to roleplay under that role (if needed) and be able to be a teacher.
What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
From what I know and do they are like Activity logs and are used to keep track of the teachers activity and what they have managed to achieve in the class as well as how many classes they have done in the month or day. It's also used to keep track of grades and also to show how many classes they have done and how much they can be paid. It's also to keep track as I said before to show who's active and hosting classes and also make it so that the admin can remove their role if they are inactive.
As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Respecting one another.
The teachers should be able to focus and be able to teach the class with pure respect and kindness. As well as the students are expected to be respective of the people around them in the class as well as the teachers around them.

No Violence
No violence will be tolerated/tolerated in the classroom or during class time. If there are any sort of violence it will result in detention fail to follow instructions will result in further punishment.

The use of bad/foul language will not be tolerated and too will result in a detention if failed to follow intrusions will also result in further punishment.

No Phones/Eating or Gadgets
Students have the right to have their phone with them within the school grounds however if one is pulled out in class it is not permitted or allowed. Same thing goes with food: no food is to be passed around the classroom or eating any food is not to be allowed. The use of gadgets is not allowed and if it is used it will be asked to put it away if it fails to follow the rules I request. Staff will be called.

No Illegal Items
Students are not to have any illegal substances in the classroom that can consist of alcohol, smoking or any form of weapons.

Being Kind/Polite
When in the classroom teachers are to be welcoming and supportive and to help guide the students and they're learning. The students too have to raise their hand if they choose to ask a question or need assistance within the class.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I feel I have had a decent amount of experience in roleplay. I started roleplaying back in December 2020 and have been active roleplaying everyday. I've worked hard and taken inspiration from other people to help advance and become better at roleplaying. I then started to become creative and roleplay on other servers around the Minecraft community but I always came back to the SRP community and its unique roleplaying systems. I always loved and lived for the different versions of roleplay and roles that the other servers had as well as SRP and wanted to challenge myself so I joined The Basketball Team for the Male Bobcats challenge at first but then opened up a lot of opportunities for me and also taught me how to detail roleplay as well as other forms of roleplay. I have multiple characters and some have different personalities to challenge myself and give me a variety of choices of what I want to roleplay as.
In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning: Head of Department

↳ Description: They are the teachers or people who have worked around the educational department for a long time. They are well respected and experienced in their job and would also be able to help out the newer colleagues.

- QT
↳ Meaning: Qualified Teacher

↳ Description: They are usually newly qualified teachers and are normally moved up from the rank they were before. They have worked hard and hosted multiple classes regarding the subject they specialize in teaching. If they work in that job for long enough they can be promoted head of department. They can be granted this rank once they have worked hard enough and gotten to the higher rank.

↳ Meaning: Newly Qualified Teacher

↳ Description: They have just finished their training and now are able to host classed independently. They can host up to as many as they choose and can easily advance up to a higher rank by undergoing the SLT test.

- UT
↳ Meaning: Unqualified Teacher

↳ Description: They are newly joined teachers who have just become part of the education department. They have to undergo training by the higher up teachers and are not permitted to host their own classes but are to prepare during it so that when they pass their training they are prepared.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers are usually so dedicated to their work. They usually always come into a class with determination. They always show a smile and are calm and past tense and despite the fact they may be tired or pushed to their limits they manage to keep doing though the troubles or issues and are able to still teach the classes. They are always guiding and helping the students who may have issues or understand and are always inspiring others to do so. Even though they may have hard times with the students in their classes they still forgive them and help them out. They encourage each and every student in different ways and are always welcoming new students into the subject or class.
Teachers will get paid IC 450,000 yen every OOC month if completing 15 classes. Though an extra 50,000 yen is given out to any of the teachers who complete/host 10 extra classes , teachers would have to host 25 classes per OOC month to get the payment of 500,000 yen.
Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers IC are there to help out the class and manage it keeping the entire class together, they assign fun interactive games to keep the classes attention and are supportive and respectful. The whole role of being a teacher IC and OOC is to help prepare students for the future and challenges that may lie ahead of them. They are there to help support and guide the students through different subjects so they can find something they want to do or want to get better at so they can chase their dreams. Teachers try to make things interesting and keep the class engaged so that they enjoy the lessons and want to come back and keep learning. The whole job of being a teacher is to be a role model for the students so that they look up to them as well as a guidance to also teach them about subjects to help them once they are able to face the world by themselves.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
School Roleplay the name of the server explains what it is. Without any of the teachers or any form of the education department there the students would not be getting any form of education in the Campus and that would be having the school as useless. Without the teachers or the school in general the students could not be classified as students but civilians instead. And there for the whole point of the name School Roleplay would be pointless.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?
Yuka is a 6’3 Korean male with Brown hair and a low monotone voice. He would smell like Versace Eros. He would have a condition where he says what he thinks but he had learned how to control it at serious times. is unique by a few factors. Yuka loves being able to learn new things, and experience all of what life can offer him. Also he is a very defensive person at times but also as he tries to bring light and justice to most situations. Yuka enjoys the company of his co-workers. He respects them and their opinions even if they have a different outlook than he does. Yuka hopes that he and his coworkers can get along inside and outside of the workplace. He values any conversation he has with his coworkers and takes their interests and hobbies into account. He plans to further his career as a Teacher.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

He would approach the group in a calm but collected manner and with in a stern voice but also not yelling or showing any form of aggressiveness or anger ask them to not swear or cuss and be respectful as well this is a learning environment as well as tell them why he's asked them nicely not to do that to make sure they understand the reasons behind it as well as also telling them that they will be getting a detention of this bad manner is continued before walking off.
No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
He would whistle loudly and use his height to his advantage to stand taller to make himself look a little more serious before signaling to the students to quiet down and explain so that they could get on with the lesson and do some activities.
When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
He would grab a snack of some sort and a glass or cup of something and go join in and interact with his other colleagues chatting to them about anything they would be interested in or just joining in on an ongoing convocation. Being kind and welcoming as well as respectful about his space and the people around him he may also offer to help out with detentions if honestly needed.
Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me He would stand before his class, his eyes glowing with excitement and determination before he would calmly raise his voice not too loud but loud enough so that the students would be able to hear him and would also catch their attention. He would politely ask them to sit down in a seat so that he could start off the class before bowing and waiting for the students to follow the given instructions.
/me He would smile warmly looking over at all his students before clapping her hands together and talking with a loud confident voice so his class could hear him "Welcome to Performing Arts we will be doing some fun activities before starting anyone have any questions?" And if any questions would pop up he would point to the student and ask them "Yes sir."
/me He would look over his class smiling, his eyes would be glowing with excitement and would look over to find a student who was a little uneasy. His face would change a bit and his eyes would dull a little and he would look honestly concerned so he would walk over to the student before kneeling down to face level of the student and look into their eyes and place his hand on the students shoulder asking them what was wrong and she would continue to comfort them until they had the confidence to keep going on with the class.
/me He would smile and with excitement and confidence announce 'Today's class! We'll be playing a few games of Basketball!" and throw his hands in his pockets then bring them up to rest in a cross-armed position and raise his eyebrow asking "Who's ready?"

Yuka is an undeniably aspirational man and never fails to make those surrounding him feel eternally better. His presence is instantaneously recognisable, approaching every scenario with a bright smile plastered atop his visage. His good heart reflects the way he treats surrounding members of the public. It is unlikely that Yuka would ever judge, humiliate or disrespect anyone around him - encouraging all to be the best version of themselves. His strive and determination for performing diminished the once, crippling antisocial self he was burdened with. The People he speaks to all hold a special place in his heart - whether they are enthusiastic about his subject or not. Thanks to his own history, he's naturally empathetic toward all - each and every student, colleague and family member. He respects people's decisions, opinions and feelings as well as openly supporting students when they require assistance or advice. Yuka may appear rather weird or quirky at times, over-excitable about Sports and undeniably optimistic; always rearing to go! I believe this is what makes him so unique and will form a strong bond between him and his friends.

In school, Yuka was the outgoing type of kid... but was known as the underrated young boy who was eternally labeled names like 'quiet or antisocial' and was utterly unappreciated. Each of these shameful comments caused Ikuya to cower away and avoid contact/communication with most peers. His social interaction relied on the adults in his life - primarily communicating with his tutors, teachers and SLT's. Each of these key individuals witnessed the highs and lows of Yuka's childhood - especially the social and attachment anxiety he severely struggled with. His parents and friend specifically, were semi idols in his life and utterly supportive of each decision and risk he took. His father was thoroughly invested into listening to music and playing sports so he would play music to him on the regular - especially throughout the early stages of his life. Yuka found this undeniably admirable and began expressive play, mime and acting alongside hype and 'entertaining' soundtracks in his bedroom. Yuka & his friend Saybil & his brother Ikuya were always studying together and keeping in touch with each other. This was a pivotal moment in Yuka's development. Each conversation they had made an impact on him, into a whole world of opportunities and slowly gave him the ability to communicate and truly believe in his capabilities. In a short period of time, Yuka landed his first role as a part of the Basketball Team and was pulled aside by the PE teacher in his high school soon afterwards. He had read an article about the Basketball Team-. Here, the teacher informed Yuka that he was really hoping he could express the skill and talent he had, upon school grounds - perhaps playing sports in the future. This random act of kindness and encouragement is really what made Yuka’s confidence - transitioning him into a god of the courts of performing on the courts, playing basketball & volleyball. He began to train with Saybil ,professional, qualified individuals, - taking classes from singing teachers and so on which really enhanced his skill. Throughout his ponder into the sports, Yuka began to form close and secure bonds with other passionate individuals and became utterly invested in a newly found social life. Despite the odd self-doubting tendencies, he has remained determined and aspired to go far in his future .

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s): Yuka
Preferred Name: Yuka or Mr.Mikishiba
Age (Minimum is 27): 29
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: N/A
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Japanese/Korean
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Year of Graduation: N/A
Major(s): Design arts , Theater
Minors: Sport Psychology , Physical Education
Native Languages: Japanese & Korean
Other Languages: JSL (Japanese Sign Language)

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:

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