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Permission Confirmation System


Level 174
IGN: rcwan
DATE: 08/08/23
Adding a channel to the Crime server, and using a ticket system players can follow a format to confirm if their permissions are valid or not.

GangRP is usually very known for failRP, due to people not understanding how permissions work, or people mistaking what permissions they have. With this suggestion, people can use a ticket bot (commonly used in Euphoria for applications etc), and apply a format that will be provided to check if their permissions are valid. They can be reviewed by the BMD Lead or Gang Lead, or any other trustworthy person who will understand permissions. Any further information can be discussed in the ticket, which is completely private.
It would introduce a more reliable and easier way to check if a players permissions are valid, and reduce the possible chance of a player miss-using permissions.



Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

You can already open a ticket in-game (or even go to #help) and ask a staff member to confirm perms. In any case, I think this should be left as something only staff should be answering & it's not really necessary


Level 174
Thread starter

You can already open a ticket in-game (or even go to #help) and ask a staff member to confirm perms. In any case, I think this should be left as something only staff should be answering & it's not really necessary
By "trustworthy person" I was primarily referring to staff. It also happens often or not that tickets are sometimes reviewed after the person logs off and it takes longer, and in #help it happens where the question is missed and not answered. My thinking in mind was having a concrete place where people can check their permissions, rather than relying on someone possibly seeing their ticket intime or seeing their question in #help.
+1, ive dealt with SO many majoring attempts/kps attempts that werent valid whatsoever. There could also be a command of like, /kps, /minors, /majors, with variations such as /majoruse /minorsuse /kpsuse. similar to the car permissions menu maybe? obviously it should send a chat messsage (similar to the one when you recieve a /carry) that when clicked, validates said perms. Also a /kpsgrant /minorsgrant /majorsgrant.

my bad if bad english im tired!!!


Level 174
Thread starter
I'm with Hira -1, It'll probably also cutter channels for people like staff who can see every channel
you can actually create a category where open tickets will go, which removes the issue of cluttering discords.


Level 124
-1 this is staff’s job. If you’re unsure, just dm a member of staff ..


Level 105
i think the idea of having it be open to bmd as well is a good idea, however the current ticket system works quite well otherwise


Level 115

You can already open a ticket in-game (or even go to #help) and ask a staff member to confirm perms. In any case, I think this should be left as something only staff should be answering & it's not really necessary

I don't think I've replied yet, maybe in BA-chat but heres also for the rest to read, and for if I didn't share my opinion.
Opening a ticket is a very viable option in game, it works, I agree with you on that. The only issue with it is that it takes a very long time for tickets to get reviewed by staff. This is for a multitude of reasons primarily that staff have of course other things on their plate and to deal with, so they do not always have the time to review these tickets within an hour or so.

As well as that a lot of situations cause for people to call staff during their interaction and fight, which causes a lot of trouble when it really just comes to the flow of the RP since then it has to be paused and everything the whole big ordeal centering about people questioning if the perms are valid and what not. There is a basic solution for this and that's to make screenshots of staff confirming your perms but then again still, not everyone does this

The reason why this suggestion would be helpful is because of mainly the long wait dissapearing. And I think this could be a very good option for the BMD and BMDA's to get and host, as we like every other player have access to the rules, but we as BMDA's and BMD's are also just very familiar with the rules relating to gangRP and crimeRP since it's what we mainly do. It won't eliminate the option for staff to be asked to verify perms, but more so act as a shortcut seeing as a response on tickets can take a long while (Especially for EU or Asian players, since a large portion of staff and just the player base as a whole is from the US or lives by a US timed sleep schedual, etc etc).

So in my eyes, it's quite helpful. Not a top priority and necessity, but still a very good suggestion and option.


Level 16
-1 this is staff’s job. If you’re unsure, just dm a member of staff ..
What if THAT staff doesn't understand, I remember a staff not knowing what to do ages ago, around last year and they were even confused whether this (screenshot) was valid. So not every staff is going to know as they are not in the Crime Faction, I understand that's Staff should know but, there has been mistakes from staff that gotten a huge misunderstanding.


Level 124
What if THAT staff doesn't understand, I remember a staff not knowing what to do ages ago, around last year and they were even confused whether this (screenshot) was valid. So not every staff is going to know as they are not in the Crime Faction, I understand that's Staff should know but, there has been mistakes from staff that gotten a huge misunderstanding.
Then they’ll ask another member of staff to help them with it, or they’ll tell you to go to a different staff member


Level 105
Then they’ll ask another member of staff to help them with it, or they’ll tell you to go to a different staff member
You can already open a ticket in-game (or even go to #help) and ask a staff member to confirm perms. In any case, I think this should be left as something only staff should be answering & it's not really necessary

During late times, there's usually little to no staff online - It'd be helpful for those who gangrp to be able to simply do something like create a ticket using a bot in the crime discord, which BMDs, BMDAs, etc can respond to regarding questions about perms. Whilst I agree that, generally speaking, questions like this should be left up to staff, there are also other trustworthy people that can answer such as those who regularly roleplay out crime and would definitely know the rules in regards to it


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

I think a centralized ticket system in the crime discord dedicated to confirming permissions is a good way to monitor players. Though it may seem “useless” to some, I believe it’s quite beneficial for the general playerbase and a good way to monitor who has valid permissions on someone else.


Level 16
During late times, there's usually little to no staff online - It'd be helpful for those who gangrp to be able to simply do something like create a ticket using a bot in the crime discord, which BMDs, BMDAs, etc can respond to regarding questions about perms. Whilst I agree that, generally speaking, questions like this should be left up to staff, there are also other trustworthy people that can answer such as those who regularly roleplay out crime and would definitely know the rules in regards to it
Also a point that it is true, because I've been a gangrper and had to dm a staff in discord than in game just for confirmation and to be honest. some in game tickets take a few hours to get to a staff

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