IGN: rcwan
DATE: 08/08/23
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Adding a channel to the Crime server, and using a ticket system players can follow a format to confirm if their permissions are valid or not.
GangRP is usually very known for failRP, due to people not understanding how permissions work, or people mistaking what permissions they have. With this suggestion, people can use a ticket bot (commonly used in Euphoria for applications etc), and apply a format that will be provided to check if their permissions are valid. They can be reviewed by the BMD Lead or Gang Lead, or any other trustworthy person who will understand permissions. Any further information can be discussed in the ticket, which is completely private.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It would introduce a more reliable and easier way to check if a players permissions are valid, and reduce the possible chance of a player miss-using permissions.

DATE: 08/08/23
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Adding a channel to the Crime server, and using a ticket system players can follow a format to confirm if their permissions are valid or not.
GangRP is usually very known for failRP, due to people not understanding how permissions work, or people mistaking what permissions they have. With this suggestion, people can use a ticket bot (commonly used in Euphoria for applications etc), and apply a format that will be provided to check if their permissions are valid. They can be reviewed by the BMD Lead or Gang Lead, or any other trustworthy person who will understand permissions. Any further information can be discussed in the ticket, which is completely private.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It would introduce a more reliable and easier way to check if a players permissions are valid, and reduce the possible chance of a player miss-using permissions.